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Acceptable to pressure a reluctant rider?


Giga Poster
You see it all the time at parks, often in line in front of you.

Friends debating:
“Come on! You’ll love it!” “No.” “Don’t be a wuss!” “No, no, no. No way.” “It’s not even scary.” “It looks terrifying.” “You’re almost on it now, and once it’s over you’ll love it.” “No. I’m getting out of line now.” “Aw, come oooon!” Etc.

What’s your usual take? Is it OK for friends to pressure friends to ride rides they’re reluctant to ride?

A. Never. People should always be allowed to ride what they want when they want. Pressure is never helpful. Everyone has their own pace.

B. It’s only natural. People who won’t ride are ruining the day for others.

C. It’s OK if it’s more like coaching rather than arguing or undue pressure. Some people need help in being persuaded.

D. Hell, yes. There’s nothing to be afraid of, and if a friend is putting serious pressure on another friend to stop being wimpy and ride, they’re only doing their friend a favor in the end.

E. Other.
In my experience, if a friend doesn't want to ride something, I don't care. I guess if I thought the friend would genuinely like the attraction, I would maybe explain the layout (for hidden coasters like Eurosat Can Can or rides that are partially concealed etc), but if they still aren't happy about riding it at all, I don't see the point in pressuring anyone.

I suppose there's a huge difference between somebody who is nervous and not particularly sure about a certain ride, and somebody who straight up hates rides/coasters. The latter is a lost cause ;) I have friends from university that think rides are unsafe and all that bollocks, but others that are just scared of loops/tall rides, those are the friends that I try to persuade.
Varies person to person. If I have a friend who has anxiety and has a lot of trouble riding certain rides, I will ask but not pressure. There is no need to put that type of stress on an individual who will genuinely find it uncomfortable.
Yeah, personally I’m a combination between A and C. If the person doesn’t seem to want to do it, I’ll never pressure. At most I might try to explain as best I can, so they can make their own decision. But if the person seems to want to ride but is afraid — so they’re fighting themselves, really — then I can slip into coach mode, encouraging them and trying to give advice, etc.

I think that’s basically the same as your answer.
@Snoo has it.

Encouragement should not stray too far. If someone isn't ready, let them enjoy their day.

When I was younger and more timid with rides, it was often the 'alone time' with the bags that gave me the motivation to ride stuff. Maybe I side with that stance because it's what I always wanted people to do with me, but I reckon it works well.

Don't be a dick, people.
D, dont be a little bitch if your at an amusement park one time my freind lets call him him 'eugene the little bitch" because wouldn't go on nitro with me so i called him a little bitch and me and my other freind you may know as eltoro fanboy or as i know him "justin" pressured him and he tried to talk his way out in line multiple times and we wouldn't let him leave...He literally called B&M clamshells and these are his exact words "Ball Crushers"
I only go to parks I'm very familiar with if I'm with people who won't do stuff. My friend was here a few weeks ago and wanted to go to Disneyland, but won't ride coasters. Not a problem; been loads.

People faffing in the queue line or stations over it need to f**k right off though. I swear half those arseholes just do it for the attention.
I half agree because I think that you should let little kids work their way up but in my opinion by the time your 13 you don’t get a pass for being a little bitch... You are older and should be treated as such your not little you don’t believe that monsters are in your closet at night. I was 8 when I worked up the courage and that’s about the age you should be to do your first roller coaster. It’s fine if your not that early I know late bloomers for their first ride at like age 11-13 but if you don’t go on one by 13 you have my permission to pressure a rider into braving it out.
C:For me I ride one coaster again and again, each time lets my friend ride a big coaster omly by talking. If not I'll ride the same coaster again and again untill my friend pull down his restraint.

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I'll try my best to be supportive if someone is a little bit hesitant, but I don't really see the point on pressuring if they're absolutely sure they don't want to. More than once I've seen kids come out from drop tower rides etc. crying, it just makes me feel bad for them.
I'll try my best to be supportive if someone is a little bit hesitant, but I don't really see the point on pressuring if they're absolutely sure they don't want to. More than once I've seen kids come out from drop tower rides etc. crying, it just makes me feel bad for them.
Yes, I’ve seen situations with parents pressuring little children — or forcing them — that were tantamount to abuse.
If you spend your whole day pushing then I guess that's pointless and annoying for both parties. But elements of B do come into play when you're at a park with friends. It's only natural to want your mates to enjoy the rides with you, and it's hardly like you're pushing them into doing heroin. I remember going on a family holiday and we all persuaded my parents (who loathe coasters) to ride Baco. We laugh about it now.
I’ve seen multiple parents yelling at children for not wanting to ride, most of which were at Disney World. The most notable one was on Mystery Mine, where a redneck dad was trying to make his crying son ride. He was yelling about how they’d come all this way and waited in line for this (less than 5 minute wait fyi). The Dollywood operator wouldn’t dispatch with the kid so terrified and let him get off, to the dismay of the dad.

