Re: Florida 2014: Day 24, Universal and Islands of Adventure
The final day of theme parking, this trip report will be finished today...hopefully.
Monday 11th August: Day 25, Magic Kingdom WDW
I made no notes from this day as we didn't get back until stupid o'clock and the next day we were packing and flying home so it'll literally be from memory.
We had a small lie in first thing before getting up and packing some more things. We had lunch in the villa to finish up some of the food.
But before long we made our way over to Magic Kingdom for a final day of Disney magic and theme parking in Florida.
We boarded the monorail and made our way over to the entrance.
Neither of us appeared too amused that it would be our last day here.
Thank you!
And we entered Main Street and were once again greeted by the beauty of the castle.
We first of all stopped to have some photos in front of the castle taken.
We had a fast pass on Space Mountain to use so we headed straight over to that.
I was over the moon that I finally had managed to get a decent, non-blurry photo of the rides trains!
We rode Omega and it was absolutely brilliant. The best ride I'd had on the coaster(s), it felt so relentless and out of control. I remember feeling concerned that my camera/wallet/phone wouldn't stay in the little pouch at the front but they all remained with me. Such a good ride, thoroughly enjoyed it!
It had been closed for refurbishment the whole time we had been there but Peoplemover was now open!
It's basically a monorail that takes you around, giving you a bird's eye view of Tomorrowland. Just as we arrived at the front of the queue, it broke down. Ugh. We had to wait twenty or so minutes for it to start up again but it eventually did.
It's good fun and gives some good views, but I can't quite see what all the fuss is about, it just doesn't 'do' anything. I did quite like how, when the ride goes into different ride stations the tunnel was themed to that ride. (Looking through my photos now I have no decent ones to show this, and I'm going to go against my rule of no blur, but this one is in the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin tunnel and is themed as such.
The ride did give good view of the castle and Spedona Speedway too.
We could just see the parade going on whilst we were on the Peoplemover.
I'd like to do it again at night to be honest. I did enjoy it.
Next we headed over to Fantasyland to ride The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.
Whilst in the queue the heavens OPENED. Thankfully we were under cover or we would have gotten soaked! I tried to pass this off for character points on League of Goons, but for some reason Peep wouldn't let me. #Spite
I loved how the cars were themed to honey pots, they looked brilliant.
The ride takes you through a story of the day a big storm hits the 100 acre woods (where they all live if you didn't realise). It features several animatronics and moving scenes. It is good, I can imagine kids loving it. I particularly enjoyed the Tigger bit with him bouncing up and down on his tail. Give it a go, it's good fun!
Because it's AMAZING, A Small World had to happen next.
I didn't take any photos inside the ride this time, I wanted to just enjoy it and take it all in. It is just such a fantastic ride. I suppose it helps that I grew up to the tune but all the animatronics and the bright lights make it fantastic!
By now it was time for our second fast pass, booked for Splash Mountain.
Another great ride. I have nothing to add that I haven't said before but I just really really enjoy it.
Haunted Mansion was next, we queued despite the 45 minute queue.
I really enjoyed this once again. Because we were queuing for longer than last time it meant I could really take in the interactivity in the queue line which sometimes worked, sometimes didn't. The ride itself is also great. I really like the attention to detail and the transparency of the ghosts. All works well. I really want to ride Hong Kong's equivalent after what Gavin has said about it.
Once done Dole whip happened. Beautiful things.
Then we went to the Enchanted Tiki Rooms. I had no idea what to expect and my gosh was I in for a treat. There were two birds who introduced us in the queue line.
There was also a momentary period of fire which made me happy.
As I'm sure you know it is a load of singing birds. I make it sound absolutely **** but it is really good and really entertaining. I certainly wasn't expecting it!
There were also singing flowers and at one point even the walls chipped in. There were a series of songs where more and more of these animatronics joined in with the singing. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I believe Big Thunder Mountain Railroad happened next (I assume this was our last fast pass of the day? I can't remember. That'll teach me to leave it over 7.5 months before I bother writing up about it).
Another great ride, I will miss this, it was one of the biggest surprises of the trip.
I have a gap from photos so whether we did anything in between this and dinner I don't know, but I'm sure the two people reading won't mind me skipping to dinner.
