To put this into context, I’ve been to the park twice before. Once in 1998 (I think?) then once in 2009. Both times I’d enjoyed it, so was eager to get back into the park.
Woke up with a bit of an Estrella hangover and headed for breakfast. It was by far the biggest selection I’ve ever seen. The hot stuff could’ve been a bit hotter, but nevermind. Chocolate con churros <3 Over breakfast, several people had said they loved the view from their room. I assumed we didn’t really have one, so had a look when I got back up there...
After a bit of faff, it was time to head for the park. After a short wait, we headed in and were greeted by a collection of random Christmas decorations. This was our first encounter with FABULOUS Santa! <3
Clearly, our first stop for the day would be China. We arrived to find that Shambhala wasn’t open for a while yet, so walked straight on for a couple of goes on Dragon Khan. My lasting memory of Khan from my last trip was that it is very good, but was kind of lacking something. I think I still feel the same really. Yes it’s a bit rough round the edges, but it’s not that bad. It’s a good solid coaster with high intensity throughout. I don’t know what it is though, I just can’t get *that* excited about it. But then, I feel the same about Katun and Black Mamba so, who knows? I do still think it looks awesome though. Actually, I’d been really worried that Shambhala would ruin the park’s skyline. Whilst it’s undoubtedly changed it (it’s now much harder to pick out Khan’s individual elements than it was) the big dense mass of track means it still looks amazing
Next up was the one we’d all been waiting for - Shambhala. First thing to note is that the only Hypers I’d done prior to this were PMBO and SFMM’s Goliath (so, basically, no decent ones). I’d also never ridden anything so big with such exposed seating. I’d purposefully not let myself get too excited about this in advance. In fact, if anything, I thought it would probably be a bit slow and boring. Thankfully I was wrong. Very wrong.
As we crested the lift hill, I held on for grim death and let out an actual genuine scream. I think the last time that happened was probably my first ride on X. It was a scream partly of delight, and partly of being terrified of being thrown out. It took me until ¾ of the way round my first circuit to really trust the restraints! Again, that’s very unlike me! As we went round the ampersand, so was born one of the weekend’s recurring jokes as, from the seat next to me, Jordan screamed “What the **** is this?!” Hehe! To be honest, I can’t really answer that. As others have said, the supports create a terrifying and unexpected headchopper effect as you enter, which is quickly followed by an incredibly disorientating sensation of feeling as if you should be upside-down, whilst actually being the right way up. It’s really hard to describe, and is a sensation that I can’t remember feeling on a coaster before. The next few hills had a lovely intensity, and great pops of airtime, followed by the water splash which I found to be really effective. On my first ride, I did feel as though it died a bit after that, but on subsequent rides didn’t notice it so much, so perhaps it just needed to warm up.
Taking into account all of my re-rides across the weekend, I’d say the front is slightly better than the back. The front gives excellent floater which seems to last forever (especially on the first drop!) whilst the back is more ejector that doesn’t seem to kick in until you’re on the descent. Whilst it’s in no way a bad ride at the back, I did prefer the front, with the front seat being my absolute favourite. As Ian said, it’d probably be in my top 10, if I had one.
I think we headed into Sesame Street (aka “Jimmy Land”) next. It’s bright, colourful and has plenty of rides making it a decent enough kids area, but I don’t see what the hell any of it has to do with Sesame Street. Jordan put right her “dirty secret” by finally riding Tami-Tami, then lost her big wet fish virginity.
As we started walking towards the front entrance, we got distracted by Sodyssey. Rather than “Dolphin bollocks” it’s now showing a choice of 2 films. It helpfully stated that one was 4 minutes long, and the other is 11. So glad we chose the short one. It was dreadful.
It felt like it was time for lunch, so decided to head to Mediterranea to find food. As it was there, and was walk on, we decided to give Hideous Baco a go to make sure the people who needed it got the cred. I rode this at the very start of the 2009 season (it opened June 07) and even then remember it being painful. Yeah, it’s got worse. I remember the pre-show being a lot better than it is (I swear the doors all used to close? Did I imagine that?) The launch is good, but after that it’s just utterly vile. I did an inside seat on this run which was bad enough, then an outside one later on which is somehow even worse. For me, it’s actually got to the point of being unrideable. Different trains would help, but then the layout would seem far too short. As it is, it actually feels too long as you just can’t wait for the pain to end.
Lunch next with the first beer of the day. Did I mention that I <3 Estrella?
From here on (unsurprisingly given the last statement) it all gets a bit hazy. I think we headed over the bridge and into the western area. “Are the rapids open?” “NO! ALL the water rides are SHUT!!!!” So, yeah, then most of the group went on the rapids

Caffeine Demon got spited by a shower thing, and Sue was a moist burden. Next, Peep got over-excited at seeing a Breakdancer. Apparently it was ****. We then went on the fab themed dodgems and tried to stalk the goon squad. I failed. Whilst Rich had another go at making Mike’s life a burden, Ian and I found more beer. This might be why, when Mike drove head first into a wall, making his glasses fly off, I thought it was the funniest thing I’d ever seen in my life and had to go and sit on a bench before I collapsed.
More creds next as we arrived at Stampida. Most of the group went off to ride which took an unexpectedly long time (apparently caused by the crap batching). When the PA virgins decided to go straight back on for their 2nd cred, I decided to join them. Sue and I did front seat blue, and it was actually fine. I can totally imagine it’d be vile at the back though. It just can’t cope with corners, it spends all its time bouncing from one side of the track to the other. Eugh.
Next up was Tomahawk, the kiddie woodie. 10 rows + one adult per row = CF takeover train! I remember this being a lot of fun in 09, and was slightly disappointed. Meh. Someone then thought it’d be a good idea to do the giant ghetto flat of WTF. Seriously, what the hell is that thing? It was dreadful.
Off to Mexico and onto Hurakan Condor. I remember being really disappointed by this in 09. I remember the length of the drop making it more boring as you got halfway down and thought “oh, are we still going?” That basically still happened. I didn’t dislike it as much this time, but it still doesn’t excite me nearly as much as Apocalypse or Detonator. I think it needs to hold you at the top for longer maybe? I don’t know. Anyway, it seems like none of the effects in/on/around the station were working, which is a shame. After much begging, I was then allowed to go on Temple Del Fuego. This was SBNO on my last visit, but I’d heard good things, despite not actually having a clue what it was. It was fab. I kinda felt like it needed another room, or at least a better exit </Joey> though. Hmmmm.
On to the last cred of the trip, ‘El Diablo: Tren de Muchos Lift Hills’. Cue Jordan turning into The Count on every lift hill <3
Dunno what happened next? Khan, probably. Shambhala, definitely. I think then we all kinda wandered off before eventually converging back at Furius Burden just before it closed. Vile contraption.
Then it was back to China for yet more Stampida whorage, especially as by this point it was getting dark. The lights on the train/lift/surrounding area are fab. I headed back to Mediterranea to watch the xmas water/fireworks show thing. It was a bit turdos, tbh. Nevermind. It was still a pleasant way to round off an awesome day at the park.
Walking back to the hotel through the pretty much empty park was awesome. All the christmas lights made it look so pretty.
We had a couple of drinks in the saloon before heading to the Opera House for dinner. The food was ok, but mine was a bit cold and a bit dry. Meh. We then went into the shiny bar for more drinks including camp cocktails! I eventually just kinda disappeared and went off to bed.
So yeah, all in all, a Shamazing day <3