I think the best thing an enthusiast can do is ensure a scared rider that coasters are safe and fun. A bit of coercion or reassurance is perfectly fine. However, peer pressuring them will be bad for both you and the scared rider. More than anything, it needs to be their decision. The easiest way to ruin a day is to put a timid rider on an intense ride like Lightning Rod and have them be petrified. Some people don’t like coasters, and that’s fine!
I think forcing anyone to ride any ride is wrong- if my friends don't wanna ride i usually just go on if its a short queue while they scoff some Donuts.
I think encouraging is okay but if someone is adamant on not riding, then they won't ride, period.

If they do seem interested in maybe giving that ride a go then encourage all you like! Just make sure they make the decision.
This is where I get to put my high ropes and climbing director hat on; very similar since climbing and ziplines are high-adrenaline activities that push people out of their comfort zone. Overall, the biggest piece of advice is to speak from trust and don't lie. If you push someone to ride something you say is 50 ft. tall and it's actually 150 ft., you are going to have difficulty garnering their trust on the next ride you try to talk them on to.

Broadly though, the chief things you are trying to get this person to do is:
  1. Have the facts and make a comfortable decision - this can be anything from the safety of coasters to the height/speed of the ride. Be straight with your delivery, and offer reference to other landmarks and rides as needed.
  2. Listen, and be calm in your delivery - yelling for someone to get on a ride is just going to make them dig in. If they start talking and sharing their concern, you stop talking and listen.
  3. Above all, help them stay out of their own head - as we all know, the biggest barrier to riding roller coasters is yourself. You can psych yourself out, and overhype the drops, speed, etc. Once you get a yes that they will ride, do not over celebrate it. Just jump on the ride before they change their mind, without over explaining.
  4. If it helps, offer to describe the ride as you ride - my wife is not a fan of roller coasters, but will ride if I describe the ride as it is happening. Simple tactic, might help, and equivalent of yelling "hill", "left turn", "corkscrew". Holding hands optional. :p
  5. Once you get off, debrief - this helps the person process through the ride, and recognize it was far better than they feared. Empowers them to jump on the next one.

So, overall, I fall in the "B" category, but there's a lot of easy ways to encourage folks to get on.
We went to Universal Orlando last year for a week- I went on all the rides multiple times, my mum and dad hardly did anything other than the Dr Seus monorail. Next time we go they are coming on everything with me, I don't care what they say
This is where I get to put my high ropes and climbing director hat on; very similar since climbing and ziplines are high-adrenaline activities that push people out of their comfort zone. Overall, the biggest piece of advice is to speak from trust and don't lie. If you push someone to ride something you say is 50 ft. tall and it's actually 150 ft., you are going to have difficulty garnering their trust on the next ride you try to talk them on to.

Broadly though, the chief things you are trying to get this person to do is:
  1. Have the facts and make a comfortable decision - this can be anything from the safety of coasters to the height/speed of the ride. Be straight with your delivery, and offer reference to other landmarks and rides as needed.
  2. Listen, and be calm in your delivery - yelling for someone to get on a ride is just going to make them dig in. If they start talking and sharing their concern, you stop talking and listen.
  3. Above all, help them stay out of their own head - as we all know, the biggest barrier to riding roller coasters is yourself. You can psych yourself out, and overhype the drops, speed, etc. Once you get a yes that they will ride, do not over celebrate it. Just jump on the ride before they change their mind, without over explaining.
  4. If it helps, offer to describe the ride as you ride - my wife is not a fan of roller coasters, but will ride if I describe the ride as it is happening. Simple tactic, might help, and equivalent of yelling "hill", "left turn", "corkscrew". Holding hands optional. :p
  5. Once you get off, debrief - this helps the person process through the ride, and recognize it was far better than they feared. Empowers them to jump on the next one.

So, overall, I fall in the "B" category, but there's a lot of easy ways to encourage folks to get on.
Great response, but all of that doesn’t sound like you’re in the B category, as you claim at the end.