Thank-you for taking your time to discuss my questions and answer them to the best of your ability, it means something to me that you took the time to do so.
This is what I feel, in response:-
East Coast(er) General said:
I'm sorry if you felt left out, but I tried to speak & hang out with any & everyone that showed any desire what so ever to do likewise with me.
I didn't feel left out, I wasn't expecting to be included and was proved to be right. I said hi outside Heide and was civil, after that, there was no effort on your part that was anymore than passing small-talk (not even small-talk really), if anything you seemed to steer clear. Before the Live and during it, you remained one of the people I wanted to talk to - yet you always distanced yourself from where I was other than in rare occasions where I tried to get a word in and was unsuccessful.
East Coast(er) General said:
And I knew quite a bit about you as you were quite outspoken at most times during the Live.
Yes, you heard my opinionated persona speaking out on certain subjects. So you know where I stand on instances and certain viewpoints, that doesn't mean you know about
me, just what I think of the world
East Coast(er) General said:
We did speak for more than two sentances & I even tried to go out of my way a few times to start conversations by mentioning the Michael Schumacher booth I saw at the Hamburg fair, etc.
This fair is somewhat of a case in point - the very notion that there was no general invite or tip-off about its existence. I know a lot of people were upset they missed out and didn't go, myself included.
East Coast(er) General said:
I was also glad that Aidan took such a liking to you & I tried to encourage that by letting him have as much alone time with you without 'daddy's interference' as possible. He also spent many hours telling me all about the times you & him had together, so yeah I feel I did know a good bit about you tbh.
Yes, Aidan was a bundle of laughs to be around for extended periods, and I'm sure you would have been as well (like father like son, etc). But whilst he made the effort and made a friend out of it - there was no similar course of action from your good self.
I don't doubt that he discussed our time together, as I've said it was hilarious. Even if I accidentally flicked a ladybird in his eye. :lol:
In all fairness it just seems like a lot of missed opportunities on both of our counts - but to speak as if you know me inside out really does take the piss as far as I'm concerned.
And that's where I've taken offence. I hope you realise where we stand now.
Ohhhhhhhhh, having just finished that I have to go through this... :roll:
UC said:
Neal, give it a rest. The bottom line here is you took a shot at the guy when it honestly wasn't entirely necessary to prove your point, and it isn't like that's unheard of for you to do around here.
I've already pointed out here to Smithy that it wasn't intended as a personal remark, but that I cannot think of a single other person who contributes to the POVs of CF. If you knew me, which it's quite clear you don't - you'd realise that the context in which I said "does Jerry have a life?" was as a connector to the point of lots and lots of annoying updates. But any offence caused unintentionally (but still caused), I apologise for.
UC said:
I'm aware it's "hip" or "witty" or whatever for you to mock people for no other reason than the hell of it and throw winking/smiling emoticons all over your posts to ensure everyone sees you as the "cool" guy...but at least save it for where there's real arguments to be had?
I don't know about you, but since when were using emoticons for any other reason than adding emotions to bodies of text? Nice to know that you think adding them makes you hip or witty, hopefully you'll start understanding my posts in the correct context from now on after discovering how they are used.
UC said:
hile there are some people on here whose lives outside the boards I question, Jerry certainly isn't one of them, and he's definitely well above and beyond those who pester and poke on the site for the sole purpose of sport.
So you argue that I shouldn't comment on Jerry because I don't know him? That's fine. But then you claim to know my reasoning? I don't "pester and poke for sport" as you say, that would be silly and illogical. So before you take the grounds of ignorance for your argument, don't do so yourself it makes you look a simpleton.
UC said:
And as far as you changing goes, I've never met you and I can see what people mean. You used to be more interactive around here...nowadays, it just seems to be all about what arguments you can get in to or where you can post to take a completely off-topic shot at someone. I used to enjoy your posts because they were humorous - now it's pretty much just you acting like a dick to get a rise out of people.
I'm afraid that's through no fault of my own. Unfortunately I've been more and more inclined (nay, forced) to stop the humourous/witty objectional posts due to them being shot down by team members. The impression I have got from at least 4 team members is that such posts are no longer wanted on the site - so I have done as told and stopped doing them. It's unfortunate, but that's how it is. Take it up with them perhaps?
And as discussed previously, I'm not doing it for kicks. My style (which everyone apparently liked) was no longer "allowed" on CF, so it had to stop.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response sir