Rob Coasters
Rob Poster
Huh? Me leaving the UK? That's... unheard of. Last time I did that was in 2018 on a trip to Tenerife where I went to the greatest waterpark ever, then sacrificed a Zierer to go back a second time. Worth it, I genuinely do not regret it one bit. If it was a Tivoli though, then different story. Who's to convince me otherwise?
Anyway, that Wales trip was doing a bit of foreshadowing that I was ready to start travelling hardcore once again, and where better to start than Ireland? Close by, should be easy enough to get around, massive wooden roller coaster. What's not to love? Might be better than silly old England from day one like Wales, though I still haven't figured if I just like new things and I have a "newness bias". Most likely.
A ride in the car to Stansted later, our flight departed at 10ish. I expected hell, hours of security queues... but we blitzed right past it with no lines and I was finding myself through the airport and where I needed to go with EASE. While waiting for one of the group to browse a shop we exited early we had a glance at the departures board.
It hit me like a truck. These places are REAL. I cam get on Polar X-plorer or whatever if I just do this trip again just a different language. It's all... right here. "Luxembourg".
Anyway, the flight was fine, short but fine. As someone with a dodgy eardrum the descending process filled me with considerable pain, but swallowing an endless stream of Starbursts allowed them to 'pop' which in turn allowed me to survive and appreciate the final moments of landing without having to fight for my life. The ear pain is something I've managed to circumvent on the flight home by moving some neck muscles in a specific way and breathing out hard, in order to 'pop' them before the descending process started which led to a painless end to the weekend jaunt.
Our destination was Dublin Airport and our trip but our b&b for the next two nights was located in Drogheda, north of Dublin. So one quick bus later we were there, passing by an indoor waterpark and not much else that I can remember. And outside of the bus station we were starving so headed to our first Irish building...
...a McDonalds. Seriously. Planning on a five minute in-and-out collection of two cheeseburgers and a milkshake, we headed in.
Unfortunately, the newly developed handful of delivery services turned the McDonalds experience from a short stop into a long and frustrating affair. They used to have your food ready more-or-less immediately after order, but the congregation of eager delivery drivers makes that no more. Soon our stuff was ready though, and while people do write this place off as awful, I have got to admit that was a pretty God damn good cheeseburger.
Following the good food and our stomach requests completed our next course of action was to head over to a taxi rank to gain a cab to our b&b. Our initial thoughts were to swing by a pub that had a friend of a friend, but the need to disembark ourselves from our rucksacks were higher priority. Stumbling into a taxi building as it became our home for the next fifteenish minutes.
Soon came, so we unloaded at the b&b only to taxi it back down to town shortly after to do some exploring and private matters.
We've stayed awake for the liftoff, now we'll never believe the sights. The Sights, the sights. Cousteau and Cicero are nowhere to be seen though, but perhaps Mr. Magpie was. This building if my mind serves me correctly is known as the "cup & saucer".

We were greeted with this view of the town, I've decided to show the photo where I intentionally turned the camera to block out said McDonalds from eye view.
EDIT: Oops.

Behind St. Mary's Church is the Viaduct, which I jokingly said to myself as "the X2 of Drogheda". See if you can figure out why before I spoil the answer in like three images' time.

We've been in this little gated area for a while now, but the gate will shut in four minutes. Better secure our freedoms then.

Finding ourselves en route to the church I sported a scary dark alleyway... better go down it. Clearly I wasn't supposed to be here but it's... right there? Plus, I've been giggling at this sign I found there for the past few days.

The scale of this church is not to be messed with...

I got distracted by a rusty boat...

...Viaduct. If your answer to why I call this the X2 of Drogheda is "because its construction bankrupted the manufacturer" then congratulations! I'm not sure what to give to the winners, maybe I'll give away free yellow squares, I've got ten spares. Let me know if you want one; I'll edit this post promptly to reflect any taken squares. Be sure to let me know quickly... first come first serve. And yes, you can take as many as you want. Split or steal?

This more modern-looking bridge reminds me of SOMETHING, a bridge of course, but I can't put my finger on what exactly. London & Australia come to mind...

