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Florida 2012: Busch Pt. 2 and a VILE contraption!


Giga Poster
So I got back from Florida about a week ago, and took some pics while I was there, and decided to make into a trip report. I'm still in the process of uploading the pictures onto my computer, so for now, I'll give you a "schedule" of sorts.

Day 1
Driving from Moncton, NB (home) to Bangor,ME to fly out the next morning. About 5 hour drive.

Day 2
Fly out of Bangor,ME at 9:00AM, Connecting in Washington, DC, and flying into Orlando at 2:00. After we pickup our luggage, we rent our car, and head to Seaworld.

Day 3
Driving from our hotel in Orlando to Madeira Beach, which is near Clearwater.
Orlando-Beach #1

Day 4, 5
Beach :)

Day 7
Driving up to Tampa to hit up Busch Gardens for the day.

Day 8, 9, 10, 11
More time at Madeira Beach.

Day 12
Driving from Madeira Beach to Melbourne Beach, having half the day for Beach.

Day 13
Melboune Beach Full day

Day 14
Driving from Melbourne in the morning to IOA and spending the day there.

Day 15
Flying from Orlando to Baongor, Connecting in Philidelphia, then driving back home.

Anyway, I'll be posting pictures soon!
Re: Florida 2012 (Seaworld, Busch, IOA, and Beach)

Well, I was waiting for some comments to come, but really there isn't much to comment on, so I'll just get right to it. I'll do the first 2 days today.

Day 1
Driving from Moncton, NB (home) to Bangor,ME to fly out the next morning. About 5 hour drive.

What happens when your tired, and stuck in a car.


And taking pictures by accident:

After we left home at about 5 o'clock, we arrived at our hotel (Fairfield Inn by Marriott) at about 8:30 (Bangor time, 1 hour behind ours), and went to bed to get up at 7:00 in the morning to catch our flight which left at 9:15.

Day 2
Fly out of Bangor,ME at 9:00AM, Connecting in Washington, DC, and flying into Orlando at 2:00, and then head to SeaWorld.

After waking up, we went downstairs for complimentry breakfast. I had Fruit Loops, and English Muffin (or nooks and crannys) and some juice, and headed upstairs to get my bag.


Using the Park and Fly program, we left our truck at the hotel, and took a cab (with a rather sketchy driver) to the airport. After getting off the tiny airplane, we had a short turnaround in DC (about 45 minutes) and managed to get a bit of food down, considering we probably won't have lunch. I bought a bag of Mini-Cookies, and saved it for the plane ride to Orlando. After boarding our crowded flight, I managed to snag a few pics of the coastline from above:



After landing, grabbing our luggage and feeling the amazingness of Florida air, we got out rental car and headed out to SeaWorld!

After arriving, Manta had a long wait, so we headed to Kraken (I say KRAY-ken) to see what it was like. With only a 5 minute wait, my sister and I hopped in queue and got in the line for the back row. When the train before us hit the brake run, the intercom buzzed on.

"Due to inclement weather, the Kraken will cease operation. You are welcome to wait, but a this time we do not know how long of a delay there will be. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your day at SeaWorld Orlando."

So we sighed, and headed toward Journey to Atlantis. That too was shut, as was Manta. So after a long walk, we ended up at Wild Artic.


Knowing this ride was outdated I was expcting a coule of jerks here and there while watching a short film, but I was quite impressed! The stroyline was predctable, but it was still very well done! The queue and exit area was nice and well themed, but leaving the ride was a little like a maze! I really liked this ride, actually!


After coming off the ride, we discovered it started pouring. We made a run for it, and went all the way across the lake to guest relations or whatever, and managed to get a ticket for tomorrow if the weather persisted, but it didn't. While it was raining, we went into the Manta aquarium and got some pics.




Afterwards, we headed for Kraken and spotted some ducks! Yay for ducks!


As for Kraken, I was suprised! I was expecting just another B&M looper, but this one was actually quite good! The weightlessness on the drops (main one, and the one after the MCBR) were superb, and the back row is 10x better than the front, and it is just so darn smooth. This coaster is bumped up to my #4 spot.


