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Nope. Never been on Apocalypse.

Several rerides on a kiddie cred, while kiddies were waiting to get on? [/meanlittleperosn] :twisted:
^ no, but i have had a lap bar on a woodie unlock midride

Stuck on a Huss Jump, with the arms in the up position ?
^ Yea, it was scary as **** and on an SLC. 9 yr old me didnt like it one bit and screamed like a little bitch. To your Huss, No.

Gotten paid to ride Maverick

Switching between the hideouts'...
Kind of, I've been hit in the face by a bee on Stealth. Quite an unpleasant experience - and it wasn't that nice for me either. ;)

Seen the queues of Thorpe Park's major rides less than ten minutes because everybody is crowding round Katie Price? That's the only good thing about the bigot visiting that I can think of.
Yes. Thorpe Park during Cirque Freak in 2010, and on a Sunday night last month.

Been stuck on a B&M for half an hour?
Not quite. I'm not patient enough for a three hour queue, tbhwy.

Been on a last ever ride before it shuts permanently?

^ It was Oblivion during 2009's Scarefest. The car stopped on the lift hill, and some staff came up the catwalk and appeared to be doing not much. God knows what took them half an hour to get it running, though. Fortunately, it was the last ride of the night, so we lost no time.
I've been on the very last ride before it shuts for the day. Otherwise, No

Got the same "seat" on 2 simulteaneos rides on Shockwave @ DMP with about 1.5-2.5 years between rides?
Nope, never been to Drayton

Screamed as loud as possible on a kiddie cred because you were dared, and lost your voice for a week?