About 7 weeks ago, the opportunity to go to DLP came about with college. However, this was a little different as the trip was intended for 2nd years rather than 1st years. But seeing as the places couldn't be filled, the trip was opened to some of us 1st years.
In total, 21 students and 2 lecturers spent Tuesday - Thursday in Disneyland and Paris. This trip was a little special for me as I had never been to a park outside of the UK due to not holding a passport before November last year. So it was a completely new experience for me!
Our little package included a 2 day pass for both parks and two evening meals; one in Buffalo Bills and the other in Planet Hollywood along with accommodation in the Thomas Cook Explorers Hotel (served by the shuttle bus) and coach and ferry transport.
The trip was long with lots of hours being spent travelling, but this didn't phase me.
I was willing myself to stay awake on Monday night, the coach was due to depart college at 3:30 and take approximately 12 hours to get to the hotel outside Disney. So I didn't really see the point in going to be.
I couldn't keep myself awake that night, by midnight I was yawning my head off, so turned my laptop and Up off before getting 90 minutes sleep. I was up at half 1 finishing my packing and getting ready for an exceptionally long journey.
I had a taxi booked for half 2 on the Tuesday morning to get me to college in plenty of time. I was ready by 2:10 and spent the last 20 minutes before I left excited.
The taxi came and we were off. My college is on a main road in the centre of Birmingham, so the driver was a bit bewildered as to why I wanted to be dropped off on the road. When I got there, I was the first person there. Shortly afterwards, others began to arrive and we all bleary eyed but very excited started to assemble ourselves ready for the coach.
I had seen the coach (quite distinctive with a name like Jeffs!) but had lost it again. It had parked outside the Uni building rather than on the road where all the coaches stop. Anyway, after a 40 minute wait, the coach, the lecturers and all but 3 people were there!
It was freezing out (but what do you expect at 3:15) so when Jeff (the driver) opened the luggage compartment on the coach, we all dumped our bags and hurried on the coach. Eventually, everyone was there and we left college 5 minutes later than planned ready for a long journey to Dover.
Sleep was a common past time on the way down, but for some reason I could not fall asleep at all! We were running really early in the end, we had cleared the M25 by just after 6 so we were likely to not experience any traffic - which we didn't.
Seeing as we were running early, we had an half hour stop over at the services in Maidstone before continuing down to Dover. Aside from the toilet and coffee break, we all watched in amazement as a bloke won £450 on a machine with just 80p!
We got back on the coach and continued down to Dover. Since the Isle of Wight, I've become petrified of boats and had been absolutely dreading the crossing, so much so I was dosed up with calming tablets and Rescue Remedy.
We were early arriving into Dover, we were booked onto the 9:15 sailing, but seeing as we were so early, the guys at P&O squeezed us onto the 8:30 one leaving us more room the other side. We had another quick wee break before getting on the ferry.
We were on the Pride of Kent on the way over and the journey was actually really pleasant. It took a while for me to calm down, but eventually did! The crossing was peaceful with me explaining about Th13teen and Saw and then messing around with phones. Before we knew it, it was 9:45 and we were due to dock in 15 minutes, so we took a quick trip onto the deck, pleasantly greeted by the lovely smell of sewage as we docked into Calais.
Once we'd had a quick nose around the deck and took a few photos, we left and got back on Jeff ready for the next 4 hour journey. We were travelling on an executive coach so we had a DVD player and was told to bring some DVDs with us. So now we were awake, it was time to put these on.
We only watched one on the way to Disney which was the Hangover. No persuasion needed, the DVD went on. I am a massive fan of the Hangover, but no sleep had caught up with me and I spent all but 20 minutes of the film curled up in a ball fast asleep.
The remainder of the journey seemed to drag with Jeff pointing out the signs for Disney (32KM) and I spotted one for Parc Asterix. Eventually, we spotted Disney in the distance and the excitement was there again!
After an 11 hour journey (including the 1 hour time difference) we arrived exhausted into the Explorers Hotel and began to check in.
Check in was slow! They eventually sorted everything and printed the breakfast vouchers and sorted the cards out. We were then lead down to the rooms where we had an hour to chill before meeting and going into Disney Village.
After an hour in the rooms which was basically spent exploring the rooms and cleaning ourselves up a bit, we went and met in reception and decided on going to Disney Village for an hour opposed to using the extra day on the tickets for the parks.
I wanted to get a bit of shopping done so I didn't have to worry about it on the Wednesday. So we had a good explore of the Village and I ended up buying a bag, keyring and over priced drink.
The hour we had in Disney Village was a nice hour to get to know the area and get used to the Shuttle Bus (read squishy bus) and a nice chance to relax before going to Buffalo Bills later that evening.
We caught the bus back to the hotel (after finding out the number and the correct stop) and got ready for Buffalo Bills. We had just over an hour to get ready which gave me time for a lie down (I was exhausted) and a shower (to try and get rid of the tiredness)
Eventually, the time came and we left for Buffalo Bills, this time having to run like dickheads for the goddam shuttle bus - this became a common occurrence over the trip.
We got to Buffalo Bills at about 10 past 8, meaning we had a good 20 minutes to wait until they let us into the bar area. Some of the group went on the bull outside the restaurant, whilst the rest of us stood inside keeping a space in the queue.
Half 8 came and the guys let us in. We went through the turnstiles in which I lost my wick with a family of queue jumping French bastards that were attempting to get through the turnstiles despite us being there in a group. They naturally got barged out the way as we were let through.
We were then into the bar area. As we were one of the first groups through, the bar was empty when we got there. But it soon got so packed you could barely move in there.
We all posed for photos with our cowboy hats, then the cowboy Mickey saw we were a group and came and jumped in the photo too!
A little show started after with some blokes and Goofy! I honestly had no idea what was going on (and nor did anyone else) thanks to them jabbering away in French.
Once that little performance was over, the blokes told us where to go stand dependent on the colour of your hat! We were the blue group so had to wait until the yellows had gone in.
Eventually we were let in and entered into a massive arena. We had a seat allocation together and we were spread over 2 rows near the back.
There was some bread (stale) and nachos on the table when we got there, then the staff come round and collect your table tickets.
I had gone for the Veggie option seeing as I really didn't fancy the normal menu (not as if anyone was told what the actual products were when they arrived) so all cutlery was taken away.
The show started and yet again I was a bit confused as to what the bloody hell was going on, but by now, they were starting to bring round the food and drink.
Drinks came first, coke or something else (which could've been alcohol, but not sure) so we were all left with the coke option in this case. Then the starter came.
