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Firework fans: Eat your hearts out


Take THAT Disney! haha. The way they made the hotel look like it was raising from the sea was pretty spectacular.
I was really impresses watching some of this last night. The section where the fireworks went off on the palm islands was amazing. Everywhere was just full of light and sound.

I bet all the photographers had a field day when they were going off.

Come in boat number America. Your time on the world's centre stage is up.
What anoys me is the fact that its all oil money, just shows that we give them to much money really if they have spare cash to pay for this.

Was a good display though.

I am actually quite simply gobsmacked!

(Although I dont think they could be doing that 365 days a year like Disney, it has certainly raised the bar in terms of firework shows!)

I take it that's a record?

Record for possibly the most ridiculous, pointless waste of money ever?

Seriously, that place has more money then sense. God, it'll be so funny if it runs out.
That was quite impressive.

Im just waiting for them to run out of oil now... then I will laugh at them for wasting money on this face-hugger like island thing.
Ben said:

I take it that's a record?

Record for possibly the most ridiculous, pointless waste of money ever?

Seriously, that place has more money then sense. God, it'll be so funny if it runs out.


Good display though.
You call them stupid for spending all that money of the palm islands and other resorts, when they are one of the only big oil producers in the world putting their money into other investments, so when the oil does run out for them they will still have a relatively stable economy based on other things...

So chances are they will be the ones laughing when everyone's oil begins to run out, cause they will still have a means of income whilst most of the other oil exporters wont...

So yeah, really stupid isn't it...
Building hotels and resorts for the future is fine, I dont thing anyone is claiming any think different? Not that many of us could ever afford to stay in that hotel. I saw the making of it and its truly stunning.

Also the people that are going to live on them islands are not every day people they are people that have millions. That is not really building for the future that is building to make more millions.

But all I meant by the waste of money was near enough the whole world is moaning about petrol prices and the people we pay for our oil have enough spare cash to spend all this on fire works when we can just about afford to fill up our cars. That was my point.

They have probably already made the money back that the fireworks cost lol.
Sure they probably saved themselves money by putting that huge display and party rather than advertising the hotel in a conventional way.

We were looking up the rooms earlier in work, the cheapest works out at about €400 per night and the dearest is about €15,000 per night. And also with the other leisure facilities they should easily make their money back soon enough.
Thing is most people knew about that hotel anyway, I thought it had opened some time ago tbh. We saw the making of it about a year ago.

Well when the sea rises and the islands flood what will they do then lol.



Really, too much money is spent on that sort of thing. Still, it was great.

I think you'd only get the best views from the helicopters too, which is a shame. However, the hotel coming out of the water was lush!
Ben said:

I take it that's a record?

Record for possibly the most ridiculous, pointless waste of money ever?

Seriously, that place has more money then sense. God, it'll be so funny if it runs out.

The thing is the money will run out, along with the oil. I think it's predicted by 2020 there will be no oil left. Which will be the biggest pain in the arse but a great advancement in science as thats why they are building the hydrogen furl cell cars. Not because of the environment, because of lack of oil.
Yeah which is why we are paying too much for fuel now, they are making the money whilst they can and invest it. When the oil goes they will still have more than enough money to keep going.

They make millions every day.

Anyway sorry this has gone way off topic and its my fault.
^ They spend too much though, it may run out, it may not. Only time will tell on that.

Luckily oil prices are actually going down but they will rise again to maybe £1.50 a litre, especially with the amount of tax we pay. Did you know we buy the cheapest fuel in europe? We just have that many taxes on it, it becomes the most expensive.
As has been said by one or 2 sensible people... no they are not "wasting" money, and nor will their money run out when the oil runs out for this very reason. The leader of Dubai is actually a very intelligent man, and realised that all Dubai's resources came from oil, and that this would indeed not last forever, and so decided to invest it wisely into many business ventures via the Dubai Investment Group. Not just building a HUGE tourist industry in the country itself, which we are all well aware of with the future theme park projects scheduled for that area in the near future, but also investing in companies, Football teams, literally LOADS of stuff to ensure the countries money doesn't run out.

Also on the point of this specific firework event being a waste of money, any one who works in management/business etc will know all the mind-numbing planning and financing which goes on behind any venture, and this will be no different. They will have come up with project budgets and potential revenue by putting on the display, and compared it to other means of advertising/opening etc, and decided that this was a profitable and worthwhile investment. Very very few things happen because the owner of something decides "I want that one", and is one of the top reasons theme parks so often disappoint us picky enthusiasts by building less than mind blowing rides.