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'Bansky v. Bristol' v. Hixee


Staff member
Social Media Team
Went to go and see Banksy v. Bristol on Wednesday.

For those of you who don’t know who Banksy is then:


The exhibition is only being held at Bristol Museum until the middle of next week. It’s been open for the last few months. Entrance was free of charge, however the museum massively underestimated how many people would come, with up to 4000 people visiting a day, and over 300,000 people having visited in total so far.

The exhibition really was great. I tried not to look deeply into anything and I really enjoyed the artwork. I’m not normally one for art, but Banksy is a local guy and I’d heard rave reviews so we figured we’d go. The queue was about 2-3 hours, but the weather was fine, so we just had a nice long chat! We figured that this exhibition is never going to be set up again, so we probably should go and see it.

I’m not going to say much else I don’t think, but here are some pictures that I took to show some of you that won’t get to the exhibition what it was like. Some of the images seem larger than others, but they shouldn't take too long to load.

The main foyer:

Another shot:

The other side of the ice-cream van was a fantastic animatronic of a riot officer on a rocking horse. It moved so well and realistically:

Also scattered around the foyer were a selection of Banksy’s sculptures:



When we got into the actually exhibition room this was the first painting:

The rest of the room was filled with artwork:





You then move through into another main hall which has a load of animatronics. For example, there was a large CCTV camera in a tree overlooking a nest of smaller, home-use security cameras. All of which moved. The best scene so far was of Tweety-Pie:

Then, scattered around the rest of the museum were a collection of other pieces. Some of them were hard to spot, but others were quite obvious:



Finally, heading towards the exit you see Banksy’s take on stone-henge:

And a quote:

The exhibition was really good. I’m glad I went; at least I can say I’ve been now. I think it’s a bit more special because of the local nature of his artwork. I’m not planning on going to any more exhibitions though, as I can’t stand the pretentious bastards that clog an art gallery. So overall I would recommend it to anyone, however you’ve only got a few days left now, and the queues are getting phenomenal.


Strata Poster
I have hear many great things about the exhibition, and now after looking at your pics, I know it must be awesome.

The queues have topped 4-5 hours, which is twice as long as I have ever queued for a ride xD

I'm not a fan of Banksy. Yes, he is 'an artist', whoever, the way he goes about creating his 'art' by graffiti etc I do not like. After all, it is damaging property and is a criminal offence...but he gets away with it...

Nice pictures anyway :)