Potentially, yes. However I believe it’d be far more difficult to support a spiral with the triangle facing that direction. It would mean the spiral part would have to be in the middle of the triangle. This means that the track facing the highest amount of forces (the incline) wouldn’t be properly supported*.
This is why the support structure is facing the opposite way on Drachen fire. The heaviest forces are pushing down into a corner, rather than an edge.
*Imagine a triangle. If you tried to “squash” it, it would be far easier to do so pushing down on one of the flat sides, rather than push down on one of the corners.
EDIT: I made a diagram:

The first triangle shows how an intamin with a straight spike is supported, and how the positive forces pushed back against the supports is braced.
The second triangle shows how these forces would be braced by a spiral spike.
The third shows what would happen if you used the shape of the footer on TTD for a spiral.
The straight/spiral section of the track would have relatively low forces, the important aspect of the support will be in the transition track from horizontal to vertical, where forces of up to 4G would push "down" on the track.