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Amanda Thompson to be Chairman of IAAPA


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Blooloop said:
The board of directors of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) has elected Amanda Thompson OBE to the board. She will serve as second vice chair in 2018 before going on to become first vice chair in 2019. She will then lead IAAPA as chairman of the board in 2020.

Thompson says she hopes to serve as a role model for women in the attractions industry.

Thompson will be the first woman from Europe to chair the global trade association. She will become just the third woman in IAAPA’s 100-year history to lead the organization.

“I hope to serve as a role model for the increasing number of young women leaders in the attractions industry,” she says.

“Amanda’s first-hand knowledge of leading a successful family owned business and her diverse industry experience make her the perfect person for this role,” says Mario Mamon, Chairman of the IAAPA Governance Committee. “She is a third-generation attractions industry leader and a long-time IAAPA volunteer. All of this, coupled with her passion for the industry make her the right leader at the right time for IAAPA.”

Thompson is currently managing director (CEO) of the UK’s Blackpool Pleasure Beach. The attraction was established by her great grandfather, WG Bean, in 1896, and has been in the family ever since. Blooloop spoke to her about the attraction and her career there.

In 1982, Thompson founded Stageworks Worldwide Productions, an entertainment company that produces shows globally. She is currently producer/director of Hot Ice Show. Previous productions include Eclipse, Mystique and Forbidden.

Thompson has been a dedicated member of IAAPA for decades. She served two terms on the IAAPA Board of Directors and currently chairs the IAAPA Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) Regional Advisory Committee. In addition, she has been part of IAAPA’s executive finance, membership, and entertainment committees.

Thompson received her OBE (Order of the British Empire) for services to tourism in 2012. She is a patron of Blackpool’s Grand Theatre, the National Theatre of Variety, and the Blackpool Civic Trust.

She explains that, thanks to her grandfather, Blackpool Pleasure Beach became the first IAAPA member outside the United States. This happened when he joined the association in 1935. Her father, Geoffrey Thompson, was chairman of the IAAPA board in 1996.

“Today, I’m excited for this opportunity to give back to this industry I love,” says Thompson. “I want to ensure that IAAPA is the global association of our industry and that we support and serve our members in all regions. Our industry employs more than 2 million globally, so it is a key industry, and a great industry to work in.”

Source: https://blooloop.com/news/iaapa-amanda-thompson-chairman-2020/


Staff member
Social Media Team
She's blatantly going to create a new "Best Fountain" Brass Ring award, partly in the hope of winning, but mostly to bring more fountains to parks all across the world.


Hyper Poster
At the Big Dippers 90th, it was Prosecco and fairy cakes not Champers if you don't mind.
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Strata Poster
I mean, she goes on to say about what an influence it will hopefully be for women in the industry so surely the opening paragraph should read that she will be a chairwoman?

Anyway, fully deserved.

Mysterious Sue

Strata Poster
I mean, she goes on to say about what an influence it will hopefully be for women in the industry so surely the opening paragraph should read that she will be a chairwoman?
Sorry to drag this off-topic but this always irks me. If the whole point of feminism is that everyone is equal, why do women need a different name? 'Chairman' is the established term. We don't need to change it, just make sure everyone has an equal chance at getting it. Rant over

Nice one Amanda.


Roller Poster
Sorry to drag this off-topic but this always irks me. If the whole point of feminism is that everyone is equal, why do women need a different name? 'Chairman' is the established term. We don't need to change it, just make sure everyone has an equal chance at getting it. Rant over

Nice one Amanda.

Yeah...that's not how it works. Yes, equal opportunity is a major proponent of feminism, but the use of the term "chairman" highlights the patriarchal society that we currently live in and the past. It's getting better, but not anywhere near where it should be. Just because a term has been used for a long time doesn't mean it's right. Why does a woman have to be ok with being called a chairman? Would a man be ok with being called a chairwoman?

I will say that male gender terms have been so indoctrinated in our society that a more gender neutral or gender specific term can seem out of place, but that should never discourage society to create a better place for all. In this case, if Amanda wants to be called a chairwoman, what's so difficult about doing that? What sort of prejudices are people bringing to the table that makes calling someone a "Chairwoman" a difficult or annoying endeavor?

Mysterious Sue

Strata Poster
Fine, change it to chairperson then if you must. It's using two different terms, chairwoman and chairman, that is the problem, encouraging you to look at the difference and to compare - it widens the divide. Just use one term for everyone. Chairperson gets rid of gender altogether so is technically much better but personally I don't care using the same language we've always used. The name faff just distracts from the real problem of accessibility to the role. That's what we should be focusing on.


Strata Poster
Sorry to drag this off-topic but this always irks me. If the whole point of feminism is that everyone is equal, why do women need a different name? 'Chairman' is the established term. We don't need to change it, just make sure everyone has an equal chance at getting it. Rant over

Nice one Amanda.

I was literally annoyed by it only because of it being factually incorrect.


Hyper Poster
What's wrong with chair?
My old works changed to it about twenty years ago.
Nice to see that you don't need a penis to get to the top.
Ice skates and fountains all round.


Roller Poster
Mrs Thompson says she wants to give back to the industry she loves. An industry which. Employs 2 million people worldwide and a great industry to work in. Well maybe Mrs Thompson could set an industry example by paying her staff the nation living wage. And reducing the amount off people she is employing on minimum wage zero ho
ur contracts. Then hopefully the industry as a whole would follow
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Mega Poster
Mrs Thompson says she wants to give back to the industry she loves. An industry which. Employs 2 million people worldwide and a great industry to work in. Well maybe Mrs Thompson could set an industry example by paying her staff the nation living wage. And reducing the amount off people she is employing on minimum wage zero hour contracts.

The park is not really making money as it is, they cannot afford to raise wages unless they are in some sort of alternative financial universe.

Why all the zero hours contract bashing as well? I LOVE my zero hours contract, I'd hate it if they were banned. If you don't want a zero hours contract, don't apply for one!


Roller Poster
I'm not on one. And neither would. I like to be. Ps not making money my arse. 16.75 million coaster under construction incase u haven't noticed.


Roller Poster
The point. I was making was it is well known that the amusement park industry. Is the lowest paying industry to work in. So although Mrs Thompson says it a great industry to work in. It's also very easy to say that when your a millionaire park owner. But I would guess there are hundreds of thousand off theme park employee's worldwide who disagree. And our struggling to keep their head above water. Now I know they can change jobs or whatever. But that's not my point. My point is if Mrs Thompson as she say's wants to give something back. She should start by encouraging other companies with the industry who are not all losing money I'm sure or there would be no industry. To pay their employees a fair wage. Starting with her own..


Mega Poster
You only have to look at Blackpool Pleasure Beach Holding's accounts to know that the park isn't making too much money. Some years they make a loss. Zero hours contracts work for some people (like me), but if you don't want one, don't apply for one.

Without BPB the employment situation in Blackpool would be much worse, not only due to the park's own employees but also the thousands that are employed in the local area because of the custom that the park brings into the town.

Of course it would be lovely to give everyone a pay rise, but we don't live in a fantasy land unfortunately.


CF Legend
They're the public accounts and if you think that they don't have a great accountant that manages to offset a lot of outgoing so it appears as a 'loss', you're very mistaken.


Roller Poster
They're the public accounts and if you think that they don't have a great accountant that manages to offset a lot of outgoing so it appears as a 'loss', you're very mistaken.
Again and try listening this time I'm talking about the industry as a whole. Not just about what I'm guessing by your over the top defence is your local fairground. All I'm saying is if an example was set maybe the industry would follow and be better off for it.
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