Sorry to take this off topic but how exactly do you actually manage to get in the back of Wicker Man? I've ridden it like 5-6 times and every time I get told to sit near the front or in the middle. Even during an ERT/ERS the guy was there telling me where to sit.
Joris in my opinion is much better than Wicker Man. Wicker Man doesn't seem tall enough to get quite the right speed, the flat turn is boring and it is just a little too short.
But Troy beats these both hands down anyway.
Wicker Man's theming, music and preshow make up for a lot to be fair.
Back on topic:
This lockdown has made me appreciate the parks that are relatively close to me a lot more so I was considering a Merlin pass or just individual season passes for Towers and Thorpe when all this hysteria ends. Both are about 1 1/2 - 2 hrs away from me.
Ahhhahhh Glad you asked... I have 3 methods, depending who is batching... The first and obvious, if you recognise the staff member, ask nicely, won’t always work, but I’d say roughly 75% success with the right staff member (There’s one girl who says no every single time)
2nd if you’ve risked option 1, and spot said ‘evil girl’ batching... Then count people through, create your own little pre batch batch... This is tough, takes practice and nerves... basically wait until he/she’s done a batch, and then count 20 - 22 people past you before you get there. I’ve done it successfully several times and even when it does fail, I either end up second to last row or first... so no biggy.
The easiest and almost full proof method, go with at least 4 people, 6 preferable (I’ll explain why later) and ask before pre show to bypass as you can’t go into the pre show room for some reason, scared kid, loud noises, whatever... I’ve said several times that I’m just sick of the pre show. You’ll be taken around to a small door close to the rear of the train and told to wait just inside. With 6 of you you’ll usually be put on the back few rows

However I’ve done this alone and in two’s and then they often filter you in elsewhere, especially alone.
This may all seem a bit extreme to get close to the back... But anybody who has ridden the back, and other rows on Wicker Man knows, they’re 2 completely different rides... I cannot think of any other coaster where it makes as much difference. Rows 10 and 11 are acceptable.
Oh and Troy is amazing, rode Troy on the same trip as Joris... Probably another reason why my opinion of Joris is so low.