That's Norway, and it's awesome so I don't even want to imagine them replacing it. (which also means no more Maelstorm)
Sigh, actually look at the aerial image I posted. Norway only takes up half of the space. There's this huge section off just trees and cast member areas between Maelstrom and the Mexcio Boat Ride.
Here, I'll zoom in even more to make the are in question clearer:
In terms of new countries, I'm happy to say this, but I reckon Australia would end up being a bit like the the way the Canadian pavillion feels...We don't really have a truly internationally known architectural style.
If they did,
Maybe a rural homestead?
And an outback pub:
And then perhaps a re-creation of the kimberleys or something.
In terms of countries, I reckon India is a really obvious one...2nd biggest population and is experiencing rapid growth like China...too major to ignore.
Id agree with Russia too.
What about the Netherlands? Could have some canals, those narrow houses, and of course a windmill as it's "weenie".
If you were doing another Asian country, I'd do one a bit more exotic...Think Thailand, Cambodia or Indonesia.
Any African country I don't think is really needed due to the Animal Kingdom covering that.
What about Turkey? Or Egypt?