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Aspen [Under Construction]

It looks great, I like the colours, and the terrain interaction seems very good.

However, have you checked the clearance on that support where the first drop starts to go straight? It looks like the supports are going to smash off the wheel covers on the first run.
Thank you for the comments.

Poke; I did fix that right after I posted.

I added more supports, and they look nice. I should be finished with the supports by the end of the week. Here's a screenshot:

The landscape does look a little bit childish, but then again, I suppose you could see one of the huge parks investing in a big terrain coaster with some crazy landscaping.

Looking good, I like the drop towards the water. Oh, and the kinda Stengel Dive element looks great too.
^It does, but I guess that's what you get when you make the terrain to the track and not the other way around.

I'm around half way done supporting the ride. I'm going to get a lot of them done tonight, since I don't have to study anything. Here is a screenshot of what's current, but I'll be changing some supports on the jr. immelmann:

Its a really nice coaster and everything but for next time, try to make your life hill less inclined. Its very steep it should be about 20 degrees rise. Not 45. Otherwise bloody brilliant.
Xpress, Tatsu is huge thats why the lift is so steep and generally looking around Flyers have steeper lifts. However on the other had your right 20 degrees is too low. Aim about the 30 degree region.
I can see an inverted coaster having a 45* lift at one point in time.

I finished supporting and now I'm working on foliage. This ride is really starting to turn into what I wanted it to. Here's a screenshot:

I really likes it. Plenty of thrills and foot-choppers moments with the ground, foliage and supports. Very smooth as well.

Well done :)
Overall, not a bad coaster.

I do have a few criticisms though. I did feel like it didn't flow all that well. There were jerks in the track, and this probably didn't help the flow of the coaster. I don't know why, it just seemed to be a bit... random?

The layout was good, and the elements were fairly well made and the forces were in check.

I've not marked down for this, but you might want to tunnel test it, some of the supports and trees felt too close.

So, a good attempt at an invert. I know they're hard to do well and you certainly had a very good stab at it. I wasn't sure whether to give you a 6 or a 7, so I went on the fact that you'd gone for an invert. If I'm not mistaken this is one of your first coasters, so well done.

This was a very good one. Awesome terrain interaction, great terrain all in all, awesome layout, but a little snappy in places.

9/10. All in all, awesome.
What a great coaster! The layout was absolutely brilliant in my opinion and there was great interaction with the terrain which provided plenty of footchopper moments. I felt the track was a bit bumpy but I tried to ignore it as much as I could because the rest of the ride was brilliant. The elements were great and I loved the interlocking loops. If you could improve the smoothness you could make some fantastic rides with interaction like that. Well done, 8/10.
Well thanks for all the replies. You guys give good tips that will help me on my future rides. Thank you once again.
Nice layout, very thrilling
Supports looked pretty good
Nice elements selection

Lots of pumps throughout
Banking jerks
Some areas were iffy with the flow

I see it as a 7/10 coaster. Your only problems were creating a flowing layout, and smoothi9ng out those pumps. Oh, and tunnel testing might help out a bit ;)

A trick to help get rid of pumps, even with Ctrl and G, is to adjust the control handles. If the track gets smaller, then adjust the handle comming up. If it gets bigger, then adjust the previous handle. Then use Ctrl and G. It might take a couple of times before it turns out good and smooth, but it's worth it. Also, with the banking jerks, those are pretty easy to smooth out: use another segment in there. If you have even segment lengths, then banking jerks will be minimal.
Bit jerky.. especially with the wingovers. Biggest problem I found was with the pacing.. fast, then slow, then fast.. usually you dont find that, even in the elements.

Overall.. not bad.

Once again, thanks for the comments and tips.

I did notice the pumps in the cobra roll after a while, and I also noticed the pacing. I made some things a bit too high and it slowed the train down too much. Oh well, there's always next time.