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Drink of Choice

jayjay said:
will quite happily knock back a pint of cider (except Strongbow, which is crap regardless of what Stone Cold says)
This. I like most types of cider, except Strongbow. I love a good old-fashioned still cider (Old Rosie, Black Dragon etc), but I also love a sickly-sweet fruit-based affair (Rekorderlig Strawberry & Lime, Brothers etc). I do particularly love a sparkling oaked cider though (e.g. Henry Weston's Vintage)

I'll drink pretty much any type of lager except the super-strong ones.

Other beers are a more recent thing for me. I like an occasional pint of Guinness. I have to drink it more slowly than lager or cider, so it's a good go-to if I need to make one pint last a while. I also adore Krušovice Černé, but at £4.60+ a pint, I definitely can't afford to drink that too often. I hadn't really experimented much with ales until recently. I went to a massive beer festival a while back, and found loads that I loved. I do tend to go more for quite heavy, dark, malty ones though. There's a pub up the road with it's own micro-brewery that does a lovely one called Black Rock.

I like all three colours of wine, but go through phases as to which one I'll go to most often. I'm currently in a white wine phase. I'm really not fussy with wine (although I draw the line that that dreadful English stuff that's always cheap in Asda, and the nail varnish remover that Jake and I once got at the shop down the road) That said, I do prefer posher wine, and can tell the difference (I do love a decent Rioja) but I'm usually happy to slum it.

I'm not a big drinker of spirits/liqueurs these days. I will drink a vodka lemonade and lime from time to time. I love Southern Comfort - on the rocks, or with lemonade. My parents love it too, so there's usually plenty of it about (well, at Christmas, at least).

I can't **** stand Gin - you might as well drink shower gel. I'm not a big fan of anything aniseed flavoured either (although will knock back a shot or two if someone else if buying)

I have a bit of an odd relationship with whisky. At one point (after a particularly heavy night in Brighton just before I moved here!) I couldn't even face the smell of it. I sometimes order cheap scotch and coke whilst drunk, then seriously regret it later. I do like JD and coke though. My favourite though absolutely has to be Jameson's (not really tried enough other Irish whiskeys to know if they count too). I'll treat myself to a Jameson's on the rocks on special occasions (or about 10 in the case of Mark & Marc's wedding! lol) Jameson's with cranberry juice (and a squeeze of lime) is a fab tip if you fancy something a bit different, but I can't usually afford to mess about with it these days. Glass. Ice. I'm happy.