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Cedar Point | Steel Vengeance | RMC I-Box (Mean Streak Conversion)

I went to the hoedown last night, and I have to say, this ride is giving Maverick a run for its money! Its got everything that Maverick has (Speed, intensity, smoothness, twistiness), combined with the height and airtime of Magnum, and the restraints of TTD and Millenium Force! It combines some of my favorite rides and it ends up being my favorite ride in the park, and my favorite overall! The lap bar had to have been at least 1 centimeter away from my lap on this thing, so the airtime was insane!
As for my favorite element, I'd have to say either the outerbanked top hat, or the wave turn, or maybe even the airtime hill before the MCBR, as that was a really intense airtime hill!
Overall a phenomenal addition to the park! Worth the 1 hour 45 minute wait (with a break down)!
I went to the hoedown last night, and I have to say, this ride is giving Maverick a run for its money! Its got everything that Maverick has (Speed, intensity, smoothness, twistiness), combined with the height and airtime of Magnum, and the restraints of TTD and Millenium Force! It combines some of my favorite rides and it ends up being my favorite ride in the park, and my favorite overall! The lap bar had to have been at least 1 centimeter away from my lap on this thing, so the airtime was insane!
As for my favorite element, I'd have to say either the outerbanked top hat, or the wave turn, or maybe even the airtime hill before the MCBR, as that was a really intense airtime hill!
Overall a phenomenal addition to the park! Worth the 1 hour 45 minute wait (with a break down)!
So I'm going to presume that Steel Vengeance is your number 1 coaster now, even though it's still listed as Maverick?
I went to the hoedown last night, and I have to say, this ride is giving Maverick a run for its money! Its got everything that Maverick has (Speed, intensity, smoothness, twistiness), combined with the height and airtime of Magnum, and the restraints of TTD and Millenium Force! It combines some of my favorite rides and it ends up being my favorite ride in the park, and my favorite overall! The lap bar had to have been at least 1 centimeter away from my lap on this thing, so the airtime was insane!
As for my favorite element, I'd have to say either the outerbanked top hat, or the wave turn, or maybe even the airtime hill before the MCBR, as that was a really intense airtime hill!
Overall a phenomenal addition to the park! Worth the 1 hour 45 minute wait (with a break down)!

was that in the normal queue? is it smoother than maverick?
That whole section travelling underneath the support structure at night looks so ****ing cool, like you'll have no idea which way is up.
was that in the normal queue? is it smoother than maverick?
Yes, it was in the same queue, and it was just as smooth, if not smoother than Maverick. Idk if it was just the wheel seat or me setting my RMC smoothness expectations too high :p, but it seemed like the train bounced a bit from the suspension maybe. However, that's the only complaint from me and it really wasn't noticeable after the first drop.
Can someone tell me if this is normal?
Sounds nasty. Hope no one was badly hurt. I'm guessing it'll be down for a while as I'm sure RMC, Ceder Fair and possibly the local government will want to investigate.
Shame. I was heading up to meet up with Hyde and company tonight for a night ride. That bad boy is going to be closed for at minimum a week (Magnum had a similar incident a number of years ago due to rain and it was closed for at least a week from my memory). This is a brand new ride.. who knows how long it may be down.
Maybe I'm just turning into one of those over cautious moaning old farts, but part of me is a little concerned that they're reopening the ride less than 24 hours after two trains bump into one another. It's something that absolutely should not be able to happen.

Even if they're running it on 1 train, there's still a little nagging voice in my head that says 'if a train can go through a block it shouldn't be able to do easily, something ain't right'.

Obviously I know they wouldn't open the ride if it wasn't absolutely safe to do so, but y'know, that still doesn't shut that little voice up.
I think in America they're less phased by theme park accidents. Look at New Texas Giant for example, woman flung from train to her death in July, ride reopened in September. Compare that to over here where Galactica being E stopped for an hour makes the tabloid news and the Smiler accident caused the ride to be down for the majority of a season.

If this bumping incident happened in the UK I get the feeling the ride would be closed for at least a week just so the park can show they understand the gravity of the situation and avoid bad PR whereas I presume Cedar Point just fixed it as fast as they could then reopened.
The important thing is that no one was hurt and that’s it’s back up and running. But yeah holy crap. This thing kicked my butt. I can’t remember the last time a coaster made me scream and laugh so hard. If you go to ride this thing, ride it back row. I honestly can’t decide which part of the ride is my favorite lol. It’s all really good (went yesterday).