Part 5 – Fantasyland
Yaay! Welcome to Fantasyland.
This version of fantasyland is the most intricate and fantastical looking.
All the buildings have a ridiculous amount of detailing.
Lancelots Carrousel.
They have Snow white.. It’s the same as the other versions really..
But with added French.
The columns are cool.
Posho restaurant.
I see you castle!
Fantasyland is full of random castle-y bits
This was made out of a real pumpkin ya'know.
More perdee.
Cinderelly! Cinderelly!
I like the horse on top
Some ride about a puppet or summin..
The Mad Hatters tea party looks immensely better here.
Yaay for rodents!
The areas around the ride are preeeetty.
This rides basically the same.
Just with added water. Its weird, only in Disney would you be allowed 3 versions of the exact same ride.. Dumbo, Orbitron and Aladdin.. Cheapos.
Then it has peter pans flight. IT HURT MY HEAD >=(
And Toad Hall.
And Alices Bi-Curious maze yaay!
Signs and shizz
I WANT ONE OF THESE BIRDS. It can come with me on my adventures and hammer all my hammering needs.
Alice In Wonderland used to scare me as a kid.

This picture kinda makes them look huuuuuge.
Weird Caterpillar guy.
Big ol’ cat.
The White Rabbit is here too.
It makes people go this way and that..
Then into more mazes. The queens maze isn’t BI-Curious though, she’s full on lesbo.
Yay we made it!
At the top you get views of stuff.
suure do.
This used to be a ride apparently, but for some reason its closed and is just now an expensive piece of theming.
Theres a section at the back of the park that was hardly ever open. Infact it didn’t open till the last day we were there.
It has a boat ride!
See. Those are boats.
I think that means Fairy tale boat ride or summin..
It’s a bit slow..
But you get to see some Disney classics.. and some other random ones that Disney have never done..
Like Rapunzel and Hansel and Gretel. I think they are making the first into a movie right now though..
Little mermaid..
Pierre and the wolf? Pierre?!
Night on Bald Mountain off of Fantasia..
Yaay then its time for the ride with the best soundtrack
Caseey Juniors coooming rooound the track! Coooming round the track!
I thiiiink I can I thiiink I can!
This is Beasts castle
The clock on the front of IASM is SO LOUD. You can hear it from Discoveryland..
Oh god no…
Your boat has to queue to get OFF the ride..
Random Pizzaria past It’s a Small World.
Its perddee.
Byee Fantasylaand!!
Next up, my favourite, Discoveryland!