My personal faves are from Batman Begins and actually a lesser known film called Wilde (the biopic of Oscar Wilde staring Stephen Fry). Debbie Wiseman crafted such a beautifully haunting set of motifs and emmotion stirring pieces for that film.
Actually, mentioning Batman Begins, I think a nod to Danny Elfman and his stella work on Batman and Batman Returns should be noted. They totally fit the style of the movies and they are equally listenable outside of the film.
Which also reminds me of Schindlers List. I often find John Williams a tad overrated and incredibly repetitive and then I heard the score for Schindlers List. It is pieced together in such a classical way. It is always stirs up the same emmotions as he film because the sadness and turmoil is captured so fantastically in the main theme. Stunning soundtrack.
Some people mentioned James Horners work on Titanic and I would actually go so far as to say it is monumentally better than the film. The score is excellent and is one of the saving graces that enables me to stomach the film.
Craig Armstrong is also flipping brilliant, one of my favourites actually. You often hear his work used in other places and I don't think there is a single piece of his I haven't enjoyed. His work on Romeo & Juliet was just brilliant and also coupled with Nellee Hoopers opening of the movie is fantastic, despite it being used over and over and over again on TV (Damn you XFactor).
My final one, not strictly movie, is from TV but fits this topic, is Christophe Beck who wrote all of the underscore for Buffy The Vampire Slayer Seasons 2-6 and Angel. The man is a genius when it comes to conveying all of the themes of the show. I have the officially released stuff and then hours of other pieces from the show that I managed to get my hands on

I adore Soundtracks and I have almost as much Soundtrack as I do any other music on my ipod.