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Cedar Point | "GateKeeper" | B&M Wingrider

Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

Oh, great.

Another thread that I can safely ignore for months on end whilst hundreds (if not thousands) of meaningless posts are made.
Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

rollermonkey said:
Oh, great.

Another thread that I can safely ignore for months on end whilst hundreds (if not thousands) of meaningless posts are made.

But.... There's a drawing done in Paint and everything!!!
Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

furie said:
rollermonkey said:
Oh, great.

Another thread that I can safely ignore for months on end whilst hundreds (if not thousands) of meaningless posts are made.

But.... There's a drawing done in Paint and everything!!!

Call me when someone does a drawing in GIMP :D
Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

rollermonkey said:
I'm sorry, Furie, I can't reply as I'm ignoring this thread.

NO!!! We need your input!
Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

A bit of a shame...I liked DT!
A fun lil ride that never had any wait.

But hey, out with the old in with the new.
I always wondered how long CP could go by cramming coasters in without removing anything.

Well, looks cool.
I now have a reason to go to CP in 2013 :)
Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

Someone on another site made this comment:

"Wait, you mean to tell me they are getting rid of the air conditioned ride there?!"

I lol'ed.

Also, I just LOVE how the person that made this excellent piece of professionally made layout, forgot that markers for the supposed ride are at a diagonal after SS and DT :3

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Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

Intricks said:
Someone on another site made this comment:

"Wait, you mean to tell me they are getting rid of the air conditioned ride there?!"

I lol'ed.

They're right though! That was what a friend told me upon hearing the news :lol:
Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

Ian said:
One thing Cedar Point does well imo is position their rides. MF looks gorgrous as you look across the water from the small harbour (US: harbor) in Sandusky. TTD dominates the skyline (obviously) and is virtually bang-centre of the park. Corkscrew's corkscrew element is well positioned so you can look right through it as you walk along the path (US: midway).

If the layout of this suspected coaster is true, a meaty wing coaster train flying above the main entrance would create a stunning visiual impact for guests entering the park.

Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

Hahaha. I wish I could +1 or like some of these posts. The comments from some people are hilarious.

Anyways, might as well close the thread. We now know from the official released image drawn in MS Paint exactly what its going to look like. It'll be red. Start directly into a loop then over the parking lot of park vehicles. It'll pass through both picnic areas and over the main entrance. The removal of SS will be for the queue, which will be located on the beach.

The Sandusky Register is a bunch of loonies. :lol:
Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

A lot of those transitions look RCT painful. Better break out the eraser...
Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

I seriously don't see anything wrong with Disaster Transport or Space Spiral, but I guess the removal is for the better. This wingrider sounds very interesting though.
Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

DT was admittedly doomed from the start - building a theme ride in an amusement park. It was a shorter life, but attendance has definitely been dropping for the coaster. I'll just need to be sure to get a ride in this season.

The real question, which has already been raised, is where CP will now store a lot of its Halloweekends items, which are currently worked in between/underneath DT. I know there was a new warehouse constructed back by Shoot the Rapids a couple years ago, but we'll see if they come up with new storage.

.... Good lord, this topic is getting dreary with MS paint and storage discussion. :lol:
Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

Hyde244 said:
The real question, which has already been raised, is where CP will now store a lot of its Halloweekends items, which are currently worked in between/underneath DT. I know there was a new warehouse constructed back by Shoot the Rapids a couple years ago, but we'll see if they come up with new storage.
What I don't get is why they don't simply build a warehouse out where they store Maverick's track pieces back in '06-'07. There is plenty of land there to build a nice storage facility and they could clean up the areas that are in guest view.

Either way, we are talking about CP. They will figure out something. Haha
Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

Not sure if these mean anything but:






















Area by DT, SP and the employees entrance behind the food court along with in front of the games. Nothing by the front entrance that I saw.

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Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

Yep, those look similar to Skyrushs markings inside the park.

When you have the time, see if you can make a pinpoint on them in google maps or something. Might give us an idea of where it will be sitting.

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Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

OK, here are a few more:







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Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

Where's the mud? Somebody wake me up when there's mud please? ;)
Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

I wonder if they'll paint it Molly Orange.
Re: Cedar Point to remove DT and SS for 2013 B&M Wingrider

furie said:
Where's the mud? Somebody wake me up when there's mud please? ;)
Oh there's mud. ;)

Snoo said:
I wonder if they'll paint it Molly Orange.
That would be like naming the ride after another... Oh wait, SF already does.

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