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Disney (WDW & Disneyland) | Tiana's Bayou Adventure | Splash Mountain retheme | 2024

James F

Hyper Poster
Splash Mountain was my favourite ride overall, from it's theming, atmosphere, ride experience, storytelling etc. Above any coaster, given the chance I would ride Splash Mountain every day. I am not going to lie, it's a bitter pill to swallow to see Disney change one it's most popular rides to another empty passive experience.

I was a little optimistic with the original designer Tony Baxer on-board with this refurb, but it's more of the same of what we have seen recently with Disney. IP synergy and sanitisation. A shame because it could of been great considering the ride system they have to work with.

They did make a couple of upgrades here and there, such as the lighting and animotrontics, but ultimately the storytelling is transparently poor. I think if Disney really cared about Princess of the Frog they would of created an original ride from the ground up, while it might seem like a wasted potential, hopefully there is more to this in real life from what we have seen in the POV.
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Mega Poster
Seems to come out about even to me. The new animatronics are a significant upgrade, but the zippidy-doo-da scene may have been the single best part of any disney ride IMO. I really hate the giant exposition banners just stuck on, that is just lazy as **** though lol


Giga Poster
I watched a nighttime POV and I think it looks fantastic. Princess and the Frog is really underrated and the songs are amazing. The softer atmosphere looks really pleasant. The animatronics look so well animated too.

I dunno, I have no nostalgia on splash mountain but I think this looks better.. for me atleast.