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Coaster that you never re-ride

For me it is the usual suspects. Apples, Spinning Wild Mouse yadda yadda yadda...

The only major ride of note that I could quite happily avoid from now until forever (and has been mentioned above) is Ghost Rider... I spend a fortune trying to avoid Migraines, and this ride seems to invite them into my head for a party. Eurgh.

If I am totally honest I would probably never ride a Boomerang again unless it was a credit. Terrible I know but I detest the god awful things.

Stuff like this was even more notable when we went out to Florida in Dec last year. There was a fair few rides that I really was not all that fussed about reriding, despite the fact I was half way round the world and don't get there all that often. This is In comparison to UK parks where it doesn't bother me what I get on, because I know I'll get on it soon after. In Florida it was weird, we didn't even bother with the Wild Mouse at BGT and many of the other rides, even knowing I probably wasn't going to be back there for a few years.

And I couldn't agree more with Ian. Spinning Mouse Coasters are purely Creds and nothing more. I took one look at Primevil Whirl and wanted to a dinosaur to eat me alive to save me from riding...

PS. Isn't this topic just dying for a spin-off 'Coasters that you ALWAYS re-ride' topic :p