Doritos - Only the cheesy ones.
Walkers - They're fine, if a bit boring. Ooooh, what about the sensations though? The sweet chilli ones are AMAZE <3
Wotsits - Nom, although none of these weird flavours or anything
Quavers - Yuck
McCoys - S&V or the beefy ones are the best
French Fries - Only S&V
Squares - Only S&V
Monster Munch - Yummy!
Discos - S&V ones are tolerable, but meh
Frisps - Again, only S&V
Space Invaiders - Nah
Mini Cheddars - Not really crisps as such, but they're nice for a change sometimes
Chipsticks - OMNOMNOM
Hula Hoops - Only the beefy ones, but they're just a bit too hard
Kettle Chips - Like eating shards of broken glass <////3
Frazzles - OMNOMNOM
Golden Wonder - Never been a fan
Wheat Crunchies - Only the bacon ones
Nik Naks - Only the spicy ones <3
Skips - They're great when I'm pretending to be on a diet
Pom-Bear - I'd never buy them, but if they're on a crap buffet at a party...
Seabrook - Are they those ridiculous ridged ones that are always in a MILLION tiny pieces by the time you open the pack?
Oh yeah, and all this talk of Lay's has reminded me of these bad boys...
OMG! Best. Crisps. EVER.