Pretty certain to be a Yes on this, All 3 RMCs I've ridden have seat belts iirc, even the non inverting Lightning Rod.And will there be seatbelts?
I know Twisted Colossus does, as due to the supersonic speed at which it must be loaded to duel, riders are instructed to only do the seatbelt, hands off the lap bar. The attendants push those when they sprint front to back to check them.Pretty certain to be a Yes on this, All 3 RMCs I've ridden have seat belts iirc, even the non inverting Lightning Rod.
3 6-car trains (didn't Mean Streak run 7-car PTCs? We might see 7-car RMC trains)
And will there be seatbelts?
Work has not stopped and won't stop.
I was drinking when I wrote that, still, it's not as silly as saying they are going to stop construction all together.we've just received word that they have advanced the ledgers immensely