Joey said:
^ You're the stupidest person on the forums in a long time. Do you ever read anything, think, or take anything in? Your black and white thought process is driving me insane and you twist words into knotts.
While I don't agree with the content, I agree with Intick's sentiment.
I can't see how gay parents can possibly mean it's more likely that children will grow up gay, unless you have references Joey that sexuality is due to nurture, rather than nature? Paedophiles are that way because they grew up surrounded by children. Will was brought up in a shoe shop. George Michael's father was a sausage maker.
Yes, if you are exposed to a thing, and it's treated as "acceptable", then you are more likely to be attracted to that side of things. However, as much as I have fond memories of weekends away attending bus rallies and crown green bowling events with my dad, I have no love for either things. Yet my attraction to roller coasters and theme parks was absolutely the result of my exposure to them as a youngster.
If I'd had exposure to neither, I'd still have no desire to attend bus rallies or play crown green bowls, but I would still love coasters and theme parks (though perhaps not to such a degree). My personal tastes, my likes and dislikes are purely a part of the biological make-up of my brain and glands. My upbringing had no affect on my sexual desires, and to say it does I think is naive and I'd have thought with your interest in the complexities of the human brain Joey, you'd have thought the same. It's all just biology. We can no more be persuaded in our sexuality than we can the number of fingers we have. Or our liking of chocolate ice-cream over vanilla.
To the topic :lol:
The world is certainly changing, and it's now much more acceptable to be gay. When I was growing up, you got beaten up for being different in any way. Usually for being coloured (racism died when in the UK? certainly later than the 1980s), or having just one parent, or supporting the wrong football team, or for being gay. To be honest, it didn't really matter the reason. If you're going to be the target for bullies, you're going to be the target. Any "reason" given is just made up as an excuse. Now, you may think it's worse to be in a situation that encourages that, but I really don't think so. We're a more accepting society now, and the 4.4 family unit is utterly broken. Nobody has a "normal" home now as was accepted even 10-20 years ago.
As long as adults can be accepting of the relationship between a same sex couple, the kids will be too. Actually, going back to my tirade against Joey :lol:
I've known women who spend a lot of time together, single mums helping each other out with child care etc. The kids don't think "my mum and her friend are gay". They just see it as "big people doing grown up things like cooking, cleaning and shouting at me for hitting little Bobby". Kids don't see sexualisation in their parents, they just see authority/nurturers. My kids don't know how sexually active me and madame_Furie are or not, because we don't parade our sexual natures in front of the kids. They saw more affection between me and Jerry (I gave him a hug hello and goodbye) than they ever see between me and madame_furie. That's not to say we aren't affectionate, but we keep it to ourselves, it's a private thing. We're very affectionate to the children though, which is the important thing, kids need reassurance and affection and they get it in abundance. Sorry...
The only way kids will know their parents are "gay" would hopefully be because they're told by them, or a grown up parent of the child's friend tells them (or the "friend"). That would only be done through family understanding, or maliciousness. Either way, it'll all come out in the wash.
Obviously, the core is "as long as the child/ren are loved and cared for, it really doesn't matter". I can't see any reason why a gay couple couldn't go through exactly the same adoption checks as a straight couple to adopt a child. As long as they are physically, mentally and financially stable enough and can provide a good home, then fine.
The stupid thing? While it may be abhorrent to the person involved, a lesbian woman could find a willing sperm donor in town on any weekend night and they'd never know they'd given a "naturally achieved" child to a lesbian couple. Likewise, I'm sure that a gay man could find somebody who would be willing to be surrogate mother. In fact, I'll bet there are actually a number of kids out there who have ended up with a gay father leaving to be part of a gay couple, and the mother has allowed access as she would if he had left to another woman.
It seems stupid to me that there's resentment towards this kind of thing happening, yet for a straight woman to constantly be dropping out the babies of strangers into a single parent household is deemed as "perfectly normal".