The room is very dark and you can barely see what you're eating, the phones and torches were a lifesaver here.
The normal menu had chili whilst the veggie option, I haven't got a ****ing clue as to what it was! Whatever it was (it looked like soup) was avoided. I can't eat soup as it makes me ill, so I'm very glad I left that!
About 20 minutes later, the starter is removed and the main course comes along. Yet again, I had no idea what the ****ing hell the main course was. But using a mates torch, I managed to make out a LOT of cheese (which is another thing I can't eat) so that was also avoided.
By now, I'm starving, I have no ****ing idea what I'm supposed to be eating as all that is said is that there is a veggie option available. No names of any products.
There is quite a lengthy gap between the main and the desert in which there is lots of participation with the show. I was in a pretty bad mood as I was starving, so weren't in the mood for it.
That was our mascot and he was a complete and utter BELLEND! He really got on my nerves. He got the crowd going well, but he was really just an embarrassment.
He did try and marry my lecturer and did kiss her hand much to the amusement of us all, which was the highlight of the show.
Eventually, the mains went and was replaced by the desert. The deserts were actually quite nice. Ended up being some gorgeous ice cream and apple tart which was too hot.
Once everyone had had desert, there's more crowd participation with the winning group - which was us! Random people are taken away from the group and go and take part in the show. Sadly, it wasn't any of us.
The end of the show was really good and made up for the shoddy performance in the food department. It was soon time to leave and head back to the hotel for a good nights sleep!
We had a quick wee break while others brought the photo with Mickey from the shop in the Village before having to run like dickheads for the last bus again! Crammed onto it like sardines and soon enough we were back at the hotel.
I was exhausted and on top of that had a awful stomach ache/cramps which was down to exhaustion, lack of food, sitting on a coach all morning and being a girl. Told lecturers about stomach, who thought it was just down to lack of food, who in turn phoned mum who ended up telling them it wouldn't just be that.
I had some biscuits before curling up in bed for the night and trying to sleep the pain off. Though it did wake me up again in the early hours of the morning.
Overall verdict for Day 1...
After a long journey, I didn't really know what to expect from Disney as a whole. I thought the Disney Village was very clean and tidy, but the bottled drinks were stupidly priced. Which I came to expect from Disney.
The show at Buffalo Bills was excellent in places and pretty lame in others. The food let it down big time with not being able to see what you are eating or being told what you are eating (for the veggie option). You'd be pretty stuffed if you were allergic to a certain food substance and not knowing what the hell you are eating.
I'll post day 2 tomorrow which is the day we spent in the park.
In total, 21 students and 2 lecturers spent Tuesday - Thursday in Disneyland and Paris. This trip was a little special for me as I had never been to a park outside of the UK due to not holding a passport before November last year. So it was a completely new experience for me!
Our little package included a 2 day pass for both parks and two evening meals; one in Buffalo Bills and the other in Planet Hollywood along with accommodation in the Thomas Cook Explorers Hotel (served by the shuttle bus) and coach and ferry transport.
The trip was long with lots of hours being spent travelling, but this didn't phase me.
I was willing myself to stay awake on Monday night, the coach was due to depart college at 3:30 and take approximately 12 hours to get to the hotel outside Disney. So I didn't really see the point in going to be.
I couldn't keep myself awake that night, by midnight I was yawning my head off, so turned my laptop and Up off before getting 90 minutes sleep. I was up at half 1 finishing my packing and getting ready for an exceptionally long journey.
I had a taxi booked for half 2 on the Tuesday morning to get me to college in plenty of time. I was ready by 2:10 and spent the last 20 minutes before I left excited.
The taxi came and we were off. My college is on a main road in the centre of Birmingham, so the driver was a bit bewildered as to why I wanted to be dropped off on the road. When I got there, I was the first person there. Shortly afterwards, others began to arrive and we all bleary eyed but very excited started to assemble ourselves ready for the coach.
I had seen the coach (quite distinctive with a name like Jeffs!) but had lost it again. It had parked outside the Uni building rather than on the road where all the coaches stop. Anyway, after a 40 minute wait, the coach, the lecturers and all but 3 people were there!
It was freezing out (but what do you expect at 3:15) so when Jeff (the driver) opened the luggage compartment on the coach, we all dumped our bags and hurried on the coach. Eventually, everyone was there and we left college 5 minutes later than planned ready for a long journey to Dover.
Sleep was a common past time on the way down, but for some reason I could not fall asleep at all! We were running really early in the end, we had cleared the M25 by just after 6 so we were likely to not experience any traffic - which we didn't.
Seeing as we were running early, we had an half hour stop over at the services in Maidstone before continuing down to Dover. Aside from the toilet and coffee break, we all watched in amazement as a bloke won £450 on a machine with just 80p!
We got back on the coach and continued down to Dover. Since the Isle of Wight, I've become petrified of boats and had been absolutely dreading the crossing, so much so I was dosed up with calming tablets and Rescue Remedy.
We were early arriving into Dover, we were booked onto the 9:15 sailing, but seeing as we were so early, the guys at P&O squeezed us onto the 8:30 one leaving us more room the other side. We had another quick wee break before getting on the ferry.
We were on the Pride of Kent on the way over and the journey was actually really pleasant. It took a while for me to calm down, but eventually did! The crossing was peaceful with me explaining about Th13teen and Saw and then messing around with phones. Before we knew it, it was 9:45 and we were due to dock in 15 minutes, so we took a quick trip onto the deck, pleasantly greeted by the lovely smell of sewage as we docked into Calais.
Once we'd had a quick nose around the deck and took a few photos, we left and got back on Jeff ready for the next 4 hour journey. We were travelling on an executive coach so we had a DVD player and was told to bring some DVDs with us. So now we were awake, it was time to put these on.
We only watched one on the way to Disney which was the Hangover. No persuasion needed, the DVD went on. I am a massive fan of the Hangover, but no sleep had caught up with me and I spent all but 20 minutes of the film curled up in a ball fast asleep.
The remainder of the journey seemed to drag with Jeff pointing out the signs for Disney (32KM) and I spotted one for Parc Asterix. Eventually, we spotted Disney in the distance and the excitement was there again!
After an 11 hour journey (including the 1 hour time difference) we arrived exhausted into the Explorers Hotel and began to check in.
Check in was slow! They eventually sorted everything and printed the breakfast vouchers and sorted the cards out. We were then lead down to the rooms where we had an hour to chill before meeting and going into Disney Village.