After that, my Mom and I went on Journey to Atlantis. I really enjoyed it. Great theming, great drops, and the roller coaster part was really fun too! After a re-ride, my sister was tired of waiting for us (she doesn't like getting wet), so we headed for Manta, but after seeing it stopped on the MCBR, I knew it wasn't going to be good news. It was experiecning technical difficulties. Perfect. So we took the extra time to get pizza ( which was actually not bad), and chilled out for a while. Sfter the ride was aevacuated and they did some extra testing, Manta was up and running once again, and we headed for a ride on our first B&M flyer. The queue was great, so much to look at, and I was surprised at the colours! They look so much better in real life! So we got on, and all I can say is, Wow. The prezel loop was amazing and it felt so cool, and the wing dip and waterfall fly-by were amazing, it's just an awesome coaster that certainly deserves a 10.


Signature shot that is blurry. :(

After an amazing day, we went to our hotel and got ready for the rest of the vacy.

P.S I'll be adding some videos to this post, so keep checking, I'll edit it.
Re: Florida 2012 (Seaworld, Busch, IOA, and Beach)

Well it's been a while but, HEEEYYYY!!!!

After spending the night in Orlando we got up, ate, and started driving to the beach.




As you can see, there was alot to look at on the way :roll:
When we got there, we chucked our bags down, and went straight to the ocean. Although it was cold and overcast, we went in anyway.



Trying to warm myself up.



Now... Our Condo!


The kitchen.


Dinner area.


Living area.






First bathroom.


Second bathroom.


Master bedroom (parents).


Second beroom.

That's it for today!
(the beach continued for two days, so my next update will be Busch)
Re: Florida 2012 (Seaworld, Busch, IOA, and Beach)

Now for Busch!

Since the drive is only about 40 minutes, we just drove from our condo and spent the day at BGT.

Qhat happens when your bored:

After arriving, we headed straight for BGT's newest coaster: Cheetah Hunt!!!





Such a photogenic coaster.

Cheetah Hunt
First of all, I agree with most comments people make of the ride. Yes, there launch isn't incredibly forceful, or lots of airtime, but there was some great pops of negative g's, and the second lauch was forceful, just eased you into it. The launch out of the station was a good warm up, and the overbank gave you a nice view of the entrance plaza. The entrance to the top hat element was well done, there was some airtime there, and going almost 90 degrees up made you fell quite vulnerable. The twists at the top offered a great view, and emphasized the height of this coaster. The drop was amazing, I was weightless the whole way down. Then, the little twisty turn offered some airtime, and the heartline roll was very well executed. Than, in the little canyon thing, it offered some headchoppers, and the rocking element was fun, yet smooth. Going into the third launch, the ride is almost over. The airtime hill was awesome, great ejector, and the twists back to the station did the job. All in all, a great coaster, not amazingly crazy, but just pure FUN.


After that, we headed for Montu. With only a 5 minute wait, my dad, my sister, and I decided to go for a ride. First of all, I really wish the hadn't of taken down that rock with the ride sign on it. The entrance is barely noticable, and it just looks bad. After going into a loosely themed queue, we got on the last car.


My dad circled in the red, my sister is hidden, and you barely see my head (yellow). This was the second time we rode, so we aren't in back.




After a 180 degree turn, we head up the lift hill. After the great drop, the train goes into a forceful loop, which I really liked. Before the immelman, the is a quick twict that really whipped you and it was great fun! Never noticed it in the POVs, but check it out:

It's at 1:02.

After that, you go into a nice 0-G, and into a rare element found on B&M coasters. The batwing. It's a great element, and it's so forceful, I wish they put them in more inverts, rather than crappy cobras with no force at all. After an MCBR, the coaster goes dawn a fun drop into another vertical loop. After this, there is a turn, and you go into a corkscerw, proceeded by a turn, which then ends the ride. I find the final bit's underground park adds alot to the ride, feels like your feet are going to hit. Loved this ride, best invert I've been on!


After Montu, we headed to edage of africa, which is a great little animal section and has tons of stuff to look at.


This section also features the Animal Care Center, but that was closed the day I went. Bummer, I really anted to see it, I heard it was really cool.