After this crossing we came down to St Peters Church where we saw A REAL HEAD and some fascinating religious stories. No photos from inside, a decision I personally made myself, and no photos from outside because the heavens opened. "Driest day in Ireland".
Of course we saw the friend of the friend, then off to bed. Big day tomorrow, but 'twas a big day today too.
Anyway, that Wales trip was doing a bit of foreshadowing that I was ready to start travelling hardcore once again, and where better to start than Ireland? Close by, should be easy enough to get around, massive wooden roller coaster. What's not to love? Might be better than silly old England from day one like Wales, though I still haven't figured if I just like new things and I have a "newness bias". Most likely.
A ride in the car to Stansted later, our flight departed at 10ish. I expected hell, hours of security queues... but we blitzed right past it with no lines and I was finding myself through the airport and where I needed to go with EASE. While waiting for one of the group to browse a shop we exited early we had a glance at the departures board.
It hit me like a truck. These places are REAL. I cam get on Polar X-plorer or whatever if I just do this trip again just a different language. It's all... right here. "Luxembourg".
Anyway, the flight was fine, short but fine. As someone with a dodgy eardrum the descending process filled me with considerable pain, but swallowing an endless stream of Starbursts allowed them to 'pop' which in turn allowed me to survive and appreciate the final moments of landing without having to fight for my life. The ear pain is something I've managed to circumvent on the flight home by moving some neck muscles in a specific way and breathing out hard, in order to 'pop' them before the descending process started which led to a painless end to the weekend jaunt.
Our destination was Dublin Airport and our trip but our b&b for the next two nights was located in Drogheda, north of Dublin. So one quick bus later we were there, passing by an indoor waterpark and not much else that I can remember. And outside of the bus station we were starving so headed to our first Irish building...
...a McDonalds. Seriously. Planning on a five minute in-and-out collection of two cheeseburgers and a milkshake, we headed in.
Unfortunately, the newly developed handful of delivery services turned the McDonalds experience from a short stop into a long and frustrating affair. They used to have your food ready more-or-less immediately after order, but the congregation of eager delivery drivers makes that no more. Soon our stuff was ready though, and while people do write this place off as awful, I have got to admit that was a pretty God damn good cheeseburger.
Following the good food and our stomach requests completed our next course of action was to head over to a taxi rank to gain a cab to our b&b. Our initial thoughts were to swing by a pub that had a friend of a friend, but the need to disembark ourselves from our rucksacks were higher priority. Stumbling into a taxi building as it became our home for the next fifteenish minutes.
Soon came, so we unloaded at the b&b only to taxi it back down to town shortly after to do some exploring and private matters.
We've stayed awake for the liftoff, now we'll never believe the sights. The Sights, the sights. Cousteau and Cicero are nowhere to be seen though, but perhaps Mr. Magpie was. This building if my mind serves me correctly is known as the "cup & saucer".

We were greeted with this view of the town, I've decided to show the photo where I intentionally turned the camera to block out said McDonalds from eye view.
EDIT: Oops.

Behind St. Mary's Church is the Viaduct, which I jokingly said to myself as "the X2 of Drogheda". See if you can figure out why before I spoil the answer in like three images' time.

We've been in this little gated area for a while now, but the gate will shut in four minutes. Better secure our freedoms then.

Finding ourselves en route to the church I sported a scary dark alleyway... better go down it. Clearly I wasn't supposed to be here but it's... right there? Plus, I've been giggling at this sign I found there for the past few days.

The scale of this church is not to be messed with...

I got distracted by a rusty boat...

...Viaduct. If your answer to why I call this the X2 of Drogheda is "because its construction bankrupted the manufacturer" then congratulations! I'm not sure what to give to the winners, maybe I'll give away free yellow squares, I've got ten spares. Let me know if you want one; I'll edit this post promptly to reflect any taken squares. Be sure to let me know quickly... first come first serve. And yes, you can take as many as you want. Split or steal?

This more modern-looking bridge reminds me of SOMETHING, a bridge of course, but I can't put my finger on what exactly. London & Australia come to mind...

After this crossing we came down to St Peters Church where we saw A REAL HEAD and some fascinating religious stories. No photos from inside, a decision I personally made myself, and no photos from outside because the heavens opened. "Driest day in Ireland".
Of course we saw the friend of the friend, then off to bed. Big day tomorrow, but 'twas a big day today too.