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Best coaster for airtime in the UK?

Matt N

CF Legend
Hi guys. I know many of us have a favourite coaster in the UK overall and there are many threads relating to that, but I was just watching a vlog from Oakwood, and that made me think; what about our favourite coaster in terms of airtime in the UK? Airtime is an element of coasters that many enthusiasts crave (including myself), and I don't know whether you'd agree with me, but I'd personally say that there isn't a huge amount of airtime in the UK, so I thought it might be interesting to see what our favourite coasters for airtime in the UK are out of the current selection.

My personal favourite coaster for airtime in the UK would probably be either Megafobia at Oakwood or Icon at Blackpool Pleasure Beach; both of those rides had some great moments of airtime! However, I'd say that my favourite moment of airtime is probably Speed's first big hill; that hill was genuinely awesome with some great sustained airtime! A highlight of an underrated coaster!

But what are your favourite coasters for airtime in the UK?
I must have had a duff ride on Megafobia because I had barely any air-time at all on it, just pain and boredom.

Haven't yet ridden Icon but I'd imagine it'd probably be that tbh.
Stealth top hat in the very front isn't bad. Also the horseshoe on Dragon's Fury if you're looking straight down.

Yeah, that's kinda it.
Saw has some decent pops of airtime (and it ain't rough either).

Haven't done Icon yet, but I'd imagine that's in with a fair shout too.
Rita probably, but it's a sad state of affairs when we have a Maurer spinner and a Eurofighter in the running for the most airtime :emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing:
God this thread has highlighted how depressing coasters in this country are haha.

I'd have to say Speed. That first airtime hill is pretty brutal, and there are a few pops on the drop and after the MCBR from what I remember from my rides on it.
It is sad, would really love a coaster to show the GP what there missing and get some good coasters with airtime in the UK.

Outer than the coasters already mentioned:
Velocity: some hills at the start and the end have some floater if i recall
Cobra: the hills at the end do some little pops......egh that's about it
I find it difficult to enjoy any airtime on coasters with shoulder restraints. So Speed, Saw, Stealth etc don't count for me.

Back row on Megafobia with a loose lap bar is the best we have, closely followed by Icons tophat (but only after 3.47pm, back row, adequate wind speed/direction, minimum 25 celcius temperature :rolleyes:).
Icon has some surprising airtime, the top hat has some decent ejector, the 2 hills going into the 2nd launch have good ejector, the immelnam has nice floater, the large airtime hill has good ejector, the twisted hill has good ejector and the outward bank has good floater.
Seeing a lot of Gerstlauer pop up here in this thread... not a good sign if that's your best airtime in the country.

From what I've done, I actually think Stealth has the best moments. Big ol' top hats are always great fun and the speed hill combined with the quick deceleration (essentially throwing you up and forward) is actually a cool moment. Didn't have a problem with the OTSRs.
I think I must be the only person who feels absolutely no airtime on Stealth. The launch is great, but after that, all I feel is positives going into the tophat, and then violent shaking.
It's there, front few rows going into the top hat and into the brakes, and back few rows down the drop. It's weird airtime, but it is something.
It's there, front few rows going into the top hat and into the brakes, and back few rows down the drop. It's weird airtime, but it is something.
To me, the fact we have to specify seats to feel anything, means it can't be the best airtime, surely? ;) This thread makes me want to emigrate.