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Alton towers: ride order.

herbinator said:
I'm might be going to Alton towers soon and I've heard it is very big and Might only be going for 1 or 2 days and would like to know the best order to ride the rides either to fit them all in or to get the biggest thrill from the day. thanks

I like to go to the forbidden valley first and then like furie said go anticlockwise but instead of going to ug land i usually go to x-sector and then do the other areas in any order but Definitley go to the forbidden valley again at the end its epic.
herbinator said:
I'm might be going to Alton towers soon and I've heard it is very big and Might only be going for 1 or 2 days and would like to know the best order to ride the rides either to fit them all in or to get the biggest thrill from the day. thanks

Also if you still have time go to X-sector aswell thts also very good at the end of the day.
herbinator said:
I'm might be going to Alton towers soon and I've heard it is very big and Might only be going for 1 or 2 days and would like to know the best order to ride the rides either to fit them all in or to get the biggest thrill from the day. thanks

oh yeah if you never been before the best rides (well my favourites) are