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Coasterforce Quiz!!!


Hyper Poster
I'll take the 10, just slightly slower than Smithy and Snoo. Since the questions were made easier, i've only got one wrong, sadly i've only played three!


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
What's that feeling?

Why, it's Gavin sucking my balls.
9/10.. son of a B.. and the one I missed I changed!!

I hate when that happens! I did it like, four times on a multiple choice section for a test at school and I was pissed right off.

Anyway, I got four out of ten on this one. I don't know much about celebrities, if I'm being honest.


Hyper Poster
9/10 and could have had good time too but changed my mind twice, corrected one wrong one and changed one right answer so my score would still have been 9


Giga Poster
I had 2 questions that had anything to do with anything outside the USA.
The rest were about former American Presidents/Governors with random questions like "Who was the Governor of Cleveland is 1968?" :?