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A question on backyard coasters


Captain Basic
So, are they official creds? They won't be listed on RCDB or Coaster-Count, and they are only obtained by personally asking the owner/builder. I'm guessing yes, but I wanted to make sure/see what you guys think.
Blue Flash and Blue Too are definitely credits. I'd like to get them at some point but I hear Mr. Ivers isn't letting people anymore, plus I'm over his 200 pound weight limit. But if I rode them I'd most definitely count them...not to mention feel safer than I would on other creds!

However, it's a rare case. Those PVC/2x4 contraptions people build aren't creds until they get a mechanical propulsion system in my eyes.
If you apply the idea of "gaining credits" to the types of cars you've driven, I'd say a credit for a car that a mechanic made in his garage for fun in his spare time is just as valid as a car made on an assembly line. As long as it meets the basic definition of what a roller coaster is, you're good to go.