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CCR To Close Forever

Yay. More space for actual 'decent' rides...

I imagine it takes up a quite a bit of land that could be used in the future.
Gardaland is much more of a family park, so it fits in quite well with their other rides. Therefore, no, I'd guess probably not.

I understand what they're trying to do with Thorpe, but I'm not sure its that smart of a decision, imo. The amount of times I've been there and heard families with crying children complaining that they've paid a fortune to get in, and there's nothing for them to do. The trouble is, unless you're all adults or older teenagers on your own there's no point in going to Thorpe. A lot of families will have a younger child and a teenager. If they go to Thorpe, ok, the teenager will enjoy it, but the younger child will be bored and upset for the day. The other problem with this strategy is the atmosphere it creates in the park. I have to say, it actually wasn't THAT bad on Monday, but I'd say that was the exception rather than the rule. Having mainly families there makes it a more pleasant place for everything.

In my opinion, the only way they can really justify this is making it free entry for anyone under what, 1.2m?
Tbh I have no problem with Thorpe doing what they are doing, I know many won't agree with me.

Alton Towers has been turned into a family park more and more over the years.

The UK needs a park with good coasters that cater for the ages 13 up woods and this seems to be what Thorpe are going for.

Yes it sucks for families but not being funny they have more than enough parks to goto near Thorpe. This is just probably the view of an an enthusiast lol.

Thorpe tried to keep some family rides over the years but they must have seen their use get less and less.

As I said these are my views on it and I do agree with the direction they are going, but it will also bite them. There are plans for a hotel, how many people will stay there if there are no families?

They need to make sure though that they advertise Thorpe right and as people have said make it clear the height limit is 1.2 for most rides.
Sad to see CCR go.

I'm supprised it has lasted this long considdering Alton and Chessington removed their railways years ago (Admitedly before Tussauds bought Thorpe). It also has the same level crossing problems but to a lesser extent as the chessington railway.

On the plus side its removal could see a lot of land behind loggers leap opened up if they built a path along the trackbed through saw. There is a large unused space back there. Not 100% sure thorpe owns it though, I do know it was infilled when Canada Creek was built and that there is no land access other than through thorpe so I can't see why thorpe would sell that land.
Jesus, this is old news. I didn't post it when I heard because it's meh. I couldn't care less about CCR. The only thing it does is annoy me when the barriers come down as I'm walking in/out of Canada Creek.

As for the whole "there's nothing for young kids" arguments, Thorpe ha sbeen going that way for years! Personally I think it's nice to have a adult-only theme park. No burdenous pushchairs, no kids wandering around aimlessly getting in my way, being able to smoke anywhere (except queuelines), not having to worry about swearing. The south-east is well catered for families - Legoloand, Chessington (with the exception of Dragon Falls, arf arf), Adventure Island and Paultons.

It's a crappy train ride, albeit "historic, but since they removed the farm, it's served no purpose so let them utilise the space for something worthwhile.
Im kind of with Marc on this one, but they have got to stay consistent. There are still a few rides for the nippers knocking about in CC and Ranger County and they are going to become a complete waste of space and operation costs soon as TP just dont appeal to young families anymore. So for me its either out with the rest of the junior rides or grow the young family market again with a new strategy.
Check out this sad video...

remembering CCR...
Haha, yeah, I did stifle a laugh at that video.

But yeah, totally with Marc on this. And regardless of whether people agree with us or not, this strategy has been a phenomenal success. Thorpe park's expansion over the past decade has been epic.

The railway was a hindrance at this point, frankly.

It has safety issues, both with those not on board and those who decide they no longer want to be on board half way around the track
It causes crowd flow problems at multiple points on a regular basis
And lets be honest, it hasn't even had a destination for years!

But its alright. I have a compromise. Remove the ride, but leave part of it as a tribute...

And by "tribute", I mean crash the train, buckle the tracks, paint it burnt out and put it beneath Swarm as theming
spicy said:
Tim said:
And by "tribute", I mean crash the train, buckle the tracks, paint it burnt out and put it beneath Swarm as theming

Oh that would be awesome.

Do it Thorpe.
That does really sound like it could work. Can't see it happening though. Reminds me of Nemesis's bus.
Tim said:
I have a compromise. Remove the ride, but leave part of it as a tribute...

And by "tribute", I mean crash the train, buckle the tracks, paint it burnt out and put it beneath Swarm as theming

This. The Swarm could be the setting for the TP graveyard (a la Six Flags), A little tacky potentially but if the shoe fits....
Does anybody want me to film a POV of it so we can remember this "classic" ride for years to come?
Damn, it's just like Corkscrew all over again. I look at the ride and think, "meh, I'll ride it next year" and then it shuts! Why does this keep happening to me!?!
I'm all for Thorpe being an 'adults only' park, and getting rid of the CCR is another step forwards in that direction. The thing that does bother me about Thorpe is the fact that they don't make it 100% clear that if you are under, what, 1.4m, then you won't be able to go on most of the rides, which I think is just unfair. When we were there on Monday I saw a kid crying with his parents saying 'I just want to go on a rollercoaster!' He was too small for the big rides but had quite clearly out-grown the smaller rides and so ended up with a day doing hardly anything and being teased by all of the larger rides.

When I was younger, as I think Joey had mentioned in previous topics, it was always part of the thrill that maybe when I went back next year I'd finally be tall enough for the next step up. Thorpe doesn't offer that sort of thing, which is of course fine but they do need to make this absolutely clear.
To be fair they already do lay out all the height restrictions both online and at the entrance, what else do you expect them to do?

If a parent is too lazy to check, it's their fault their kid is crying no Thorpe's. You wouldn't bitch at the cinema if a parent had promised to take their child to see an 18 and they cried when they were inevitably rejected.