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Another Crappy Publicity Stunt From Thorpe

Yep, it's my opinion that Thorpe have crossed the line here, but I understand that my opinion is completely irrelevant. It doesn't mean that I shouldn't be able to state my opinion though. If everyone went around not giving their opinions then the world would be a much quieter, more peaceful place and we wouldn't want that now would we?

Note, it's a crossed line here too. If Thorpe want to say they're going going to ban BO and then don't uphold it, it's not really an issue. It's just another "rule" they don't enforce.

The Thirteen thing is actually fine. They had a real doctor give a real opinion and if they were selling a £1 insurance against psychological damage, then they would have had to have backed it up if you suffered from psychological damage due to the ride. Selling insurance is a pretty common thing and as long as it was all done in the correct manner and legally then it's fine. Morally it's outrageous, but as I've said, I don't care about morals, just telling the truth :)

Oblivion was mentioned too. Yep, it's not vertical, but in general terms we consider "upright" to be vertical. Technically it isn't, but I've been accused of being vertical before when I clearly was 10 pints beyond it ;) It's a generally more flexible term, but if somebody wants to say Alton are wrong for claiming it's vertical, then I wouldn't argue against them.

And it's true, I'm often vocal about the claims by Blackpool and have questioned the park directly about them. Again, it doesn't mean anything and is a raindrop in the ocean, but everyone needs a hobby ;)

I still think it's a brilliant bit of marketing (I've always said so) and I'd much prefer something as clever as this (in terms of hearsay, psychology, rumour, etc) than the more stupid stunts they've pulled. I'm just kind of shocked that they can get away with making "official" outright lies. It really doesn't matter, it just smacks of really not caring somewhere along the line - but it's perfect for Thorpe and their target audience and they were clearly called out as going for publicity, the problem there is will that be transmitted to the other news outlets?

I'm also with Martyn B to a degree. They state that the ride was redesigned, which suggests that it was cocked up, which is running a dangerous line towards slandering whoever designed the ride (I'm assuming Stengel?). Again, it probably doesn't matter in the slightest and is taking things to the extreme, but it's a valid point to make that there could potentially be some fallout (however unlikely).
It's more in a professional manner than anything else. Thorpe have essentially said to the national press that the ride was badly built. B&M know it isn't true, but do they want Thorpe insinuating that? They probably really don't care, but I'd have thought that one thing you didn't do was suggest to the press that a company who has worked for you is anything less than professional?

Only I don't really have any conviction in that argument at all. I think that it's really nothing more than a tiny section of a throwaway bit of PR that nobody in the industry will ever read or care about.
Surely it's all to do with an overall THEME of things. SO many rides are themed to some kind of malfunction on the ride's part to inflict terror. It's been done a billion times, manufacturers know this. Get over it.
As much as I love Thorpe Park, im getting sick of hearing about them and they're stupid ways of getting the publics attention. (BTW im not moaning about this topic, im moaning about Thorpe.)
I am glad I am not the only person who thought this was a publicity stunt, it did exactly what Thorpe wanted it to do, it has got people talking about the new ride at Thorpe Park.

I found that people who have no interest at all about coasters where I work, were talking about it, so the PR stunt has worked for Thorpe even if enthusiasts are wondering why they have done it.
Going to be honest, I haven't heard a single "real" person mention it. At work we talk about what's in the papers every single break and lunch time. Even the kids are fairly up to date with the news, and you'd think that this is something they would jump on. Not a sniff.

Yeah, you can argue that this area isn't a target market for Thorpe, but those stories ran in national newspapers, so that argument doesn't hold.

Of course it will get talked about on here; it's a coaster forum AND it's Thorpe Park. From what I've seen though, it's done jack **** in terms of actual, non-coaster geek publicity.
^ Have to agree with that. I normally get people come upto me at work when they read something theme park related in the press, but nothing for this.
Whether many people read it or not, suggesting that Thorpe Park's rides are dangerous will not attract customers.
TP Rich said:
Whether many people read it or not, suggesting that Thorpe Park's rides are dangerous will not attract customers.

Because of course you know this to be a fact?
Yes, it is common sense. If I knew nothing about publicity stunts and read this in The Sun, one of Britain's most major newpapers, I'd think twice about riding THE SWARM.
TP Rich said:
Yes, it is common sense. If I knew nothing about publicity stunts and read this in The Sun, one of Britain's most major newpapers, I'd think twice about riding THE SWARM.

But you'd still ride it to prove your machismo... As will the majority of people in Thorpe's demographic.

Sally: "No way you're going to go on dat nu ride a Forpe Billy. It's well bad and rips off people's limbs and stuff!"
Bill: "I'm bare gagging to go on it. It'll be well wicked blad! I'm ded 'ard see and no rides gettin' the better of Billy. I'm gunna grab on and swing if it tries to rip me arm off cos I'm well bad innit!"

Or something like that anyway :P
furie said:
TP Rich said:
Yes, it is common sense. If I knew nothing about publicity stunts and read this in The Sun, one of Britain's most major newpapers, I'd think twice about riding THE SWARM.

But you'd still ride it to prove your machismo... As will the majority of people in Thorpe's demographic.

Sally: "No way you're going to go on dat nu ride a Forpe Billy. It's well bad and rips off people's limbs and stuff!"
Bill: "I'm bare gagging to go on it. It'll be well wicked blad! I'm ded 'ard see and no rides gettin' the better of Billy. I'm gunna grab on and swing if it tries to rip me arm off cos I'm well bad innit!"

Or something like that anyway :P
Nah. I don't think it works this way at all. The fact that they bother to theme at Thorpe, to a pretty high level, is evidence that Thorpe's demographic isn't as retarded as we think.

I think it runs more along the lines of "it wouldn't be open if it wasn't safe" that I keep harping on about.

I showed my dad the article via e-mail and got "This is obviously for publicity..." implying he thought I thought otherwise. Dad pays as little attention to parks as possible, he'd has no idea of Thorpe's history of marketing. Granted he's probably a bit more in tune with the world than most people are, but still.

Tony (mothers boyfriend), however, raced to inform me at dinner that Thorpe had to close a ride for being unsafe. And then mum stared at me with the "explain?" face.
So which of them is the most likely to go to a Theme Park to see a death machine so they can tell their friends?
And which one is most likely to tell their friends about it work and the pub, making the entire thing sound much more deliciously agonising than it really is?

And there-fore which one is likely to spread the word to other imbeciles to be attracted to see the death machine in action? ;)
Wouldn't the fact that they said that it was a death-machine, but now isn't because they fixed some stuff, imply that they just pushed the limits too much and had to tone it back a bit, so now its still crazy yet safe?

Or am I just reading into it deeper than the average person? :P
I told my sister about this, and she know says she wouldn't ride it.

Anecdotal evidence has more holes in it that an Italian cruise ship.