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California's Great America | "Gold Striker" | GCI Wood

Football stadiums also produce WAY more revenue for neighborhood businesses than amusement parks. Fat Americans have to get their beer, wings, and baggy t-shirts from somewhere.

It is all about compromise. Local businesses would only check off on the roller coaster if it had the tunnel - similar to what we saw with Ghostrider's first drop cover.

I'd rather take the roller coaster with the tunnel than no roller coaster at all.
Ben said:
Ben said:
Yes because now the wooden coaster is going to be silent.

tomahawKSU said:
When a football stadium is gonna be next door, it shouldn't matter noise wise.

I repeat.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post without reading it.

For woodies, GCIs are pretty quiet.

The stadium is going on the far side of the park AND parking lot from the office buildings in question.

The park was there first, but by taking noise mitigation steps preemptively, perhaps they can avoid antagonizing the 'new' neighbors such as Yahoo, which incidentally have pretty deep pockets.
And again, the first drop is not the only noisy part of the ride.

They must be real clever to have agreed to that as a way of making the ride quiet.
I realize that typing this is basically going to make me feel like I'm typing to a brick wall, but I'm sure somebody will appreciate it. Let's take a look at Millennium Force. This vantage point:


is from Frontier Town. One can clearly hear riders screaming on the first drop from this spot in the park. Can one hear riders screaming from any other portion of the ride? Absolutely not! Not only do riders not scream anywhere else on the ride, but if they were to, their screams would be directed in a different direction. Let's also not forget the fact that there are trees, buildings, other rides, etc in the way. Let's look at another angle:


From the queue line, one can clearly see the first drop in the distance, yet one cannot hear screaming riders while queuing because their screams are directed in the opposite direction.

As already stated, the tunnel was added so rider's screams cannot be heard. It's been added to the first drop because for almost everybody, the first drop of any ride is the most terrifying part of a coaster. Nobody is going to be screaming on one of the giant fan turns and even if somebody did, their scream would be directed in a different direction. Whatever is in that direction probably has a 9:00am-5:00pm weekday schedule. As already stated, football games are on Sundays. Whatever business won't be open on a Sunday. Stadium noise for a Monday Night Football game or Thursday Night Football game will be irrelevant cause it's obviously at night.

So yeah, screaming is a factor, regardless of how noisy the ride, park, or stadium get.
After looking at Google Maps, Gold Striker is built in very close proximity to a bunch of unmarked buildings in which the first drop faces. There aren't many things between Gold Striker and the buildings for noise reduction. Flight Deck is in another corner of the park and has two theaters, many rides, and multiple buildings that act as noise reducers.
I watched the video and thought immediately "wow, that looks awesome, just like Wodan!"

Then I realised that Wodan looked awesome in the POV, but was completely mediocre.
I think this looks like a really good ride, but the drop looks rather blahhh tbh. Nice addition to the park though, that's for sure and I'm also sure the gp will love it.
I find it hard to get excited by a new GCI coaster these days. They're mostly excellent rides (Wodan and Joris en de Draak being the exceptions that I've ridden), but they're starting to be a bit formulaic and predictable.

I guess they've become the B&M of wooden coasters in a way. They provide solid, smooth, reliable, fun rides, but you kind of know what you're getting.
^ I personally agree. All the GCIs I've ridden are jumbled up at number 11 because they are essentially the same ride. The only one that looks different is prowler. I guess I'll see this summer.
Re: California's Great America | "Gold Striker" | GCI Wood

^ Exactly. It looks good in the same way that most GCIs these days look good. It will be good to ride, and no doubt will look good to spectators.


But there's nothing to make it stand out from the other good GCIs or get most of us particularly excited.