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Fire at Liseberg's Oceana water park


Giga Poster
This is what the Oceana site looks like at the moment. Not sure if demolition is still ongoing or if attempts are being made to restore what’s left.




Hyper Poster
When we were there last week they were lifting debris from the top of the tower, so they're still in demolition/cleanup at the moment I think


Staff member
Social Media Team
Liseberg’s board of directors have approved to go ahead with reconstructing Oceana, with a new opening target of 2026.

This is good news - but not entirely surprising to me. The devastation and fatality are significant, but from a business perspective these sorts of investments are not made on 1-2 year plans, they're made on decade+ plans. A simple readjustment of the 'cost to build' figures will likely have shown that this is still a sensible business decision in the long term.

I saw lots of the same things happening during Covid. I'm not at liberty to go into the detail in public, but in short - a blip in the radar (like Covid, or this fire) doesn't tend to sink massive, multi-decade-based, investment plans.

Of course, overall it is good news this is being pushed on with, in my opinion. Fair respect and tribute due to the individual who lost their life, of course.