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Adrenaline rushes!


Mega Poster
You know, that "tickly butterflies in your stomach" feeling you get during big drops or quick launches. Ever wonder where it comes from? Here's what happens:

As you approach the intimidating first drop on a roller coaster, your instinctual brain is making a crude calculation: you are heading towards a catastrophic freefall - and there is no way out. It is the classic Darwinian Dilemma, curiosity vs. fear: we are drawn in by what scares us. The moment gravity takes over, the fight is on. The battleground lies at the root of your instinctual lower brain in the limbic system, where your crude survival responses prime you to run like hell, or fight to the death. Within a split second, the amygdala, your brain's primitive panic button, triggers a surge of adrenaline into the body: the rush, pumping blood and oxygen to your muscles.
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BwMEVlabk8

Anyway, what roller coaster has given you the greatest adrenaline rush ever? Typically it would come from your first huge coaster ride. If so, which coaster was it, and during which part (the first hill or launch usually)? And which roller coasters still give you adrenaline?

I've gotten my most intense rush down the first hill of Magnum XL-200 (my first coaster ever), then numerous other bouts over its successive run of bunny hops. Because it was my first roller coaster, the adrenaline actually made it to be an overly intense experience, but it wasn't long before I grew to LOVE the feeling! Second place goes to Goliath (SFMM)'s first hill.

Coasters that still induce this feeling:

- TTD's launch
- First hill on Millennium Force (back row)
- Being whipped over Maverick's first hill
- First hill on Apollo's Chariot (back row)

Well I got the biggest adrenaline rush on my first boomerang. When you are going up backwards and leaning over the edge a little not knowing when your gonna drop.... Especially when your only like 60 pounds :|
There is no contest that the intense rush from ttd was the best I've ever felt but my first ever ride on oblivion so many years ago was almost equally as impressive.
Staring down Kingda Ka's launch straight, front row seats, looking at the brake fins lowering.
NOTHING will ever beat that adrenaline rush coaster-wise for me. :)
Millennium gave me the ultimate adrenaline rush the first time I rode it...It felt like I was slipping out of my seat! It still gets me to this day. Maverick gets me pretty good too..
- First time on Dragon Khan. It was my first inverting ride and I had no intention to ride but I was sort of dragged along the queue by my friends...
- First time on Rita. It was my first launched coaster and I was not expecting that feeling, at all.
- First time on Flight of the Phoneix at Terra Mítica. First drop tower.
- Expedition Ge Force. The drop really scared the crap out of me. It literally felt like jumping of a cliff while twisting to the right.
- Stunt Fall back row. The combo of high speed lift hill leaning on your restraints and then the sudden drop really took me by surprise... Very intense!
I remember getting off of Stealth for the first time and literally jumping around grinning like a moron going omgomgomg! I didn't think any coaster would ever give me the feeling like that again, but Skyrush managed to this summer! So much speed <3
Mike said:
Staring down Kingda Ka's launch straight, front row seats, looking at the brake fins lowering.
NOTHING will ever beat that adrenaline rush coaster-wise for me. :)
This right here. :p Only thing that makes it worse, it being the second train in the queue. Then you see the first one shoot off just in front of you. Epic.
Rita's launch when I hadn't been on any Intamin launch rides was crazy,
Dragster's launch the first time was terrifying.
Going down Eejanaika's drop head first.
First time I went on Apocalypse at Drayton Manor.