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Floorless Oblivion

Martyn B

CF Legend
I think its safe to say that the X-Sector is going to be revamped soon. Chances are that next year we will see another new land replacing Ug-Land, and if so, that would then be 3 new lands in 3 consecutive years (Mutiny Bay & Cloud Cook), so that alone shows they are going round the park making major improvements.

And lets face, X-Sector is pretty shabby now to say the least. I have faith that something will happen soon.

I also have this weird feeling that in the near future the Flume could well get replaced with a Woodie. Well, right now, as things stand, that area would suit a Woodie perfectly.


Giga Poster
Personally I think that anyone saying that Oblivion should be extended should shut up and realise their brain is dribbling out their ear and they've had their hand on the hob too long because basic instinct has left them. The reason it can't happen is because its unfeasible, its too expensive, not enough space and pointless, why change something that ALREADY WORKS! And no, it isn't a one trick pony "Oh it just does the same thing everytime you get on it, drop and thats it", guess what EVERY COASTER DOES THE SAME THING WHEN YOU GO ON IT TWICE! They can't magic more or less track, or change the direction so live with it and why are we having this talk anyway, its a good coaster!

Back on topic, sending this coaster floorless would be a good idea, but at the same time, once again, pointless. Its a gimick, one I hardly notice when on any floorless ride and most of all, you actually probably dont care whether its floorless cause your too interested in the elements it goes through. Floorless is nice on paper but otherwise not needed, it may add that little bit of fear, but any more fear on oblivion and there are going to be way more clean ups on the seats... and i don't mean vomit.


CF Legend
They should put breaks on the underground loop so it holds you upside down. Then it should launch you up the hill into the corner.


Here are 2 pics of the inside of the hole on Oblivion and the mysterious loop is not there lol.



Pics are from ATA

http://gallery.towersalmanac.com/thumbn ... ?album=201