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Can riding a coaster more make it better or worse?


The Legend
For instance, during the USALive.. the opinions of Skyrush generally improved with the more trips we took. Meanwhile, personally, having ridden Millennium Force a few hundred times has dulled out the experience to not nearly as good as it once was.

It depends on the coaster, for sure. For example, El Toro got better every time I rode, and it never disappointed me. On the other hand, my first few times on Apollo's Chariot were much better than when I rode it 15+ times in 2 days this year.
Snoo, About Skyrush, it may have become a little faster as the day progressed, making it go faster and then more extreme/better ride.
But as you said, you can also ride something to death if you ride it enough times.

So in a way the experience peaks after a few goes and then it's only downhill there onwards.
^The Skyrush scenario was more due to the fact we learnt how to handle the restraints/pain. I think most of the group had a near death experience after our first run! :p
I don't know really, it guess it matters to the amount you ride it, when you ride it, and how close you are to the park. For example Skyrush and Boulder Dash, when we rode them they just got better throughout the night, both times were about 8 rides. But rides like El Toro are starting to get dull actually, perhaps it's the predictability, or the location, or that I haven't ridden it in a while. Then finally Kingda Ka which got dull after 5 rides for some obvious reasons.
When i rode expedition Everest the first few times I thought this coaster at a disney park was actually a world class coaster and well worthy of a 10/10. However, when I rode it a few days later again I did to see why I had previously given it a 10 as it really did not live up to what it thought of it. However, montu is my most coaster and I never got bored of riding because I found it such an addictive coaster.
^expedition everest was WAY better when the yeti still worked. It's a shell of itself now. </3

On topic it depends on the ride. It's. Fine line between getting better and just getting bored of it.

The first time you experience anything, it is new and unexpected, making for a totally different sensation, raising your adrenaline etc.

The more you experience something, it becomes less unique and more familiar.

Just like Snoo, I once rode MF 9 times in a row during a ride night. By the 9th time, the drop was having zero effect on my stomach.
bergochdalbana said:
Snoo, About Skyrush, it may have become a little faster as the day progressed, making it go faster and then more extreme/better ride.
But as you said, you can also ride something to death if you ride it enough times.

So in a way the experience peaks after a few goes and then it's only downhill there onwards.

Thats the thing.. we rode Skyrush late afternoon and then had ERT at night. And as andrus pointed out, we figured out how to ride it.. which as I've noted before.. shouldn't happen on good rides. :D
To me it is kind of similar to movies. Usually the first time you see them it's the best it is going to be, but if you love it, you will see it multiple times. Later you may notice things in the movie that have the story make more sense therefore making it more enjoyable. After that though, it doesn't get any better and can go downhill.

With coasters I think it's the same way. You can often love the first ride, and learn or enjoy new things about it in re-rides throughout a short period of time, but in the long haul, it probably won't compare to the first few rides you had on it.
Yeah like most things overdoing it will lessen it's impact, which is why I actually don't do epic chains of continuous riding or go to a park more than twice a year.

Though oddly Skyrush did seem to get more enjoyable with each ride.
The restraints did help now that they are softer but as noted I had no issues with the original.
Maybe the ride did get a bit faster, after the third time in a day I wanted to just keep riding it endlessly...while the first ever ride was just "yeah that was pretty cool"
I think valleyfair!'s comparison to movies is pretty apt. The first time you see a movie you end up liking, the experience won't generally get much better from there.. just as your first ride on a coaster is usually the most thrilling because you don't know quite what to expect. And with both movies and coasters, picking up some of the nuances with repeat experiences can make them very enjoyable. But as the coaster/movie gets more familiar and predictable, it starts to lose its glimmer.

Personal example: Toy Story is one of my favorite films. It made me feel so happy and excited as a child that I used to watch it over and over... to the point today where if you were to give me a random line somewhere in the movie, I could not only tell you who said it, but I could pick up the rest of the dialogue and play out the entire rest of the film from that point. Dead serious, I have seen Toy Story that many times. So yeah, I don't watch it much anymore because literally all of the novelty has worn off, but I guess because of nostalgia, the jokes that I now understand but didn't as a child, and the fact that it actually is a legitimately excellent film, I still enjoy it and consider it one of my favorite movies.

