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Floorless Oblivion


Strata Poster
I was musing this in the garden yesterday, would it be possible to turn Oblivion floorless, without TOO much hassle. And by that I mean without demolishing the station and rebuilding it etc.

What would they have to do make it work?


CF Legend
They could do it but the station would need a lot of work due to the floor folding in and out, I dont think there is enough room tbh.

Sheikra was converted so it can be done, but I do not think Alton would ever spend the money.

I also do not think it would add anything to the coaster.


Mega Poster
I think it's really good how you're trapped in the car behind the metal barrier. I think it actually adds to the ride.


Giga Poster
The queue goes right under the side of the station if I remember rightly?? So there would be no room for the mechanism. I'd rather them extend the layout tbh or do anything unique to it that the others don't do.

Sheikra's station was already built with room underneath for the change I think aswell.


Giga Poster
I hope it isn't made floorless because if you put your feet on the metal bar when going over the drop it is brilliant. Feels like your standing up.


Staff member
What A-Kid said (which answers the question really).

You'd have to put the mechanism into the queue line area, plus another one into the maintenance shed.

I just don't think it's really feasible.


Giga Poster
It would be better floorless, no doubt, but I think the winning would be to little in comparison to the costs.

However I think alton should put some money in extending the track. After SW6 is constructed they could make it their new big project. Put in some more twisting turns (like the one already existing), a loop (or immelman like sheikra/griffon) and maybe even a splashdown! That would surely hype the coaster once again!

This could easily be done if alton moved/removed submission and enterprice. It would cost some money, yes, but it would make the coaster complete and not the "one trick poney" it is today.

Nemesis Inferno

Strata Poster
As A-Kid said, SheiKra was designed with this in mind...

Are floorless coasters really that good? The vast majority label them as average as a whole, and with Griffon it didn't particularly add much...

Oblivion is all about the drop and that's it, it doesn't nor ever will need (or get for that matter, Ropers people) an extension, it's fine and still awesome the way it is now...

It may be the one with the shortest queues nowadays but it's throughput is very high and considering there's nothing but itself drawing people into that area against Air and Rita then it's fine...

In short, this won't happen and I'd rather see money spent on supporting rides right now...


Giga Poster
As I wrote before, it would be better floorless no doubt about it but it wouldn't be worth the money..

As for the extension I think it would be a good idea. But I agree that it most certainly will not happen.

Oblivion maintain it's speed after the drop and I find the wicked turn after the hole to be pretty awesome! A couple of more of those and a small air time style hill as well as a small immelman loop if possible (if there is enough momentum) would be cool. The speed in combination with the turns would be disorientating and the ride woulden't lose it's pace. Instead it would complement what's missing today (longer ride time with more random breathtaking action).

This wouldn't cost to much. The big cost with the original layout was the hole. DM track is expensive but most of the track would be close to the ground making the supports short. I think this is a much better alternative than to put in another decent ride. Make oblivion world class again instead!


Giga Poster
^They're not going to change Oblivion's layout at all, they wouldn't get rid of both flats to make space and there isn't any other space, it is great as it is. I don't want it to be made floorless either as having the bar to put your feet on as you go down the drop makes it better for me than having no floor.


Giga Poster
I didn't say that they necessarily need to remove submission and enterprice, they can just relocate them to anther spot in the park. Eg one or both of the rides could be where the black hole tent is today. The options are endless, alton is huge and has a lot of dead space where they can relocate the attractions.


Giga Poster
An extended Oblivion! ^^

No, but seriously the area need more than one ride. I cross my fingers that alton purchase either a sky swat or a top scan, or hopefully both! :--D


Mega Poster
Top scan yes, sky swat no.

A ride would fit snuggly into the area where the black hole tent is, but seeing as they haven't removed it i guess they want to fill the tent with another attraction when the time comes.


Giga Poster
Why not a sky swat? I think that would be perfect hence it would be like a bigger (and better) version of submission! Sky swats are also my favourite type of flat rides :p but a top scan will do! :wink: If they're going to replace submission and enterprice I think they will only put in one new thrill flat in substitution for submission, the other one will probably be a more family oriented flat sinece I see enterprice more as a family ride..


CF Legend
Oh I really do wish people would get off their bloody "one trick" pony! Guys, yes it is a one trick pony, but it's a bloody good trick eh?

Leave the poor thing be, and heaven forbid we get more temporary fair ground flats to the section that already resembles a glorified carnival and a decent coaster... ;)


Giga Poster
Neal said:
Oh I really do wish people would get off their bloody "one trick" pony! Guys, yes it is a one trick pony, but it's a bloody good trick eh?
Well it's quite good but every time the ride hits the brakes I always feel a little dissapointed. The drop is really really good, but then there are nothing more to it. In fact the coaster is just a little bit better then the average drop tower. But with a full circuit it would be bloody amazing!

Neal said:
Leave the poor thing be, and heaven forbid we get more temporary fair ground flats to the section that already resembles a glorified carnival and a decent coaster... ;)
There won't be more flats if they exchange the old ones with new, how do you mean?? I also tend to like flats, I think they contribute a lot to theme parks (if they're any good).

marc said:
Do you really think they would get a Swat after all the problems Thorpe get?
I don't have any inside information from thorpe, but when I visited slammer run perfectly all day long while other "reliable" rides like the b&m broke down a couple of times. Have there been a lot of problems with slammer that I don't know of?


CF Legend
I think they will get a Robocoaster for the area :lol:

Oblivian does what its meant to, people dont moan about drop towers being short etc. Oblivian is about the drop and only about the drop.

What else do people want it to do? loop? well on Shiekra I thought the loop added nothing to the coaster.

I just had a thought Alton has not normal sit down looping coasters anymore :(