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CoasterForce World Exclusive from CWoA

Am I the only one really sad to see Beanoland go? I loved the playful cartoon-iness of it, like the button with 'DO NOT PRESS' and when you pressed it you got hit by a fountain or something... Sure, they might keep some of that in, but it'll never have the same bouncy fun that it had when it was Beanoland.

It's a kids park. Why does everything have to be so serious these days?
^So you don't know that they're rebranding the park away from a kids park?

Also, the contract was running out, so it's most likely cheaper to make it new and not worry about such fees...

Beanoland was looking very poor in recent seasons, and we're getting a new ride out of it... Change is sometimes necessary...
Not really. The area aged pretty quickly and looked tacky. The only thing we went there for were the Dodgems and the Whizzer when it was a hot day. The only thing that was really good was the quality of shows when it first started. I remember Dennis and Minnie doing a show on the fountains where they used the slides and Dennis went up about an extra 20 feet when the fountain went on full power. Also the got the guests wet as well.
The last couple of years they've just had a crappy rock band thing where they come out in costumes with plastic guitars and dance to music being played through speakers.

It's going to be a massive improvement though. We've still got all the rides there and a disko coaster which will be great for families. Also the themeing looks pretty good as well and it won't make the area stick out like a sore thumb anymore.
First off I would like to thank Chessington for the hospitality they showed us on the trip, it was really relaxed and open. I really felt like we could ask them anything we wanted and we got honest answers.

The staff we met seemed to really care about the park and the plans, Chessington is not just a job to them it's their baby and they finally know how their baby will grow.

I would go into the plans but tbh everything has been answered already.

The new area will look fantastic and I personally think the park is heading in the right direction.

I can not wait to see the area finished and I will make a trip down there to see it rather than wait for GF.
A couple of points raised in the last couple of pages -

Transylvania, Land of the Dragons and Pirates Cove will eventually become "Wild Europe". As I understand it, they're still going to keep the vast majority of their current theming, but there will be an effort to draw the three areas together, and give them some continuity.

With regards to putting rides in the zoo area... I asked about this, and was told yes. I can't see it happening for a while, but it is on the cards.

As far as the current egyptian bit is concerned - this is ENTIRELY all my own thoughts and speculation - none of this has come from the park. I wouldn't mind betting that it will become part of the Americas land. It'd be quite easy to change the theme from egypt to, say, aztec which would make it fit well with the mexican/wild west area round the corner. I can't see it staying as Egypt, as the Africa area is going to be over the other side. However, that said, I can't see any major re-theming work being carried out there, maybe just new signage or something. But, yeah, as I say, this is all just speculation.

Oh, and will you all stop being so bloody negative! Yes, the park has had major problems over recent years, but that was IN THE PAST. Stop moaning about what it used to be like, and just look forward to what its going to be like.
A few months ago someone posted the land that Chessington owned and claimed they could expand and build round the park as well. Can I just say we asked about this and the land is Green Belt and will be very hard for them to build attractions on this land.

For the next 5 years each year you go to the park you will notice differences, yes it may only be re themes and tidy ups but this needs to done. People praise Alton Towers for the 2 area's that have a had a re theme so it should be the same with Chessington.

I for one am looking forward to the changes that are and will take place in the park. Enough rubbish has been said about the park before, at least we now know where they are heading.
marc said:
A few months ago someone posted the land that Chessington owned and claimed they could expand and build round the park as well. Can I just say we asked about this and the land is Green Belt and will be very hard for them to build attractions on this land.

Yep, from Creature Features you can see the green 'barrier' fence that denotes the space owned by the park, and there's quite a bit of room since it spreads all the way from there to Falls...

Another two points have come to mind, and this is regarding facilities, namely the Medical Centre and Guest Services, which are rather difficult to find for the average guest, so maybe the park should think of expanding these two to make them bigger and more noticeable...

In fact, they should nick an idea I saw in Busch Gardens last year and have staff properly measuring people at both entrances, and maybe sorting out disabled wristbands, meaning people don't have to search for that small door in Market Square...
Transylvania, Land of the Dragons and Pirates Cove will eventually become "Wild Europe".