The same can be said of a few coasters in my count. Take Apollo's Chariot for example: my first rides on it made me feel just as excited and wonderful as my first couple viewings of Toy Story did (obviously in different ways). Over the years, I've come to ride it so many times that nothing about it surprises me anymore.. I know exactly where and how the G's are going to hit me, and that has dulled the experience noticeably. However, because of the way it made the feel on the first few rides, the fact that it's generally acknowledged as a high-ranking coaster, and the fact that I still enjoy it as much as I do despite having ridden it so many times, I still put it in my top 10. This despite the fact that other coasters have more recently thrilled me more (Talon, for instance).

TL;DR --- Re-riding a coaster definitely wears out the experience, but IMO in most cases it shouldn't deeply impact your positive perception of the ride.
valleyfair! said:
To me it is kind of similar to movies. Usually the first time you see them it's the best it is going to be, but if you love it, you will see it multiple times. Later you may notice things in the movie that have the story make more sense therefore making it more enjoyable. After that though, it doesn't get any better and can go downhill.

With coasters I think it's the same way. You can often love the first ride, and learn or enjoy new things about it in re-rides throughout a short period of time, but in the long haul, it probably won't compare to the first few rides you had on it.

However, sometimes you can get extra enjoyment from a film beyond what you initially enjoyed. There's an extra offering when you rinse and repeat.

I love Alien and Blade Runner because both films blew me away when I first watched them. On multiple watching, I enjoyed them for different reasons. I fell in love with the Blade Runner soundtrack and it became like a fantastically long music video and Alien I would watch over and over to just enjoy the technical direction and cinematography used. It's a superb film to watch and learn how great films need to be filmed to make them great (that special something that sets some films above others that isn't just story and wambam action).

So likewise, when you ride a coaster over and over, you can concentrate on different parts that you enjoyed, but didn't realise you were enjoying the first time, or second time, or 10th time. Concentrating on those spots can increase your enjoyment.

I don't actually subscribe to this myself (in terms of coasters), but I know a lot of people do. It's a personality thing :lol:

I get bored of a coaster very quickly.
Well I could ride skyrush and phoenix non-stop. Skyrush is a fantastic ride that gets better after every ride. (for me.) The phoenix at Knoebels is not a large coaster, but the massive amounts of floater airtime get you every time you ride. Every seat has a different experience. The phoenix may not be big, fast, or intence, but it is really fun. Now rides that get boring after every ride? I grow old of riding all of the coasters at Kennywood. (Maybe because I go there every year.)
It just depends on the ride. Things that have a gimmick like Oblivion and Dragster will obviously get dull after too many re-rides, but things like Skyrush ended up getting progressively better. I think another instance where riding something too much ruins it was Katun during ERT. I ended up getting sick, and as a result I just don't like the coaster, because even though I know it's quality, I had a bad experience on it.
Snoo said:
bergochdalbana said:
Snoo, About Skyrush, it may have become a little faster as the day progressed, making it go faster and then more extreme/better ride.
But as you said, you can also ride something to death if you ride it enough times.

So in a way the experience peaks after a few goes and then it's only downhill there onwards.

Thats the thing.. we rode Skyrush late afternoon and then had ERT at night. And as andrus pointed out, we figured out how to ride it.. which as I've noted before.. shouldn't happen on good rides. :D

I think I'm the only person who found the first ride of the day MINDBLOWING and then found it get progressively worse during the ERT session :p

Nemesis can still be whored to this day, and although most rides are "standard" Nemesis rides, sometimes it still pulls off something extra special. Oblivion on the other hand doesn't do that - it's the same ride experience each time, which is still fun. Stealth is still mega fun each time I ride, and TTD got better each ride I had.

Like others have said, I guess it depends on the ride and how many times you go on it.