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Coasters that you have re-ridden the most

In one day?

G5 and Insane Speed about 20-25 times each - Dead park and 7 hours "stuck" there.

Altogether? I don't keep track of things like this, but I reckon it would be Magnum Force in the region of 100+ times or so.
The coaster I've re-ridden most in a single day would have to be Hulk. My first time at Universal with my family, we stayed in one of the on-site park hotels, so our room keys doubled as infinite fast-passes. On our third and last day there I took full advantage of this & must've racked up about 10 or 15 rides on Hulk, even though the normal waiting line was around 90 minutes!

Hydra & I305 would be close, though. I probably rode Hydra about 8 or 9 times at Dorney earlier this summer, and there was one day where I know I did I305 7 or 8 times.
oh if you're counting in a single day it's different for me. I spent about 3 hours straight riding Apollo's and Big Bad Wolf... each, way back in early May of 2009. It felt like I had the park to myself, there were more employees walking around than people, and there were some great operating procedures for it, too. It was one of the few times that I was allowed to stay in the train for a reride instead of making me walk all the way around back through the entrance and the queue. If I remember right I rode Apollo's about 25 times and BBW around 20 times, it was a pretty long time ago so I'm not 100% sure.
Good God, my four times in one day on S:UF are being blown out the door like a shred of paper. :lol:

In my whole life, Goliath (Walibi Holland) 300+
In a single day, still Goliath about 80.

Well, Walibi Holland often has low affluence. And the day I rode about 80 times Goliath, there was so little queue that the ride operators let me and other riders stay on the train so I could make several re-rides in a row :D
Been on Nemesis about 150 times in total, then Oblivion is closely behind on about 130. For one day, Nemesis takes that as well with 20 - it took its toll I tell you.
Nemesis is my most-ridden coaster at 48 times.
Saw is my most-ridden in one visit at 11 times. Oh, what neck-ache I had the day after that trip!
The Swarm at Thorpe Park the first time I went on my own and I was nervous going up (Im scared of heights) and I loved it and I went on it about 18 times in one day and the line was about 5 minutes for most of the day
Been on El Toro, Medusa, and Nitro all well over 250 times, and Ka over 150

In one day though 9 times on Skyrush is really the pinnacle.
Ridden Wicked Twister about 35 times, and thats the only one I truly know. Gemini combined could be higher, but any visit with my family to cp was on a saturday in august...

Sent while out and about
I have no idea and this is something that I honesty, really just don't understand.

I mean, I love cheese sandwiches, but I don't put a notch on the cheese board every time I make one.

Honest question, but do you have like a book, or spreadsheet or something to mark down every time you go onto a ride so you don't lose count?

Each to their own and all that, but it just doesn't compute in my head to keep track in that kind of finite detail... I just don't think I'm special enough...
It's got to be Rebel Yell at Kings Dominion for me. The lines are relatively always short. I've ridden it forwards, backwards, both sides, but nowadays it has just gotten so damn rough I can hardly ride it.
Mine is either Canobie Corkscrew or Yankee Cannonball at Canobie Lake. I've been going forever and since its a tiny park the lines arn't long. I'm going to ride them more since im going tomorrow. :wink:
furie said:
I have no idea and this is something that I honesty, really just don't understand.

I mean, I love cheese sandwiches, but I don't put a notch on the cheese board every time I make one.

Honest question, but do you have like a book, or spreadsheet or something to mark down every time you go onto a ride so you don't lose count?

Each to their own and all that, but it just doesn't compute in my head to keep track in that kind of finite detail... I just don't think I'm special enough...

I guess you have to consider the fact that you're talking about a group of people who already obsess over roller coasters much more than the average parkgoer, to the point where they keep a record of which ones they've done and bother to do things like rank them against each other. Given that, keeping track of re-rides is really not much of a stretch. So I understand it, even though it's not something I do myself.
Rock Bottom Plunge, MOA. 6 Times in two hours and no line (only day i've ever ridden it).
Close behind would be Pepsi Orange Streak at MOA, with 5 rides total, and what used to be called Timberland Twister at MOA with 4.
Most at a major park: Whizzer at SFGAM with 3 rides total (all in one day too!).
Swarm. With 4. Beat that nubs.

I'm not usually one for re-riding the same ride over and over, and as I don't visit the same park as often as most of you, I think that's the most I've been on any ride.