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"Did I ever tell you when I woke up and...?"


CF Legend
So this stemmed from a Skype where I was talking to Jer, Error and another friend and I told them about the time where I woke up from sleep and my arm was so dead it was flailing around and I punched my self in the face. My other friend woke up and he was facing his wall and in is sleepy stupor he though someone came into his room and stole everything. Jer's story involve him waking up at school and wondering how he got there. He can expand on that.

does anyone else having any sort of stories involving waking up after long sleeps?
Happened a few times after I moved, but I woke up and walked the wrong direction to the bathroom thinking I was in an old apartment or whatever.

Other than that, if I drink heavily the night before, I sometimes forgot how I got home or have no clue where I am, but that is apart of being drunk, not a hard sleep.
I've woken up by springing out of bed and immediately hitting the floor.

It was not pleasant in bunk beds.
That dead arm thing happens to me every now and again. It really annoying as when you try and get blood back into it, the arm contracts and goes really uncomfortable and stingy for a while.

The only story I can think of was when I woke up and my brother was having sex in our bunk bed below me with his girlfriend. That was distressing.
My Story goes like this:

I went to bed at school, I was exhausted from class, and it was very late. I didn't have to be up early that next day so I promptly passed out. I woke up that morning, I looked out my window, and to my roommate and started panicking, I just started wondering to myself "what am I doing here!?". It took me a couple of minutes for reality to hit me like a brick, I felt a little dumb.
ciallkennett said:
The only story I can think of was when I woke up and my brother was having sex in our bunk bed below me with his girlfriend. That was distressing.

must.... disinfect... brain....

ANyway - I woke up once with cramp in BOTH legs - that was well painful!
Re: "Did I ever tell you when I woke up and...?"

Once I woke up in a bath after a heavy night out.

Once I woke up and I'd trapped a nerve or something, so that my neck was stuck with me facing sideways. I couldn't move it for several hours.

Once I woke up in a bed with four other cfers. Ok, maybe more than once...
Re: "Did I ever tell you when I woke up and...?"

ciallkennett said:
That was distressing.

I know. Is it socially incorrect to knock one out yourself while they're at it or not?!?

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I once woke up in a different hotel room in bed with a girl I'd never met before during UVa's beach week. :drinking:

Ah college...
... Found myself lying down on the other side of a huge plate glass window to the restaurant of a hotel.

It was about 3:30 a.m. and in the restaurant was the hotel manager and two security personnel, who happened to be looking for me.

I'd got very drunk in the bar and the manager had found me on the floor behind the bar. He didn't look too happy, so instead of letting him take me away, I legged it.

I got out of the door, fell down drunk in the bushes behind the restaurant and fell asleep. I woke up half an hour later with them still trying to work out where I'd vanished to, but was actually lying in 6 inches of snow about 10 feet away from them :lol:

I then had to try and sneak back to my room, avoiding all staff. Cheap Stella isn't good mix with me... :oops:
madhjsp said:
I once woke up in a different hotel room in bed with a girl I'd never met before during UVa's beach week. :drinking:

Ah college...

It was Snoo in drag. He was very convincing though. Congrats on the "accomplishment" though.
During the boot camp period in the military, I woke up every other night believing we had just got an order to dress up and get out for an exercise ASAP. That actually never happened, but I had some very vivid visions of my roommates awake and half-dressed, telling me to wake up and hurry out.

Later, I would once wake up half the room after waking up in the middle of the night, looking at the clock and mistaking 0:03 for 6:03. I thought we were really late for jogging exercises.

The first few days after coming home, I also woke up every morning after dreaming that the sergeant was standing next to my bed, yelling "Why the hell are you still asleep?!!".

Ahh... the military. That sensation of always thinking that you'd just screwed up big time. It haunted me for months.
I once had this dream in which I won the lottery. And it was one of those long...long...realistic dreams. It starts off with me checking the ticket, then finding out I had won, then telling the parents. £14 million! All to myself! I can buy whatever I want!

I woke up properly happy. It hadnt hit me for half a minute that it was only a dream. As I slowly regained my senses and adjusted I realised that I had not won £14 million.

And I wasnt in my bed either. It was the first day of my A level school trip.

In Swanage.
I fell asleep for pretty much a whole flight to Corfu and was jolted out of my sleep when we were preparing to land. Because I was still so sleepy I had no idea what was going on or why I was seeing clear blue sea and clouds instead of grim north London.

A more recent example would be when I fell asleep whilst watching Top Gear only to wake up later on mid-speech talking about Richard and Neal in a swimming pool together. That, accompanied by a scene of Jeremy Clarkson walking on water, was quite a surreal thing to wake up to. Yeah, my guess is as good as anyone's.
ciallkennett said:
The only story I can think of was when I woke up and my brother was having sex in our bunk bed below me with his girlfriend. That was distressing.

I woke up once to find that my brother was jerking off in the bunk above me! And this was when he was 9!
The one time I had two dead arms (THE WORST) and at first I thought it was hilarious, flailing my arms around....

Only i really needed a whazz. So I began my journey to the toilet. Firstly, for anyone who isn't a double arm amputee. It is VERY hard to get out of bed without the use of your arms. Secondly, opening a door is impossible. I was very close to just pissing myself. Luckily the sound of me whacking my arms off the handle of my door was loud enough for me to awaken my mother who opened the door. I bowled her over and rushed into the toilet where I rewarded myself with a sit down urination, a luxury for only the most decadent whazzer.