I'm kinda tired of typing, and I still got some homework, so I'll continue next time in Part 2 (which will ahve Sheikra, Gwazi, Scorpion, Kumba, etc.
Re: Florida 2012: Busch Pt. 1!

I was going to keep posting, but nobody really cares soo...

Re: Florida 2012: Busch Pt. 1!

Yep, I've read it too. I've just not had a chance to reply yet, too busy finding arguments to have ;)
Re: Florida 2012: Busch Pt. 1!

All right then, thanks guys!

So today, I'll be doing Busch Pt. 2!

So after we faffed around Montu and Chunt for a bit, we headed for the Nairobi train station.


Nothing really happend on the train ride, but here are some pictures:








The train offerd some intresting views of Kumba, but I'm to stupid to get any of them, but here are my attempts.



So after the train ride, we went to Kumba. Luckily, it was walk on. My sister, my dad and I went for the backseat and got ready to ride.


So after going up an incredibly average lift hill, we descended the traditional pre-drop, into the main drop if the ride. The drop is pretty average, nothing special, nothing bad. The preceding vertical loop was pretty well done, I don't remember it that well. The dive loop was well done, again average. Then the zero-G <3 Starts out plain and simple, but in the back, you just get whipped through! Normal, Normal, Normal, Holy **** ! The zero-G was probably the best I've been on since Hulk 2 years ago! It was awesome! After a high speed turn and a small little bunny hop (which were awesome). There was a... suprise! Average Cobra roll that lead into the MCBR. After two uneventful interlocking crockscrews, we went into a fun dive into the loud tunnel which lead into the final brakes.

Overall, it was an incredibly average coaster, I really don't see why everybody thinks it's so amzzing, best coaster in the park? Everone's entitled to their own opinion I guess. The opne thing that really brought this ride down, was the noise! Ecvery single second, I tought my ears were bleeding! It really took away from what could have been a great ride! My ears were still ringing as we left the park, and that's the reason I didn't reride.

Overall: 7.5/10 (the .5 is courtesy of the the zero-G)

After this, we went on the Congo River Rapids! What a new and original name, eh (sorry for getting all Canadian on ya there)? The ride isn't even worth the full review, it's okay, not anything special, I didn't get at all wet until the waterfall at the end and even than it was a meer few drops. They're nothing compared to the rapids I'll be experiencing later on at IOA!


Then we went and rode Sand Serpent, the park's Wild Mouse. Nothing really special other then the **** kid who couldn't even keep dry eyes one the lift hill, or the brake run! I know, he's conquering his fears and stuff, but can't he do it more quietly?! Anyway, after that, my sister and I want on the disgusting Inverting Swinging Ship, Phoenix. It's VILE. Never go on these disgusting excuses for flats! They're horrible!

Anyway, as we were cueing we saw a new guy and his little mentor dude who was helping him operate the ride. So when we got on, we saw the mentor leaving and the trainee looking worried! That can only mean the unicorns are here, yay! But, no. The new ride op dude didn't even check our (INCREDIBLY PAINFUL) restraints, and doubled ride cycle! It was just.. no, just don't ride these horrible attractions.

After the evil contraption of doom, we headed for a more pleasant ride, Scorpion, which was my first looper (a while back). Pretty average ride, the loops and all of the helixes were intense, I still like it even if it's not the baddest or the biggest.

Overall: 8/10

Afterwards, we headed for lunch at the Zangora Cafe. I ordered Fries and a Burger with a nice refreshing glass of lemonade. It was pretty good, I'd go here next time I went to Busch.

Anyway, I have to go the basketball so I'll spilt Busch into 3 parts. :roll: :P
At last someone else found that sound on kumba painful, it stopped me going on it more than once the other year as the noise gave me ear ache.
You rated Kumba a 7.5 while you gave Scorpion a 8? Not that Scorpion is a bad coaster or anything...I just have a special place in my heart for Kumba. Great, Great coaster.

Ugh. :/
Nice job, I went to Seaworld when I was in 4th grade but I was afraid of everything. I surprisngly went on journey to atlantis and the only other coaster there at the time was kraken. Nice pictures of Busch Gardens I want to go there so bad! :)