We went to the Sonny Eclipse diner again. I had half a chicken, mash potato (ugh, why I ordered mash I really don't know) and veg.
I was browsing through Twitter and heard the devastating news that Robin Williams had died. I wouldn't say it had put a dampener on our evening, but with the steady rain that had seem to set in outside, things didn't feel quite as magical as they should have done on our last night in Florida. We had to change that!
What better way to cheer up than with a cred, and the last cred of the trip for me, Barnstormer!
Like I already mentioned, it was raining, so we were getting damp but there was a cred to be got!
Meh, it was alright, it was a kiddie cred after all. +1 and done. Nothing more needs to be said.
On the way back to find the Maycock parents we decided to ride the Flying Dumbos. Lit up at night they looks magnificent!
They looked much more impressive than the same sort of ride at Universal Studios, but overall I just enjoyed these more, probably because it was at night and I could see all the lights across the nearby part of the park and it just looked beautiful. I'm glad we rode.
We headed back over to Peoplemover because I had said I wanted to ride it at night.
I did enjoy it more at night, it gave some great views of the castle and Space Mountain lit up at night. The problem with movement...especially at night is most of my photos were a blur so I won't bother posting.
Time was now running short for us to get back over to the castle for Wishes so as soon as we arrived back at the ride station of Peoplemover we headed straight over to the front.
I didn't take any photos of the fireworks tonight. I just stood and watched in awe and amazement. It kind of hit me that this was it, flying home tomorrow, this was to be my last magical Disney experience, and that made me sad, but also happy because I'd had an amazing four weeks.
The show was spectacular as I expected. I stood and watched in silence for 20 minutes loving every second of the show.
But the story didn't end there.
As it was only 10.30 when the show finished, we still had another 90 minutes before the park shut so we went over and rode Peter Pan's Flight.
The ride started and as soon as we left the station we lifted up! We had started to fly, over London. It was great. Past Tower Bridge and Big Ben. We followed the second star on the right and went straight on until morning, and we were soon flying over Neverland. There were mermaids and boats and fish, as well as Captain Hook and Mr. Smee! We also came across the Lost Boys.
Peter Pan and Captain Hook were fighting when we arrived but we managed to stop Wendy from jumping the plank. We finally landed back in the ride station. Thoroughly enjoyable! Good fun, I always liked Peter Pan and I haven't seen it for years so it brought back the memories of the film. Loved it.
We knew that the second Electrical Parade of the evening was about to start so we once again made our way down to the front of the castle which, as I was there, thought I'd take a selfie in front of.
And yes, I also took a sad selfie. I'm so cool.
Soon we could see the floats from the electrical parade begin their journey up Main Street. I'll just chuck in a load of photos and give opinions later.
I loved how he was breathing smoke, worked really well.
It was a really good show. I liked the music, 'Do Dooloo doodledoodle doodle' as nadroJ commented on a photo when I put them on Facebook

. It was just a really nice way to finish off the day and, in a sense, the holiday. Really enjoyed it.
It was pushing midnight now so we headed over to the shops in Main Street to spend our last remaining $$$.
I bought a photo album but I still haven't sorted out photos to put in it yet. This annoys me. One day. It was pretty much 1am before we left. I had never been in a theme park so long that tomorrow arrived whilst still in the park, but I was loving being there all the same. The monorail had finished for the night long ago so our only option back was the Ferryboat which I was more than happy to catch.
We caught the Admiral Joe Fowler.
On the journey back we got some great views across the lake of the Magic Kingdom.
I loved Magic Kingdom, more than any park I have ever been to. I don't know what it is but it's just, for me, perfect. It's overwhelmingly detailed and beautiful, it has a fantastic array of highly and accurately themed, rides. There's childhood memories here for me from watching the films as a kid, and for what reason I can't see Magic Kingdom ever being toppled off my number one park...unless another Disney park is better
I hope you do!
We made our way back to the villa, it was gone 2am by the time we got into bed. Had to be up reasonably early to pack the remainder of our things and be out of the villa by 10am.
Thank you very much once again for reading. I'll finish this off with day 26, homecoming this afternoon I expect.