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Did Th13teen live up to the hype and your expectations?

Very noticeable, and not as bad as Silver Star. That first corner has sooo much more potential without that bloody trim on the drop!
Finally rode it today, expected the worst, was pleasantly surprised! The outside section looks so boring off-ride but I was laughing all the way, the air-time was great, and I didn't notice the trims (apart from the one on the drop). Infact I swear they other ones had been removed! There wasn't a sign of them on the track (but I could be wrong).

The inside drop felt alot longer than it should've thanks to it being in complete darkness. I'd read so many reviews but I never realised there wasn't a single light in the room when you drop. The backwards section was fun but needed something (seen people say this SO many times but it's true). It was strange at the end though, I didn't think I'd feel so exhilarated as I did! I was buzzing as the train returned to the station.

The whole Dark forest needs something too, I thought it looked a bit messy If Rita wasn't there it would be cool, she's so loud and space consuming and her queue is so ugly. Maybe if one year they relocated her ...
I love the area's concept but something's not completely right with it yet. So I'm going to blame Rita.
For the life of me I can't figure out what this thing will add to the story, the setting or anything else established during the ride experience.

Think..horror story, in the woods..And you think..THUNDERSTORMS! It fits!

This is basically artificial lightening, I think that's the idea anyway. Yeah it's not coming from the sky and what-not but yeah. You can't have a horror scene in a film without a good old fashioned thunderstorm to create atmosphere.


Lightening looks kinda tree-like too. And I think the outside of the cage is soundproofed so you'll just get the visual impact. Look forward to it getting fixed. I also look forward to them finishing the roof of the sation =/ those black cloths look awful.
I finally got my tivoli cred today...

Theming was average. Better than the 'cheap' Alton crap we've seen in recent years (e.g. Haunted Hollow), but not quite as good as the old skool stuff.

The outside section was fun enough, but the trims on the drop are a real shame. I'd rather sacrifice a bit of height, and have an untrimmed drop, than lose all airtime coming down the drop. If it wasn't for this spite, it could have been great. I could feel the train trying to give us airtime, but being spited by the trims!

I was quite impressed with the suprise element. Even though it wasn't a suprise thanks to the likes of burdenous Ollie and co, it delivered more airtime and 'willy lift' than I expected.

It's what I expected: A fairly decent, solid cred, but nothing special. Haters - don't let marketing pull the wool over your eyes next time, and you won't be so dissapointed.

Side note: The capacity is fab <3 <3.
Against any sensible logic, I preferred Raptor Attack, and generally what LWV have done with an ancient ride, as opposed to the real sense of let-down that th13teen delivers.
Jake said:
The outside section was fun enough, but the trims on the drop are a real shame. I'd rather sacrifice a bit of height, and have an untrimmed drop, than lose all airtime coming down the drop. If it wasn't for this spite, it could have been great. I could feel the train trying to give us airtime, but being spited by the trims!

My thoughts exactly.

Jake said:
It's what I expected: A fairly decent, solid cred, but nothing special. Haters - don't let marketing pull the wool over your eyes next time, and you won't be so dissapointed.

See, I didn't go by the marketing - I went by the experience of Mine Train Ulven - a ride with a fantastic first drop because it's not trimmed to hell. The trims turn a potentially decent ride into something decidedly "meh".

At least it does what I hoped it'd do - it keeps the Rita queue down first thing in the morning.
I've been back twice in the last week, and this is not a grower for me. Still awful, and nothing at all has been added since opening day.
Just got back from a weekend at Alton Towers. Thirteen was having huge reliability problems but I finally got to get on with a Priority Pass (for compensation).

I thought it was okay, I definitely enjoyed the drop and thought the theming in the station and crypt was good. The outside coaster section isn't really worth mentioning, but I quite like the idea of a small nice coaster stopping and falling into the crypt and then getting more rushed in the reverse section. That feels right somehow. I feel more could have been made of the reverse dark section, something as simple as dummy wraiths with spot lights on them would have worked as you couldn't see them coming.

So... to answer the question of the thread: Pretty much, as I was well aware of what to expect and could enjoy it for that. However, I feel if I had gone onto it believing it to be the ultimate roller coaster experience and "every theme park ride I've ever dreamed of in one" I would have been vastly disappointed.
I don't know about the ride - BUT the mug made me cry when it produced gangrenous vadge in my face! All I wanted was vodka and it made me cry!

Expectations SHATTERED beyond all comprehension! =]
I am hopping to go next month, my mate went and couldn’t get on because it was broken. I kinda think it would have been better to get a ride like Muntanya Russa that’s simple reliable and not a gimmick, it would probably be cheaper meaning more money for theme, but what do I know.
^ Because of all the restrictions the park has they only ever build gimmick rides. Even Nemesis was gimmicky when it was first built, the only inverted coaster in Europe that went upside down! Same with corkscrew, although dated now, it was a revolution.

They like to have the worlds first, or atleast grab new-ish concepts and technologies. Thirteen being no exception.

So I doubt you'll ever seen just a "normal", "done-before alot "coaster in Alton. Unless they get a woodie, but even then it may be a new concept to tackle the noise issue.
bob_3_ said:
Same with corkscrew, although dated now, it was a revolution.

Was that meant to be ironic bob??? The fact Revolution opened a year earlier and stuff :lol:
^You mean in the same way it always happens with every major ride build up and once it opens and people get on it views are discussed for a week then it's left?

At least we're being nicer about Thirteen than other foums :lol:
^Saw wasn't talked about a lot last year unless Ollie was defending it...

Most of the Stealth stuff was to do with the old airtime joke as well ;)
You're forgetting that there's a lot of us and Alton Towers is a major park slap bang in the middle of the country accessible to pretty much everyone.

If you went to a fourm for parks based in any state, especially one with a high population of people and parks, you'd expect the same level of hype for any new ride.

13 isn't as bad as you all say it is, anyway. The only truly terrible thing about it was the marketing.
^Yes agree on the marketing point, and the trims lol.

Tbh need to ride it again and see if i prefer it then, the 1st go when it was not working 100% did ruin it for me.
It wasnt really what i was expecting, To be truthfull it was slightly over rated i think but overall it was a pretty decent ride. Would defo ride it again.
Hype & Expectations

Finally rode 13 on Friday after a 45 minute wait (that quickly went up to 2 hours).

Did it live up to the hype - absolutely not.

Did it live up to my expectations - totally. Having seen news clips POV etc I wasn't expecting much so actually it exceeded my expections.

Did I like it - not much. Theming up until actually reaching the station could have been better. The station & trains looked pretty good, really liked the magnetic forces bit before reaching the loading platform.

The ride itself was as expected, very tame, very family oriented & lacked thrills until the pull into the drop bit. Theming inside great, drop OK & very well done, backward bit high point of the ride so got off the ride with a smile.

Could have been so much better & I think AT missed a golden opportunity here. Is it a signature ride - I don't think so myself.

4 out of 10