Lots of takes here I definitely don't agree with lol.
I think Europa Park, Efteling and Universal all have top tier rides. Maybe for hard-core coaster enthusiasts used to Cedar Park they lack that high intensity thrill, but I would argue that they all have great top tier rides for their contexts (coasters or dark rides).
It seems to come down to what people value in a ride. If you want mega forceful thrills, you're not going to get that on a ride at Efteling. But that by no means makes their rides filler. In terms of theme, story, detail and atmosphere, many Efteling rides are of the absolute highest caliber. To me, a killer stand-out, headline ride doesn't have to be blow-your-socks off intense. I would say Joris and Baron are easily 2 killer standout attractions.
But I've said it once, so I'll say it again:
Efteling is for theme park enthusiasts, not rollercoaster enthusiasts.
Also, Silver Star and Wodan are awesome killer headline attractions in my opinion. I would love to have either one of them in any UK park.
For me, an all-filler park has got to be Chessington. On paper, they have a nice selection of dark rides, coasters, flat rides...but they're all really underwhelming, even for family-friendly rides.
Also, Plohn. A nice selection of rides, but when it comes to headliners El Toro and Dynamite are totally average.
I've saved the most controversial opinion til last...Dollywood. Lightning Rod should be the headliner here, but it was running like a slug when I went, and I can only go off that disappointing experience.
With the big RMC not delivering the thrills, you quickly realise how the other rides at Dollywood are all kinda "meh." (Note: the drop tower wasn't open, I'm pretty sure that would have been my favourite ride in the park if it was) But yeah, nothing stood out for me in that park. Mystery Mine was so disappointing

and I barely remember any of the other rides.
Also, I'm intregued...what ride would people say is the headline attraction at Alton Towers nowadays? To me, it's Oblivion. And I presume others would say Nemesis...? Kinda interesting if they've still not managed to best their old B+Ms...