After an hour in the rooms which was basically spent exploring the rooms and cleaning ourselves up a bit, we went and met in reception and decided on going to Disney Village for an hour opposed to using the extra day on the tickets for the parks.
I wanted to get a bit of shopping done so I didn't have to worry about it on the Wednesday. So we had a good explore of the Village and I ended up buying a bag, keyring and over priced drink.

The hour we had in Disney Village was a nice hour to get to know the area and get used to the Shuttle Bus (read squishy bus) and a nice chance to relax before going to Buffalo Bills later that evening.
We caught the bus back to the hotel (after finding out the number and the correct stop) and got ready for Buffalo Bills. We had just over an hour to get ready which gave me time for a lie down (I was exhausted) and a shower (to try and get rid of the tiredness)
Eventually, the time came and we left for Buffalo Bills, this time having to run like dickheads for the goddam shuttle bus - this became a common occurrence over the trip.
We got to Buffalo Bills at about 10 past 8, meaning we had a good 20 minutes to wait until they let us into the bar area. Some of the group went on the bull outside the restaurant, whilst the rest of us stood inside keeping a space in the queue.
Half 8 came and the guys let us in. We went through the turnstiles in which I lost my wick with a family of queue jumping French bastards that were attempting to get through the turnstiles despite us being there in a group. They naturally got barged out the way as we were let through.
We were then into the bar area. As we were one of the first groups through, the bar was empty when we got there. But it soon got so packed you could barely move in there.
We all posed for photos with our cowboy hats, then the cowboy Mickey saw we were a group and came and jumped in the photo too!

