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This trip's gonna be chaos, I just hope to god Hyperia is actually open as it has maintenance on during the week apparently and I'm probably one of the only people going to the live that hasn't yet been on it 😅 I assume the plan is to beeline to Hyperia anyway?

Also I have decided to go to Chessington on the Saturday the day before. I've never actually been and now seems like as good a time as any so if anyone else is up for it feel free to meet me there!
Same here, I've not been on it yet either. I'm at Thorpe that Saturday so hopefully there is a good chance it will be open at some point. 🤞 If it's not then I'll try not to act too disappointed 😅
Hey everyone, I'm a new enthusiast, such a coaster baby that I've never even been to Thorpe Park... just discovered CoasterForce and I really hope to be able to come to this meetup!

Gotta be honest, I'm slightly nervous about Hyperia - it has so many elements I've never experienced before. I feel really excited to ride it, but I know from experience that there are going to be a whole load of other feelings when seeing that massive lift hill in person... eek!
Hey everyone, I'm a new enthusiast, such a coaster baby that I've never even been to Thorpe Park... just discovered CoasterForce and I really hope to be able to come to this meetup!

Gotta be honest, I'm slightly nervous about Hyperia - it has so many elements I've never experienced before. I feel really excited to ride it, but I know from experience that there are going to be a whole load of other feelings when seeing that massive lift hill in person... eek!
Hello! Welcome to CoasterForce :) always great to see new enthusiasts joining the Forums and thinking about coming to meet ups!

Hyperias lift hill is tall but it's also pretty quick, and your nerves will disappear as soon as you hit that awesome first drop :)