Whilst it's nice they're merging some of the small area's, as they do have too many, but is every bloody area going to be renamed with "Wild"?
^ I think so. The new approach for the park is 'wild adventure' so I suppose the term wild is going to be used a lot.
I think the "Wild" in the land names refers to the wildlife (albeit caged wildlife!) they want to integrate throughout the park.
I think things are looking good for CwoA. For a few years now I've felt like it needs a spruce up and I'm glad Merlin are giving it the attention it needs. I think they've got it spot on.
Nemesis Inferno said:
In fact, they should nick an idea I saw in Busch Gardens last year and have staff properly measuring people at both entrances, and maybe sorting out disabled wristbands, meaning people don't have to search for that small door in Market Square...

I do remember them mentioning something about the whole situation with parent swap and disability passes in Market Square. I can't remember what they said the plan was, but they are looking into it. One bit I do remember was that they said they intend for Market Sqare to become a neutral hub amongst all the lands. Yes, they even used the word hub, very Disney indeed :p
Vadge said:
With regards to putting rides in the zoo area... I asked about this, and was told yes.

Its funny how everything I said, was dashed before...
And now, I'm proven to be correct every step of the way.

I'm most looking forward to the safari behind the hotel :)
Screaming Coasters said:
Vadge said:
With regards to putting rides in the zoo area... I asked about this, and was told yes.

Its funny how everything I said, was dashed before...
And now, I'm proven to be correct every step of the way.

I'm most looking forward to the safari behind the hotel :)

IF they get planning permission granted for the whole Serengetti Savannah thing that is! Since the planning application doesn't go in until Feb 10th it is still too early to be getting any hopes up. Even if they get permission for the Savannah the whole idea of a safari is a long way off too. Which they will also need to apply for permission for!

Also Erol, no one likes someone who constantly gloats about how right they were, especially when they didn't get EVERYTHING right and was not right EVERY step of the way as Ian noted... (Pg3) :p

Ian said:
Screaming Coasters said:
See, and nobody believed me 3 years ago when I was told by Merlins head honcho that Chessington is going to be the Bucsh Gardens of the UK.

Clearly, I was right.
Tick 1 to me. <3

The park is heading for more of an Animal Kingdon vibe than a Busch Gardens vibe, but you can have half a tick anyway.

Well Vampire is being knocked down in around 7 years so something has to take its place.

So I'm going to deduct one tick for that comment as Vampire is certainly not going anywhere! So that's minus 1/2 tick over all, Erol!
^ You got me on that one, but that WAS on the cards when I worked there. In fact, it was mentioned in "Park Life", the inhouse Newspaper. So really, I wasn't lying.

I'm not gloating, I'm just trying to prove myself because remember how everybody shat all over what I said? I got ridiculed and laughed at because nothing was happening at the time and now its my chance to speak out a little.

I'm done now though because I think everyone now realizes I'm not full of crap. :)

I'm really looking forward to this. Did you snap any pictures of the dodgems? Are they changing in any way?
^We were not allowed to take pictures but the dodgems had no covers on them as they are being themed to Tuk-tuk's. I think they will look great like that and the whole stand has been themed as well.

They are really going for detail in the area, such as plants and things like that.
I'm really excited about this now, it seems Merlin have really upped their game for the 2010 season, hope it continues this way in the years to come, I'm actually excited to visit CWoA this year =]
^Unfortunately not... But we can always hope they have stuff planned that they're not letting out just yet... [/dreamer]

They are plotting the big safari area though later which should involve a Kilimanjaro Safari/Rhino Rally like ride, but that'd be it I'm guessing...

They weren't going to reveal the biggest plans now were they. They did say they are looking at new rides and so on but it was undecided.

Now, I will say this next bit, but I really must stress that it should NOT be read too far in to. Seriously.
At one point during our visit the rides manager did start asking us whether we had ridden a Gerstlauer launch coaster and what we thought of them, what the throughput is like etc. So, it would certainly seem that on a very primitive level they are interested in the Gerstlauer launch coaster. It is worth pointing out that they have also noted the problems Thorpe have had with Gerstlauer though.

Whether this is something they are really considering is anyones guess at the moment. There are other plans that are much more of a priority right now.