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Derren Brown

No, of course not.

The internet is much more entertaining.
I (hopefully) will be watching. It's all dependant on if I can get the TV to myself and the Christian I am living with approves of it...:/
Is that because the Christian you'll be watching it with disapproves of magic or the fact that Brown is gay?

Jesus did magic and religion is gay, so what's the problem?
^ xD

She tuts at almost everything on TV, be it Eastenders or the news. Every swear word, insult, act of violence...and of course anything that ISN'T in favour of Jesus and his deciples. There is no pleasing the woman. The only thing she doesn't tut at is what she wants to watch, which is usually CSI :?

However, she has taken me into her home, and I am grateful :)
Well I tell you what, I'll record the subliminal video and send you it for a tenner. Use it how you wish!
Ormerod said:
Well I tell you what, I'll record the subliminal video and send you it for a tenner. Use it how you wish!

The chances are, we as the TV audience won't be able to see most of it, or will only see small clips, due to legality, ethical and broadcasting issues.

However, it will be fun to see people stuck like glue to their sofas :p
I reckon half of them loonies were only stuck in their seats because there was no wheelchair access at the bloody cinema.
Yes, and I bet all of you will be watching it again next week.

It's entertainment and escapism - that's it! Enjoy it for that, but don't be caught up in the hype.
I won't be watching next week because the entertainment side dissapears after two consecutive flops.
I haven't seen it yet, but were you expecting to be "stuck to your seat" literally?

I reckon it's worked. You still all sat down to watch it all (and I presume you watched all of it) so yeah I'd say he in a way "stuck" you to the seat in that aspect.
That would be a childish element to base a show on. He claimed he could subliminally stick you to your seat. Physically so that you couldn't get up.
It didn't work, and I am yet to meet a person who claims it worked.
I didn't watch it because I guessed it wouldn't work so will watch it on the net when it's up. Apparently my ex said something like it wont work if you watch it on a PC which goes to show it's even more stupid. What's the difference between the two. They both have picture and sound.
I was expecting Derren to turn round and go. "If it didn't work then it's because you don't have a HD TV. Upgrade now and rewatch the show on Channel 4 HD for more chance of it working" :p
Ollie said:
I didn't watch it because I guessed it wouldn't work so will watch it on the net when it's up. Apparently my ex said something like it wont work if you watch it on a PC which goes to show it's even more stupid. What's the difference between the two. They both have picture and sound.
I was expecting Derren to turn round and go. "If it didn't work then it's because you don't have a HD TV. Upgrade now and rewatch the show on Channel 4 HD for more chance of it working" :p

^ He said it wouldn't work on the net, so that isn't going to work, mind you, it didn't anyway.