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CF Speed Build Competition | Round 1 | Type Vote (Please Vote)

Which type should we build?

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Nicky Borrill

Strata Poster
The nominations are in, and we're asking you, the CF members to decide which type of coaster will be built by contestants in CF's first speed building competition:

The Nominations Are:
Wooden Coaster
(Constraints: Max Height: 130ft, Max Inversions: 3, Min Speed: 40mph)

Multi Launch Coaster (Constraints: Propulsion: Multiple Launches, Max Height: 199ft, Min Speed: 50mph, Material: Steel Coaster)

Hyper Coaster (Constraints: Propulsion: Lift Hill, Min Height: 200ft, Max Height 299ft, Max Inversions: ANY, Material: Steel Coaster)

Maurer Spinning Coaster (Constraints: Max Area: 30M x 40M, Min Cars: 4)

Gerst Infinity Coaster (Constraints: Propulsion: Lift Hill, Max Height: 175ft, Min Height: 120ft, Min Length: 4000ft, Compulsory Element/s: Interlocking corkscrews)

Please pick which you think we should build using the attached poll.



Voting ends Sunday evening. Contestants will then have until midnight (GMT) on Monday 24th January to build and submit their entry. You, the members, will be asked to vote on your favourite.

Each type has it's own set of constraints that must be abided by. If a constraint isn't mentioned for a particular type, then the contestant has creative freedom. For example, where no propulsion type is mentioned, a contestant may use a lift hill or a launch. Except in the case of material, where it is either defined by the type itself, or a constraint.

Contestants will be judged purely on the layout. light theming, / landscaping may be added, but we will ask you to ignore this when picking a winner.

Layouts will be judged on 3 categories:

Realism: How realistic is the layout?
Originality / Creativity: Does this layout contain unique elements, is it an original idea?
Overall: Which layout would you most like to ride overall?

There will be a winner each round for each of the above judging categories. But the league table will be placed based on the Overall category, with Realism and Creativity being used to separate ties.

League Table Points will be awarded for each round as follows. Overall winner: 5 pts, 2nd place: 4 pts, 3rd place: 3 pts, 4th place: 2 pts, 5th place: 1 pt.

League season will last for 6 rounds.


@Nicky Borrill (Yes I just tagged myself!!!)
@VikingParrot (I think?)
@Matt N

But there is still time to join us...
Just post your username and the games you play below before Sunday night, like this:

Name: Nicky Borrill
Games Played: Planet Coaster and a little NL2
Last edited:
Name: Hixee (is this bit a bit redundant...?)
Games: NL2
I’ll give this a go!

Name: Matt N
Games: Planet Coaster (and a little RCT3 beforehand, but it’s only PlanCo these days)

Also, I’d personally nominate Hyper Coaster as what to build, if contestants are allowed to make nominations.
I’ll give this a go!

Name: Matt N
Games: Planet Coaster (and a little RCT3 beforehand, but it’s only PlanCo these days)

Also, I’d personally nominate Hyper Coaster as what to build, if contestants are allowed to make nominations.
You’re in Matt :)

You can vote on Hyper in the poll above. Contestants are allowed to vote, both now and for the final result :)

Ride types not chosen this time will be carried forward as proposals next round, as per the suggestion in the other thread… So it’s safe to say we’ll probably be building a hyper in one round :)
Quick question, @Nicky Borrill - do we need to do supports too?
I wouldn’t say so… Not if we’re just focused on the layout…

Perhaps if you get time, as unlike NL 2, PlanCo adds them automatically on the fly, and whilst we’re asking folk to judge the layout only, it might be hard for them to ignore the lack of supports subconsciously… If that makes sense?
Of course it needs supports. 🤣

If you're running out of time, use the NL prefabs. :)
Blunt and to the point!!! 🙈😂

My thoughts were that it doesn’t really affect the competition fairness wise… But people may not pick a support-less coaster over one with supports… I think my way of saying it was ‘nicer.’ 😝
Just a question @Nicky Borrill; are we allowed to submit layouts as soon as we’ve finished building them, or do we wait until the time runs out and all submit them at once?

I haven’t built anything yet, of course; I was only curious!
Results are in.

Round 1 will be a hyper coaster.

Constrains are very open for this one, it basically just has to be a steel coaster with a lift hill between 200 and 299 feet... With or without inversions... Any manufacturer... This should be VERY interesting.

I'll create the thread for submitting entries tomorrow. But you can start building now. Don't forget, for entry, you'll need to screen grab a video containing off ride shots as well as a POV.

Whenever I'm building I'll be on the Coaster Force Discord channel, probably late most (UK) evenings, if anybody wants to drop in, ask questions, share tips, or just have some company whilst building :) You can find the CF Discord here... https://discord.gg/Wdgc2cn And you'll find a handy guide to joining it here https://coasterforce.com/forums/threads/introducing-the-official-coasterforce-discord.42264/

Admins, could you please close the poll. Once I've created the submissions thread you can lock the topic too, but keep it open to questions for now :)
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