Cedar Point
Finally got to the legendary park that is CP. I was just hyped for everything really and the drive in is really as good as people say!
First up we got in line for the Steel Vengeance ERT. This took quite a while as obviously everyone had headed up here but the queue gives you a good view of the coaster and this built up the anticipation for the rest of the day.
Steel Vengeance
I'm going to be honest and say it didn't live up to the hype, as in it didn't blow me away or make me come off speechless like some have in their vlogs etc. It's a great ride, don't get me wrong. The first half is awesome, the drop is great, you get a great view and I loved the swoopy bits and inversions. Everything up until the mcbr was great, then it got a bit worse, not bad, but just more of the tiwsted timbers-esque jolty weird transitions. It didn't have as much of that as twisted timbers, which I think is mostly due to this time being a scaled up version that allowed for a less compact layout. It is an experience though that i'd recommend to all enthusiasts, the engineering is impressive (which I think is partly why so many obsess over rmc). Awesome start to the day.
We then decided to get the fastrack pass so that we could reride it later and also get all the creds in one day as I didn't have any of them. The next bit isn't necessarily in order but here we go.
Ok we definitely did this next and it pretty much lived up to the hype. This was one of my most anticipated coasters on the trip as taron is my number 1. I came to the conclusion that Taron was slightly better but this is a great ride. It's kind of unusual, with the lifthill and launches and inversions etc and it just works really well. It also has a great location, like SV with yachts sailing past behind (nobody ever mentions this but I thought it was lovely!).
Millennium Force
Ok so I knew that this was a fanboy favourite and lots said it was overhyped so I was prepared to feel mediocre about it. I loved it. The great thing about MF is just the speed and how it maintains it for the whole layout. It is just so big and high it just goes and goes and goes. It's nice and swoopy with no jolty bits like SV and is just pleasant to ride. Again, as with everything at CP it has a great view. I don't mind fangirling over it because to me it's new and not overrated because people are bored of it.
I really enjoyed viewing the whole park as new as it meant I could judge each coaster objectively against each other rather than being bored of older coasters I'd ridden more, which I think a lot of local enthusiasts seem to feel like. (e.g. they're bored of MF so love SV etc)
Coaster reviews:
Top Thrill Dragster
The fastrack was useful for here too and we did it a few times, including once in the front. I can see why people prefer it to ka although I wouldn't say they were realms apart. After faffing about riding ka I walked straight on this with no worries so I consider my coaster launch fear cured woooo. Yes I preferred it to SV.
Magnum XL 200
This was so bad. Like horrific bad. I couldn't wait for it to end. I dreaded every airtime hill as it just hurt and was so rough. I wonder whether I just got a bad seat but this was a disappointing shock as I had been looking forward to trying the "better version of big one". Oh well, everything else had been great.
This was bordering on uncomfortably rough but the dueling aspect added to it and it's quite an interesting coaster in terms of history and look. Was ok.
Wicked Twister
This was more fun that it looked, you get some pops of airtime/zero g as the train changes direction and again, awesome view being right on the beach.
This was decent, probably the or one of the best B&M wings I've done. It was more forceful than I was expecting, and again, great view.
The vest restraints make this kind of weird and it didn't really feel like the tallest dive coaster because of how many other creds and rides were around it but it was decent. Nothing super spectacular but good.
This was good, I can see how it was hyped when it opens but I'd still rank montu, nemesis and mamba above it, maybe more. Solid coaster.
Blue Streak
A bit uncomfortable tbh.
This has a decent layout which I imagine works a lot better as a floorless than a standup. The mist and lagoons make a nice tough.
A cute little classic. David had warned me about the airtime hill that can cause you to lose your tactical arrow-riding position just before the loop so I was well-prepared. It's nice that they've kept it tbh.
Iron Dragon
We had to wait ages for this because they were doing VR on it. I didn't go for VR because I wanted the classic experience and it was fun.
Other things to note
The melt place is amazing, go there for lunch...or dinner!! Love the artwork on the walls too.
The cable car is a must. I do love a good cable car but this one is another way to see the great views, as is the ferris wheel.
Did I mention that I love the views???

Awesome day, loved it, so glad that it lived up to the hype. There's so much to do that is of great quality there.