Here is the last part of this very long report, Knott’s Berry Farm! My dad and I headed off to Knott’s on the Tuesday morning, and after a 15 minute drive, we found a very empty parking lot indeed, arriving just after opening.
We had a voucher thing to get $9 off admission so we walked straight up to the stand, bought our tickets and we were in.
As it was close to the entrance, first stop was Silver Bullet.
We walked up the steps to find an empty station; they were running two trains of which one was later removed from the track. So we decided on front row and soon we were off.
The guy checking the restraints with the microphone kindly pointed out to me that I was wearing an X2 t-shirt at Knott’s, much to his amusement.
Then we were ready to go and started to climb the lift hill.
So, after the criticism it gets from some people, I thought it was a great ride. Good speed, great inversions, the overbank is awesome and it’s got a good layout. The only thing I would say is perhaps that it is a little
too smooth, resulting in a slight lack of force. But overall it was fantastic!
I also thought it was very photogenic so excuse all the photos. My dad and I both agreed it would be better on the back, so returned later for another ride.
Next up was Xcelerator which was also walk on like everything else. We walked through the queue line to find a totally empty station with 3 people on the front row, who we followed. They took rows 1 and 2 so we were on the next train.
To answer Xpress’ question, I think it was only running 1 train, the purple one, if I remember correctly, but we were soon boarding.
It was my first big Intamin with t-bars and I got quite excited as I saw the launch straight in front of me.
I thought Xcelerator was brilliant, great launch, top hat is brilliant with lap bars and the following coasting turns add so much to the ride. Top 10 coaster for me, best in the park.
As it was there, decided to go for Boomerang next. After being impressed by the one at SFDK I was expecting good things from this, as we walked into a station filled with a couple of ride ops and 2 riders on the front row.
We went for second row and it wasn’t too good to be honest. Rougher than the other one I’ve been on and wasn’t as enjoyable, made me feel a bit sick.
So after that little mishap, we went on Timber Mountain Log Ride. Walked straight on and I thought this was an awesome log flume. Lots of theming, quite a long ride, and good drop at the end.
Next up was Bigfoot Rapids, where we strolled on to our own boat. Was a good rapids ride, lots of splashes and good interaction with Pony Express, great water ride.
After we went on Pony Express as it was close, and got on the front row.
There were only 2 others on the train with us, who sat about half way back. After riding Velocity at Flamingo Land earlier in the year and thinking it was a bit uncomfortable, I wondered how the Zamperla version would ride.
It was awesome! The launch took me by surprise as there was a much higher acceleration than I thought. Despite the short layout, it was a fun ride and I especially liked the turn in the tunnel.
After 6 rides in about an hour, we went to get a coffee, and then decided on GhostRider. Ghost Town really was a ghost town.
So we walked through the queue to GhostRider’s station, which was running one train like everything else, causing a little bit of a wait compared to previous rides. We queued for the front row and within 10-15 minutes we were on.
I didn’t really know what to make of GhostRider after the first ride. It was a little bit bumpy, but the hills and turns were great and I enjoyed it, despite the roughness.
I thought it was good, but it was quite rough.
Next up we went to have dinner at the same place we had coffee, and then walked over to the corner of the park we hadn’t seen yet, with loads of rides cramped into one space.
Decided on Jaguar! first, and after finding the entrance we got on the back row.
To be honest the most exciting thing was that it was the roller coaster off the channel 4 advert thing, but the drops were faster than I anticipated. However the layout was quite dull in places.
After I wanted to go on Montezooma’s Revenge, but my dad was fed up of going backwards from all the shuttle coasters we had ridden on the trip, so I went alone.
After figuring out which stairs to go up due to the lack of people in the queue, I boarded somewhere in the middle of the long train and was excited for my first Schwarzkopf Shuttle Loop.
It was brilliant, great launch, forceful loop and I really liked the drops back down on each side. Didn’t expect much from it but I loved it, fantastic ride.
Next up was Sierra Sidewinder, which I also rode on my own due to my dad not liking spinning coasters. I walked up to the station and ended up riding with this girl who was way too enthusiastic about the ride.
Anyway I was on the front row in the station and we set off. I’d really enjoyed Euro Mir when I rode it a couple of years ago, so I was hoping this would be as good.
I thought it was great, really good spinning coaster. It had a great layout and the turn near to the ground has some great force. Really enjoyed it. I'm on the train in this picture but I'm facing backwards.
After went onto Timberline Twister on my own where I had to queue for like 10 minutes, urgh. All I can say is the cars were weird, and it’s probably the most unsafe I’ve ever felt on a ride.
With all the coasters done it was time for re-rides, so first up was Silver Bullet.
This time we headed to the back row, and although they had taken a train off it was still empty.
I thought it was even better on the back row, bit more forceful and just as fun as before.
Next up was back row on Xcelerator. There is a big difference between the front and the back row on the top hat. On the back row, as I’ve experienced on Stealth, you are really slowly dragged over the top, really weird experience I think. It was great again though.
After my dad noticed Perilous Plunge running which had been closed earlier. So for once, my dad proposed to go on it, as I wasn’t that bothered, so we joined the queue of about 40 people.
However, they took ages to send the boat. It must have been 10 minutes between dispatches. My dad and I were put on a boat that had been filled as there were 2 empty seats so we sat down. Then we had to get out and swap round, so after a while we were finally off up the lift hill.
It was my first Intamin Mega Splash ride so I didn’t really know what to expect.
After we sped around the corner, we took the massive dive down into the water. The drop was insane, we were thrown over the top and I knew it was steep, but it feels much steeper than it looks. Brilliant ride.
As it wasn’t too far away I fancied another ride on Pony Express, and this time we opted for the back row, after a little bit of a queue.
Was really fun again, good little ride.
It was now about 4 o’clock and my dad was ready to go back to the others, so we had one last ride on GhostRider.
This time we chose the back row after a bit of a queue.
To be honest I still couldn’t make my mind up. The drop was nuts on the back row, it flung you over the top into the crazy rattling turn. It was bumpier on the back but even more forceful and the hills were so fun. I came off with a bit of a headache which wasn’t too good, but it is an insane ride.
I wanted to get an Xcelerator t-shirt so we went out of the park to look in the shop just outside the entrance. They only had one, so we got an ice cream and went back in to look for some others. There were none in my size in the Xcelerator shop, but then we found some others in another shop, where I bought one.
We left the park at about 5 o’clock after a great day at Knott’s.
Ride count:
Silver Bullet x2 (Front/Back)
Xcelerator x2 (Front/Back)
Timber Mountain Log Ride
Bigfoot Rapids
Pony Express x2 (Front/Back)
GhostRider x2 (Front/Back)
Jaguar! (Back)
Montezooma's Revenge
Sierra Sidewinder (Front)
Timberline Twister
Perilous Plunge
On the Wednesday we were going to go back to SFMM but I didn’t feel too good, so we walked around Downtown Disney a bit and went in the pool at the hotel.
The Thursday morning was occupied with a trip to a mall which was alright, before setting off for LAX airport at around midday to fly back home.
Overall it was a fantastic holiday. California is amazing, the parks and rides were great, Hollywood was really nice, and it was cool to see California in general. I hope I can get back soon to ride the other coasters at SFMM, along with new ones for next year, as well as seeing more of the state.
That concludes my longest ever trip report, I hope you all enjoyed reading it!