The video is pretentious crap: "Facebook's so awful, so I'll make a YouTube video about it and stand in front of a bustling cityscape to heighten my point of how alienating social media is."
It is what you make it. You don't have to go down the road of "I've got 2,000 friends therefore I'm popular", like the dick in the video suggests.
Personally, apart from some people from CF, I don't add people I've never met. Obviously, they're not all close friends, but they're all people I have some kind of personal connection with. If I don't know someone, then I don't accept them as friends on Facebook. Similarly, I don't add people I didn't get on with at school, and I'll tell them that if they try.
For me, Facebook is an easy way to keep in touch with people. Without sounding like a dick, I've got friends all over the world from when I was living and working abroad. Most of those people have, like me, left and gone elsewhere now. Facebook is perfect for staying in touch.
Yeah, you can e-mail, but what's the point in making work for yourself when you can get all your friends in one place?
When I was in the States and Canada a couple of years ago, I met up with a lot more old friends than I expected to simply due to the fact that I was "advertising" my whereabouts on Facebook. I was going to Toronto specifically to see one very close friend, and ended up catching up with three others who I didn't know were there. These were people I consider friends (used to hang out around the same bars in Seoul most weekends, went to the same parties), but wouldn't necessarily make the "effort" of regular e-mails to see where they were or what they were doing.
The same thing happened in New York (was staying with one close friend and ended up meeting up with 4 others over the course of the week) and San Diego (5 people who I was pretty close to at one point), and I even ended up going for a random night out in St Louis with people I hadn't seen in a few years when they saw on Facebook that I was passing through.
All down to Facebook. What's anti-social about that?