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Euro Euro Euro: Pa Park, -Mir and -Star


Strata Poster
Honest question:

I've been looking over steel ballots until my eyes cross (and I've ID some of you guys' ballots :) ) and I'm noticing one odd thing that I don't understand:

The two coasters at Europa Park, Eurosat and Euro-Mir, don't make much sense to me on a LOT of ballots. Some people rank them right next to each other (ex: 43 and 44), some people rate -Mir high and SLAM sat, while still others rank sat high, but SLAM -Mir.

Now, I know that there are as many opinions about what makes a coaster good as there are people who ride coasters, but...

IMHO, Euro-Mir (the one with the spinning cars) was a lot of fun. Not top-ten material or anything, but an enjoyable enough experience that I rerode it a couple times.

Meanwhile, IMHO, Eurosat (the one inside the big EPCOT ball) was absolutely lame. Not OMG I'm gonna die rough, and not wake me when it's over boring either, but more of a meh, if you get my meaning.

Here's the question:

Do you think that it's a case where some (or even many) of these people can't actually recall which is which and thus confuse them of rate them equally, or they simply have a significant preference for one over the other?

It just doesn't make sense to me as I look at them, y'know?
For me I rated them next to each other as they left the same impression on me and I was in no rush to ride them again. I did remember which one was which just did not like either that much and found them quiet average.

So that was my reason for it, I got the same type of ride on both. The long lift hills following by nothing much really.

I think most people that went on the German Live thought the same thing tbh so that could be why.

When we went everything in that park seemed average to me and only Blue Fire would make me go back.

I think they are just below middle of my ballet so thats not to bad really.
Mir I thought was going to be good but I was bored before it done anything.

Sat was dark and the last corner was funny.

But for me both are are not high on my list.
Knwoing me, I'd get them mixed up, and I think this could be part of the case, yes. It's like the general public sometimes get Air and Nemesis mixed up which is just madness because they are totally different! :?
Ben said:
Sat is EPIC.

Mir is um... not good.

Sat was just so insane for an indoor cred!
Couldn't agree with you more, also I can't see why anyone would call Sat rough, it's smooth as glass :)
Personally, I really enjoyed both although I did prefer Euro Mir - probably as it's theme tune is fab! :D
For most people it's probably just liking one over the other. I agree with you, I liked Euromir as I thought except for the awful lift and first turns the rest was really, really fun. Eurosat was ok but I found it not too thrilling really.
marc said:
Do you get mixed up easy is that why Saw is at number 3 above some great coasters lol :)

I'm in it for the thrill and adrenalin. Saw = Thrilling, more so then thoughs below it.
Both rides have pretty cool music but the lift-hills are boring and the rides are both nothing special. Was pretty disappointed with both really.
^No because the whole ride on both were pretty dull. The lifthills went on for ages and the actual ride parts weren't particularly exciting. I just said the music was good.
After my first rides, I rated -Mir a lot higher than Sat. I found Sat to be rough and unenjoyable in general, but -Mir was weird, quirky and different, and the second half (the 'fast' half) was actually a good coaster.

Then, after going back a year later, I realised that i'd probably hyped up -Mir a bit, and slightly underestimated Sat. I found Sat to be a much funner ride 2nd time round, I think i'd just had a rough ride the first time, so in general, I rate both pretty close, somewhere in the 2nd quarter of my list.
^^Novgorods Soundtrack is TONNES better. The music on mir/sat is good but it's just some funky tune that plays as you spent 10 minutes going up the lifthill.
loefet said:
Ben said:
Sat is EPIC.

Mir is um... not good.

Sat was just so insane for an indoor cred!
Couldn't agree with you more, also I can't see why anyone would call Sat rough, it's smooth as glass :)

I went on a few times - front and back, and one was much smoother... can't remember which now though!!

Europa seems to be a place you either love or hate - personally I just loved the attention to detail, masssive range of attractions, and theming there, and didn't mind the lack of high thrills!