A little show started after with some blokes and Goofy! I honestly had no idea what was going on (and nor did anyone else) thanks to them jabbering away in French.

Once that little performance was over, the blokes told us where to go stand dependent on the colour of your hat! We were the blue group so had to wait until the yellows had gone in.
Eventually we were let in and entered into a massive arena. We had a seat allocation together and we were spread over 2 rows near the back.
There was some bread (stale) and nachos on the table when we got there, then the staff come round and collect your table tickets.
I had gone for the Veggie option seeing as I really didn't fancy the normal menu (not as if anyone was told what the actual products were when they arrived) so all cutlery was taken away.
The show started and yet again I was a bit confused as to what the bloody hell was going on, but by now, they were starting to bring round the food and drink.

Drinks came first, coke or something else (which could've been alcohol, but not sure) so we were all left with the coke option in this case. Then the starter came.
The room is very dark and you can barely see what you're eating, the phones and torches were a lifesaver here.
The normal menu had chili whilst the veggie option, I haven't got a ****ing clue as to what it was! Whatever it was (it looked like soup) was avoided. I can't eat soup as it makes me ill, so I'm very glad I left that!
About 20 minutes later, the starter is removed and the main course comes along. Yet again, I had no idea what the ****ing hell the main course was. But using a mates torch, I managed to make out a LOT of cheese (which is another thing I can't eat) so that was also avoided.
By now, I'm starving, I have no ****ing idea what I'm supposed to be eating as all that is said is that there is a veggie option available. No names of any products.
There is quite a lengthy gap between the main and the desert in which there is lots of participation with the show. I was in a pretty bad mood as I was starving, so weren't in the mood for it.

That was our mascot and he was a complete and utter BELLEND! He really got on my nerves. He got the crowd going well, but he was really just an embarrassment.
He did try and marry my lecturer and did kiss her hand much to the amusement of us all, which was the highlight of the show.

Eventually, the mains went and was replaced by the desert. The deserts were actually quite nice. Ended up being some gorgeous ice cream and apple tart which was too hot.
Once everyone had had desert, there's more crowd participation with the winning group - which was us! Random people are taken away from the group and go and take part in the show. Sadly, it wasn't any of us.
The end of the show was really good and made up for the shoddy performance in the food department. It was soon time to leave and head back to the hotel for a good nights sleep!

We had a quick wee break while others brought the photo with Mickey from the shop in the Village before having to run like dickheads for the last bus again! Crammed onto it like sardines and soon enough we were back at the hotel.
I was exhausted and on top of that had a awful stomach ache/cramps which was down to exhaustion, lack of food, sitting on a coach all morning and being a girl. Told lecturers about stomach, who thought it was just down to lack of food, who in turn phoned mum who ended up telling them it wouldn't just be that.
I had some biscuits before curling up in bed for the night and trying to sleep the pain off. Though it did wake me up again in the early hours of the morning.
Overall verdict for Day 1...
After a long journey, I didn't really know what to expect from Disney as a whole. I thought the Disney Village was very clean and tidy, but the bottled drinks were stupidly priced. Which I came to expect from Disney.
The show at Buffalo Bills was excellent in places and pretty lame in others. The food let it down big time with not being able to see what you are eating or being told what you are eating (for the veggie option). You'd be pretty stuffed if you were allergic to a certain food substance and not knowing what the hell you are eating.
I'll post day 2 tomorrow which is the day we spent in the park.