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English Football 2010/2011 Season

I'd rather be anally raped by someone with Aids and then have my jaw ripped off then support Southampton :p

But we won the case! I am so pleased for the club. Yes it is bad we didn't pay our taxes etc, but the people are responsible for this have all left the club and severed all ties, so the court case was somewhat flawed because of it. I agree with the points the HMRC were making and think it is wrong that 'image rights' is a tax free almost salary based payment.

Living to fight another day, Play Up Pompey! :D:D:D
Dave said:
I'd rather be anally raped by someone with Aids and then have my jaw ripped off then support Southampton :p

At least we have money, Dave. ;)

I knew all along Pompey would somehow work their way out of it, getting 'special treatment' once again whilst other clubs are left to rot, yes it's not the fans fault etc but at the end of the day if they set a precedent for one club why is it not followed by another? :roll:

Oh well, life resumes on Saturday (whilst i'm stuck at work :()
You are also aware that the main issue HMRC have is that they were grouped together along with St Johns Ambulance and other people who need the funds they're owed more than playing staff, who were given 100% of their debts as opposed to much less than that for the rest.

I wish Portsmouth did go under, although tbh it's moreso that I hope I never have to see that stupid prick near a football club again (Storrie). Now to just keep Ridsdale away...
Lewis said:
I knew all along Pompey would somehow work their way out of it, getting 'special treatment' once again whilst other clubs are left to rot, yes it's not the fans fault etc but at the end of the day if they set a precedent for one club why is it not followed by another? :roll:

Like I said on msn, we have not got special treatment here, we appealed against the HMRC's decision to appeal (so we appealed and appeal) against our CVA. I agree they should be a main creditor, but they brought too many things to the table and from what I can see it wasn't very well done, hence why they aren't going to waste another £200k bringing this to court (might I add paid by the HMRC...tax money).

We won fair and square in a court of law. Now they need to send down Gadyamak, Storrie and fine that twat Redknapp as well (as he won't go to prison)
You just wait until Spurs goes bust ;) All that spending on players, where's the money coming from!? As you sure aren't selling many....
They have money in the bank though Dave and European football, we are able to add to our squad.

Spurs nearly went bust years and years ago.
True, I dunno I can just see it happening in my head. Harry going into his new 'spritual home' club and claiming he wanted a 'challenge' and the club is down to 'bare bones'
When Harry was with you there was money and there was big dreams by him and the club. He can only spend what he is given so it his not his fault about what happened there as much as you want to blame him.

It does not matter what manager was there the club were still going to go down that route.
We don't fully blame him, he shouldn't of pushed some silly transfers through though, like Peter Crouch for around £12m...bit of a OTT signing if you ask me. He had a good squad and didn't need to build it up so much, look what we achieved with Avram Grant with loans and free's, even beat Spurs to the FA Cup Final!
The people who are accountable are Sascha Gadyamak and Peter Storrie.
He was trying to build for the future, but there was no one as the club did not have the money they said they had.